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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. One of the problems with xenos is they move so damned fast you can barely hit them, combine with lag, barricades and destroyed stuff for extra fun. They can dodge your lasers, you can't dodge their insta stun neurotoxin. It also seems like they can just spam neurotoxin all day, maybe it should just slow slightly or not work at all on hardsuits/biosuits.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PASS_device Few of these around the place could be pretty fun. Better internals status indicator and some kind of location alarm maybe?
  3. Go into your char settings and disable every antag you can. That should help.
  4. Been planning a similar thing, ditch the gateway and give most of its function to telesci, and have a proper debris field/space content for people to explore. Very far into the future maaaybe have proper adventure levels/away missions. Nothing else though, I don't think randomized content is possible due to lag and the extreme difficulty of coding a system that isn't buggy as hell. New gasses are impossible and any custom gas stuff would be a bitch to map and code+laggy.
  5. As I said before, my basic plan for the embassys is to tear them out and replace them with other things.
  6. There are plenty of small shrubs and bushes, but yes, not many types of trees.
  7. Revert it back to the old bridge design and go off there. All the consoles look terrible and useless. I also feel that the move of the AI to the sat really needs some discussion, it feels like it would be FAR too easy for antags to destroy or sabotage the AI. Low risk, extremely high reward. Transit tubes are also terrible.
  8. Wouldn't mind xenos getting a nerf to what they can strip, currently they can do it pretty quickly and do shit like steal radios. Maybe just helmet and bodypiece should be strip-able and it should take a bit longer.
  9. Apart from the bar and library, I plan to change all of those. And the clown planet isn't a Z-level, its an away mission. That will happen over my dead body.
  10. EDIT, shit, screwed something up....
  11. See, we get that good mix by balancing things and making them fun by well, making them balanced and fun. We don't add stuff just because "the lore said so!" If you want that, go to bay or any of the other HRP servers.
  12. Meh, better to have a chilly station and a working waste loop then a useless atmos. Anyway, the air alarms heat the air well.
  13. Softsuits shouldn't slow you down much but should provide no armour and very easily break when damaged.
  14. Gameplay and balance trump fluff, don't use lore as a base for suggestions.
  15. 5: Ahah, nope, don't have room on the map for that. 6: All races being karma is uneeded, man up and deal with the idiots, not like they are TRYING to hurt anyone, and really, this isn't bay.
  16. Working out the wires is half the fun of engies, maybe they should get a few?
  17. Thats what I said, in line with either the duel saber or E-sword.
  18. I have no prroblem with nerfing it into line with the duel saber, but 24 damage is far too low.
  19. Oh yeah, forgot about xenos having crazy EVA powers, both points still stand though.
  20. You want that style of play? Fine then, there are PLENTY of other servers that have that exact style of play. Just don't try to force your's onto Para's.
  21. A big issue currently: Xenos can end up going into space....and this breaks everything. If a xeno is running around the outside of the station and slips off....they can spend the rest of the round just staring at colourful blackness. If everyone is super robust and kills most of the xenos...one can just jump into space, drawing the round out forever. It makes escaping to T-coms/engie sat/whatever impossible as you will more then likely just have a xeno turn up and wreck everything. Xenos in space is just very, very broken. Would it somehow be possible for xenos (and only xenos) to get teleported to another part of the station Z-level when they try to leave or something? Also, with the weed changes Fox ported over, they don't seem to decay and are VERY hard to destroy, even with a welding tool. They shouldn't take more then two hits to remove. Incendiary crates are also useless, flamethrowers need some major changes (buts that for another topic) and the incendiary nades don't seem to work at all. I need to do more testing...but they don't seem to cause flames..yet still cover the ENTIRE room in something flammable. It would be really good if there were two types: Normal, would just make a 4x4 or 5x5 area of flames for a few seconds. Room clearer (kinda what we currently have but less buggy) effectively turns an entire room into an inferno.
  22. I may end up making the entire thing far smaller....bay isn't always very strong in map design.
  23. I can totally relate to that. You gear up and prepare your workplace, creating a plan what you want to do this shift and it's all crushed in an blink of an eye. As a replacement you just unwillingly entered some deathmatch. I play rarely antag and usually need to be in the mood for it, that's why my default antag gamesettings only inculde the few ones i really enjoy playing. Beeing forced into Antag is a bummer, beeing forced into antag without any RP or Teamwork (or however you want to call it) usually ends me up in the cryo sleeper. How about making this revolution convert message somewhat less strict, so it allows for more leeway. Maybe i am forced to believe the Revolution is right and am not allowed to act against it, but not just "YOU HAVE TO KILL ALL HEADS NOW!". So i could just go about my work and maybe help a rev out here and there, but not have to go on a killing spree if i don't want to. The same way others do not like to be forced into RP, i don't like to be forced into deathmatch. Uh, nobody ever forces you to just go LOL EVERYONE DIES, infact thats often a very bad idea,"sleeper" revs are extremely useful. If a rev head tells you to stab someone, you stab them though. Don't ruin other peoples rounds just because you hate the roundtype.
  24. Thats just RP rev forced with shitty gameplay mechanics.
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