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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Does it really matter? May as well have as many names as possible.
  2. Sorry, purged and replaced with less crap stuff. (but thats the hard part) Fully agree about lore simply being lore.
  3. Bit of atmos advice: NOBODY EVER needs a canister of plasma. NOTHING EVER good comes out of giving people cans of plasma. DO NOT EVER make canisters of plasma! DO NOT EVER COOL PLASMA. DO NOT EVER KEEP ATMOS SETUP TO MAKE CANISTERS OF PLASMA. DO NOT EVER LET ANYONE ATTEMPT TO USE PLASMA TO EXECUTE PEOPLE. NOT A SINGLE PERSON IN THE HISTORY OF SPACE TRAVEL HAS EVER NEEDED A CANISTER OF PLASMA FOR GOOD. If you are CRAZY and make canisters of plasma, ensure that atmos is properly setup to handle the ensuring plasma fire! If you do not know how to this, LEARN before giving out canisters of plasma! If the bluesec is threatening to beat your skull in unless you give them some gas either: A: Get robust B: Give them a can of CO2! NOT COOLED, NOT HOT AND AS ALL LITTLE GAS YOU CAN GET IN THERE WHILE STILL HAVING THE GREEN LIGHT. In fact, NEVER make cans of anything that won't stay inside atmos! A can of firefighting mix in atmos is a good idea. A can of firefighting mix in emergency storage is how everyone has their lungs frozen! A can of anesthetic for medbay will ALWAYS be opened! Any can you give to science will always end with them fucking something up! They fuck EVERYTHING up! ALWAYS! When people do fuckup and kill everyone with extreme stupidity, LAUGH AT THEM OVER THE RADIO. TAUNT THEIR GHOSTS. DESECRATE THEIR BODIES.
  4. One issue I have with xenos: They metagame to hell often by doing things like destroying APCs and consoles. I've had a single xeno tear into cargo, destroy the cargo console and then just run out again. Or in the middle of combat they destroy an APC. Please just ditch xenos being able destroy consoles and APCs.
  5. Honestly, I would just love to see the bay lore purged from the wiki. Its poorly written, overly complex, special snowflake-y and doesn't match the server.
  6. Yeah, wouldn't mind airlocks to be a good bit faster. Massive pain waiting with any large ones.
  7. No need for the table into escape, if possible the shuttle shouldn't be touching the windows, emergency storage is now maybe a little large and I would recommend you change the layout of xenobio a little more. Otherwise, nice job.
  8. Honestly, they would just be a useless job, and we already have a huge number of non-critical jobs that can cause issues on low pop rounds. Plus mapping wise the embassys are a nightmare and massive waste of space.
  9. Wouldn't it work well to have the vending machines already setup in cargo (as lets face it, NOBODY is building one) so cargo techs can either have people request clothing and grab it for them or just drag it out and let people take what they want?
  10. Oh god don't tell me that bug is back again.
  11. Thanks for that Mark, I very much look forward to some good xeno modes!
  12. RNG isn't exactly what I would call "fair" and really, big weapons like fireaxes/E-swords are pretty balanced already.
  13. A while ago I fixed it and got the best of both worlds: Do and don't. It was funny yet still useful. Problem was, juust after I finished that.....the big rollback came along....
  14. I might have a think about getting xenoflora in where the RnD lab used to be, might need to move emergency storage somehow...
  15. Note: for the love of all atmos techs, remove the damned xeno spawn in the airmix and plasma tanks! I should also add: Currently xeno ending is pretty broken, calling the shuttle effectively does not exist past a certain point, ERT units will get picked off (and the pool of ghosts will drop so no extra squads) deathsquad is admin only and really the only way to get any kind of "end" is for everyone left to either die (and that takes forever) or for anyone left to rush the ERT shuttle and get to Centcom. I think both then need an admin to end the round.
  16. Hope you folks enjoy a face full of HORRIFIC atmos sabotage!
  17. Remove the AI/borg. Its silly, doesn't make any damned sense, they are very buggy and its just another thing to balance. No reason to have them. The multitile sprites for xenos also makes using ballistic weapons difficult, the game was just not really made to handle them. Xenos should have to wait a few seconds to place nests and whatnot, its pretty silly to see them suddenly place one down while running around a table. Weeds should decay better without a nest as currently they are very hard to clear. Xenos can also EVA very well and place weeds on the outside of the station easily, while slightly nerfed by the sec pod, it is still very easy to abuse and it means with even a fully armed lynch mob of pain, you just cannot keep the xenos down. They are really just too mobile with vent crawling+EVA. Flamethrowers and incendiary grenades are currently useless and a great way to kill yourself. With the incendiary weapons crate, you might want to have two types of grenades: room clearer that works like the current one but is less shit and a more controlled basic nade. Just a few issues I have with xeno, feel free to ignore me though.
  18. I don't quite see the point of coding and spriting all this. It massively buffs antags as they can just find and follow whoever they need to kill. The cyro room would be a mapping nightmare and a utter clusterfuck on higher pop rounds.
  19. I would also swear that intercoms used to have a higher range.
  20. This would be a very helpful change and greatly buff any combat that isn't just "aim for the head."
  21. Grab the two huge scrubbers from gas storage and shove them in there. Ask the atmos techs nicely for an extra scrubber or nick one from outside engineering or emergency storage. Just wait for the scrubbers to work and eat most of the hot air.
  22. Pssst, it would be amazing if you did some things for Christmas, we need a small tree, some nicer presents and some assorted wall decorations+lights.
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