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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Yeah, I think its location offsets it being "cheap." Anyway, doesn't have to be as powerful as the real thing.
  2. Sad there are no more jackboots and flashy suit though. Really wish there was a good system of making different sprites available to other servers, currently you just have to keep an eye on PRs.
  3. Seems like something overcomplicated that does what already happens.
  4. Really wish the money system was made less crap, pins that weren't ten numbers long and being able to set them in char setup.
  5. As Para is a medium RP server, this is a gameplay issue not lore/fluff one. It greatly improves antags as they have to really FIGHT to win, they don't just get babied around, and as others have said, it creates far more tension and drama. And you know what? I come here to play a game, not a chatroom with colour.
  6. Yeah, I don't quite get the point of letting research be even more shut in and isolated from the rest of the station.
  7. One of the issues why ninja code sucks is that it has its dirty grip on so many areas of the code. Think of it like cancer. It would take an insane amount of work to properly remove it.
  8. Aye, greyscale, but I'm not sure if it looks that good.
  9. Nothing like watching a syndie run by the singo and hoping he gets EMPed.
  10. Really, what would you prefer, condom heads that do jack shit and just get steamrolled or a little bit of "meta" (I think it would be pretty damned obvious of what type of ship it is!) so the crew stands half a chance?
  11. Fj45

    Bruise packs

    Wait they don't help with damage? Shouldn't they atleast do a little bit?
  12. I could see Vox raiders being quite fun if the Vox had the basic objective to just strip as much of the station as they can, I would imagine it would mostly start with the solars.
  13. Sushi train anyone? Really like the idea but it would need a good number of sprites.
  14. Yeah, thought as much. It just is not secure enough at all, 99% of the old cores security was its mutually beneficial location.
  15. Pointing already has a delay and making it longer would make it somewhat useless. Its great for showing what pipes to remove or what machines to move around, stuff like that wouldn't work with more of a delay.
  16. Yeah, I am trying to add more content map wise for pods, like my podbays, but it will take a while and I need to finish up the rest of the podbays and get the stations hull a little more interesting.
  17. Exactly, and sometimes you need tape quickly, greytide moves fast.
  18. Oh yeah, I remember hearing about this and I think TG has it. Don't see the point of it though.
  19. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2963&hilit viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2144&hilit Pods with some work could be really awesome but their code is a mess so it may take a while.
  20. What else is plastic used for? Wouldn't mind cargo getting some and the autolathe system expanded.
  21. Hrmm, maybe it doesn't work with the changes bay made to cooking.
  22. I would love to give the gateway proper worlds but away missions are something I will never touch.
  23. Security had far too much carrying capacity before but the nerf went too far, utility items are now useless and inventory management may as well be Tetris. Removing the webbing vest was a good idea (it was broken as all hell) but the sec belt really needs two or three slots back.
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