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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. That would be really useful, at the same time could the red phones also be given a similar use? But for emergencies.
  2. Ah, no, do you realize how damned deadly their claws are?
  3. Ahahah, YES, this has to happen. Stupid ass OP claws. Make cutting gloves to fit turn them 50% useless or something and they would be fair.
  4. Nerf most of their equipment and they would be fine. Otherwise they would just be sec officer+ It would be pretty easy to add a sec office in the engineering hallway right beside tech storage (mechanics needs to be moved anyway) Not quite sure how Fox changed research but where the breakroom currently is, there could be a sec office. Medical already has an office. Cargo will be getting reverted to its old layout soon and its a easy space to work with. No X-ray machine or anything though.
  5. And some very short hair that doesn't look awful would be great.
  6. Pretty much. Had one idiot keep three security officers in line while nukies slaughtered everyone and armed the nuke. He just kept playing paperworkstation13.
  7. Don't quite see the point of having this, I can already see the abuse.
  8. Should be very useful, plenty of nice changes like this recently.
  9. That doesn't sound much fun either.
  10. Having IDs that are effectively all access is really not a good idea at all.
  11. Only problem I see really is if VG uses a different atmos system we may get some issues.
  12. A mix of TG and goon mining would be really fun.
  13. Yeah, I have been wanting up upgrade perma/the labor camp for a while. Its effectively useless as every time you try to use it, some ass will either vent the entire outpost or hit the ore that explodes. The layout is also pretty poor.
  14. A couple of flood lights and GPS units would also behandy.
  15. Where did you find out about plasma people? Interesting race but I guess they would have never worked.
  16. We currently have 8 players (and the GM).
  17. Yep, there are many sprites that have never seen use. Like a new power cable type, some kind of relay, huge number of old atmos things, ect.
  18. I WANA TOCH TEH PREWWTTY CLOUUWD! ^Bits is sadly....far...far.....far too correct...
  19. Unless I read the code wrong, did you remove several other alt tiles?
  20. Last one is impossible due to mining ALWAYS setting off atleast one alarm.
  21. No sadly. I do wish atmos got a special gasmask that had SOME use.
  22. Worst of all this is puking while fighting something! Spiders are the most comon with all the dead bodies. You stop and become completely defenseless for several seconds so you just get chewed up.
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