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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Space pods really need new features, I am working on upgrading and expanding (and maybe adding a few more) the podbays. Older post but still very relevant. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2144&hilit=Pods
  2. See, the problem there is, it doesn't matter how much claws can be used for "good" there are still idiots that abuse them and kill people. They are VERY much OP in that case. If people are slipping tarjanrjanrjanrjnajrnajnrjan to clip their claws, then that will fade after a while. Look at the abuse of dinona, thats just GONE now.
  3. Shouldn't all the old medals be readded? Can't see any reason not to have them.
  4. Yeah, that seems pretty weird that he can access engineering.
  5. I would like to thank Markva and Kei_shen for being robust basteds, and flashangs for giving us enough time to nuke the blob.
  6. Fj45

    Mail overhaul

    Yes, transport of items between departments has always been an issue. One idea I have going around in my head is an interconnected series of basic teleporters that are centrally controlled by telesci, although their job would mostly be keeping them calibrated, charged and shutting them down when engineering starts teleporting rigged fuel tanks. To work it? Shove what you want to send on the telepad, find another telepad in another department and zip it over there. Antag options are obvious enough, I guess to balance it it would need to work off the telescrystals, (Fox has said he wants to port the TG telesci system or something) use a good bit of power and maybe have a few restrictions and wait limit between teles. Plus, as its a cargo tele, nothing living could be sent on it. Corse, you can always disable safeguards.... Three main sprites would be needed: The telepad, the control console and a two tile base so it looks like one unit. The syndie telecrystal consoles could work well with a few tweaks. It would be easier to code/sprite and a little more user friendly. It would also allow for better shenanigans by antags.
  7. RAM drone? Awesome. Wouldn't mind seeing a building drone that spawns on the engie sat. (it has a little drone machine)
  8. Should need to be attached with wire or else it just throws the bomb in a random direction.
  9. I also have great RP with the AI. *Buck continues to swear over the radio*
  10. And yes Kei, that is something I want to address, there should be SOME discussion of these things. That is a pretty subjective opinion. People said the exact same thing when we changed from the to the 'old' energy weapon icons months ago. Can you seriously say that the flashlight sprite doesn't have something wrong with it? It isn't just if the sprite look nicer or not, there is something *broken* about the sprite!
  11. Alright, I can agree with 2 and 3, but please, atleast fix the flashlight sprite, there is something seriously wrong with it. And I highly disagree with 1, if that's the reason you are changing so many sprites lately, I feel that is very poor reasoning. Items do have names and all of them are still very clear of what they are, I really do not see how they could cause issues. Sometimes sprites are simply better and we should not use them simply because other servers are.
  12. Yeah, intercoms are a little pointless without any range.
  13. Uh, thats kind of the point of my post, that most of these sprites AREN'T better.
  14. Even the flashlight? Can't you talk this over a little more?
  15. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that. Again, that was a bad change, that sprite is far too busy and has weird shading.
  16. Sadly I ran out of time to give her an interview.
  17. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/9 This change swapped around a couple of sprites, "new" ones came from TG. And they mostly don't look very good. Main problem I have is the laser and flashlight. The new flashlight is unneeded and broken. The sprite itself is really messed up, seems like someone who didn't know how to sprite made it. Its too long so it doesn't really fit in pockets too well and it has a little on/off light. ON A FLASHLIGHT. Fix the messed up sprite, remove the on/off switch, get the old, smaller one back and add the larger one to emergency toolboxes or something. AI turret control looks fine. The recorder is alright but it didn't really need a change. Readd the old recorder, change the current fancy one to a fluff item/IAA and magistrate item. Mining lantern looks pretty nice, should be a little fatter but its a huge improvement. Laser, E-gun and ION gun sprites were all changed. ION rifle isn't too bad, could use more colour like the old one. The laser is really bad, its just ugly. E-gun seems a little large and the old sprite was just nicer. Atleast change the laser. Those are all the "old" sprites, these are the "new" sprites: Couldn't find a sprite of the ION gun at all for some reason. Also, the new seclights are a great addition but they use the upper, older sprite not the new one Nien just made:
  18. Hello! Please don't kill us all with horrible viruses!
  19. That could be a pretty good way to do it, might need to one or two new ones for engie/atmos.
  20. Nerf their claws and allow them to be cut off? SOUNDS GOOD!
  21. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise I would recommend you contact Markva or DZD, both are often on the IRC.
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