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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. It does, turn someone who was killed by a lethal injection into a meat pie and see what that pie does to people. I once murdered a dozen or so crew members that way. Thats bloody amazing.
  2. Hello! Great to have you back. If there is anything you need mapped, just tell me.
  3. Yes, that area was mapped very poorly and I plan on making that and viro less awful soon. There really isn't any reason to have that hole apart from incompetence.
  4. Sorry mate but the Christmas stuff won't be around for too long, maybe another week.
  5. Honestly, I prefer having it that way. In every sci-fi movie that I've seen that involved a firefight in the bridge, the one console that the heroes needed ends up with a brand new hole in it. That would already happen, the bridge computer would almost always get damaged in fire fights. But currently, its impossible for any side to shoot eachother.
  6. I will say, the facehuger changes are amazing and massively improve xeno, no more spam and no more "nobody left but us engies."
  7. I don't quite see the point of them, robo already has a huge amount of content and these just kinda seem like mostly useless borgs.
  8. Oh sorry, greytide shouldn't be able to just 1v1 xenos, but they sure as hell shouldn't be able to take down ERT alone. Hardsuit plus E-gun sound like a good base to balance them on?
  9. Alright, great, miners will be happy.
  10. Exactly, Paradise stopped fully being part of bay many months ago and at best just nabs a few things from their codebase. (Such as pAI, but even that needed a good bit of work) The mining system also got a minor rework when the drills were added, so anything could have been changed then.
  11. Maybe just a waiter/tress that doesn't have access to the back rooms. It would help fix some of the high pop issues.
  12. No, just blind people for a few seconds, so they are utterly useless.
  13. Aliens should have to work together to survive, it should be extremely hard to just solo everyone. Think of a dynamic like nukeops, each member of the team has a place. The biggest thing that shows how unbalanced xenos are is a vid where about three xenos were able to take down two DS and ERT members with no causalities. Neurotoxin is a big part of that, if it was removed completely I would love to see how that would change xeno rounds.
  14. Are they fully coded? They may be a sprite and nothing more. Also, you will need to use the map merge if you want your changes added, its under tools and VERY easy to use.
  15. Darien Wyatt-Knight says, "We require sec to research desk our desk got attacked by Nat Adams" What the hell?! Who the hell does that?! Thats...you take a kinda buggy message and use THAT as justification to get someone ARRESTED?! EDIT: Idiotcurity tries to remove "riot gear" from a sec borg. This just gets better and better.
  16. Yep, that was godamn shitcurity. What the hell, an engie does something interesting, fun and USEFUL and they just arrest you?!
  17. Exactly, and that's far more fun for the crew then screwing around with xenos that keep poping out of doors while you try to bust a hole into their nest. Having no doors means you have to use some basic thinking and strategy when making a nest.
  18. The telebaton is pretty much useless for legit uses (throwing an idiot out) but great for condom heads. The flash just needs to go back to what it was, great for greytide but easy to counter by anyone who knows what they are doing.
  19. Meh, resin doors made walls far too powerful.
  20. Doesn't even have to be just a better HUD, maybe it could sound an alarm when you fall into crit or something.
  21. Oh yes, can't disagree with that.
  22. Oh yes, but its still pretty bad.
  23. Problems with this: Bridge takes up a huge amount of room. Computers block bullets and lasers, firefights in the bridge are some of the best possible, this would destroy them. Still has the utterly useless consoles. I really have no idea why more consoles then what the original had are needed for. For the medical/sec records, you either have access to them with your HUD glasses, can just head over to your department or don't need to access them. Would someone please explain why the heads would ever need access to the shuttles? Hard to access things like air alarms and APCs quickly. Moving around is pretty awkward (lots of people+chicane=horribleness) Most of these also apply for the current bridge.
  24. Eh, far easier to just ditch the useless gateway and give its features to telesci. I have some plans for that area anyway. Nice bit of mapping though.
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