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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. X, Monkey, just because some officers aren't crap doesn't mean that the system shouldn't be changed to help limit shitcurity.
  2. Still suffers from another big issue with bay spess law: Stupid charges that mean an officer can brig you over almost anything. Such as 105 (should just be "To be intentionally and publicly unclothed.") 106 107 109 ect....
  3. Would also be very useful with away missions.
  4. Great, now shitcurity can be 100% sure you never escape the permabrig.
  5. Isn't that broken due to crappy saycode?
  6. Surprised they didn't already give some protection. Do need to try the stomach gib one time though.
  7. Maybe, but shitcurity is one of the worst and extremely common, just make it brig physician only and that should be fine.
  8. All of these sound great, good bit of utility but nothing really powerful.
  9. While the times may need a close look at, stopping insane sentence times and stupid laws would be great. This change would also make it far easier to spot shitcurity.
  10. But at the same time, if someone does a really really terrible job of trying to drag me into that dark maint room, I sure as hell ain't going to just kneel over and let them kill me. Good antags know how to get people where they want without just going "COME WITH MEEEE."
  11. Heh, you can change it on Goon, works pretty well. Smart AIs could do awesome things like "xenos onboard, evac to the gateway."
  12. There are a huge number of unused materials in the code, wouldn't mind seeing a proper clothing fab like here added: http://www.mediafire.com/download/5mroz ... +4.3.3.RAR
  13. Its weird, HRP servers go full "But realsim!" with complaints against no antag knowledge...but then you easily refute them with the above...and it shifts to "the game is more balanced that way!", an even sillier argument.
  14. Yeah, bay med is pretty broken in a few areas, Fox seems to have a few things planned though.
  15. A Quote from Flatoftheblade: "I see this specifically with "powergaming" enforcement. I can tell you that in real life, first responders constantly have the concept of officer safety drilled into their heads, they train based on worst case scenarios, and they are constantly told not to let their guard down even if everything seems fine and "routine." Many "heavy roleplaying" admins seem to be under the impression that everyone should act like a stupid slasher movie character who has suicidally bad judgement, splits up from their allies, lets their guard down, doesn't equip themselves properly, etc."
  16. Oh yeah, talking to gib. Those shottie shells sound pretty interesting.
  17. Can we stop using "realsim" arguments and go off gameplay and balance? I shouldn't have to state why they are flawed.
  18. False, can't wait for it, thanks for all the work.
  19. Ohhh sorry, yeah thats fine, having ten jackboots in the shoe machine would be bad, thought the autodrobe had its one removed. Wouldn't mind the autodrobe jackboots having no sound as it can be somewhat annoying. Fine with the pysch suit going if it was causing issues. By the way, thanks for all the new clothes, can't wait to test them out.
  20. That sounds like a pretty good system, and we atleast need a port of the temp gun.
  21. I still don't like batons being instant stun, they are the BEST melee weapons in the game.
  22. Could you have thermite in it and use it to burn a wall down?
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