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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. I don't, frankly, see any gameplay issues at all here. What? Do you want space to be a hugbox that gently caresses you when you go sailing through it? You are on a space station in a lethal environment. It's one of the defining features of the gameplay environment and it should remain lethal. Instead of nerfing space to be friendlier to people, give them tools to deal with the environment. At some point you have to ask whether or not you even want a challenge in this game. One of the reasons I enjoy and play ss13 is specifically because you can have stupid random and sudden deaths from being careless. You KNOW space is lethal to you. You should not be able to throw on internals and go traipsing around in space, and moving away from making space cold, to simulating the actual effects of a vacuum only makes the game more interesting. This gamist philosophy is why we get dumbed down simplistic and shallow shit in videogames today. I hate it, I don't want something simplistic, shallow and easy. I want complicated, chaotic, hard and interesting. My issues with this new lung code extend only as far as the player not being aware of what is happening to them and why - and no further. More lethal environments are a good thing and space in ss13 has been far too kind to players for far too long. No, I am not saying dumb down the game and make it a hugbox! Space should be pretty dammned leathal but having it so that you get exposed to a vacuum for half a second kill you utterly dead five minutes later is not fun or good game design! Space should be cold! Damned cold! Cold enough that hull breached rooms freeze and the floor turns to ice! But there should still be that little bit of being able to escape! You want hardcore space? Why the hell not give it explosive decompression and make anyone caught in that get torn apart! That would be realistic! I also hate dumbed down games but sometimes making shit harder or more complex for the sake of it is just not good game design!
  2. "Realsims" does not equal fun or good gameplay. Like space being cold, in this case gameplay and fun faar trump dying horribly because you were in a low pressure area for half a second.
  3. See, the problem there is, the space loop is useless apart from making gas slightly frosty and the coolers should always be running for the waste loop. Even then, the engies rush the damn SM and by the time I have atmos setup so I can start cooling gas, the dammned SM has gone and exploded.
  4. Learn to manage your power cell then. Borgs still being able to move without power is just stupid and removes the point of them running out of power.
  5. Nazi uniform just tops that off. I have no idea why we have that anyway.
  6. Needs more bloodshed and shitty NT, plus a good rewording.
  7. ....thats my point? That there isn't any reason not to let them make awesome sounds?
  8. No, I don't think thats the best idea, kinda makes maint horrible and useless, if you fill it full of goodies nobody will ever be able to use them!
  9. If we had a long and detailed checklist that told you everything to get the basics of the engine setup, that might help newbies and make it easier to remember all the basic steps. Or just make it all the worse when people fuck it up.
  10. I really have no idea why you wouldn't give them that.
  11. But then how is that really any different then just murderboning? People are still out of the round, atleast if they are dead people can talk in deadchat and watch the chaos.
  12. CE is an idiot, cargo is also an idiot. They are godamn welding helmets, not friggin suitcase nukes!
  13. That ninja net thing sucks. Atleast if they just killed you there would be no screwing around in there.
  14. Yes you can. More rad collectors. Larger field. Duel singos.
  15. I have no idea what the server's money situation is currently like, but maybe hiring this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/ ... _relevant/ Would be one idea to help make this engine a reality?
  16. Yeah, if it can be coded well that would be rather awesome.
  17. No, unless you somehow manage to trap the nukies in the telecom sat or whatever else for some time, calling the shuttle before ERT arrive is almost always a bad idea. Otherwise, I agree with you.
  18. Yes, Fox, me and many others all hate the embassys. I have plans to kill em off.
  19. Mate, mapping is far more complex then that. It would be easy to just replace the acute rooms though. Mentioning prosthetics, I really like this idea now. That was a system that was mostly just shoved in.
  20. Two problems: It would be very difficult to fit another room in, unless the acute (useless) room was changed to it. The ideas about fixing MP so it makes more sense are great, but adding another job just for MP and the repair changes make the job useless as robo can simply fix machine people. Unless people just stupid, then adding another job is an even worse idea.
  21. Interesting bridge and welding tool there. But holy crap, nothing like a random singo plopped wherever!
  22. ^ Map design basics there kids. Right, this sounds like a great idea, as long as you are able to finish it. Thanks for your work, very good bit of inspiration. There is a list of a few maps here that may help with seeing what works: https://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/2ku1h4/maps/ That arrivals and escape area seems like a very good idea, double so with the customs+hop area, now security can properly search people about to head for the shuttle! Moving the HoP office to arrivals/escape means you now have a good space to add something to the bridge, you could possibly move the NT rep in there. The command area here has very nice asthetics and layout: Although the bridge itself is maybe a little small for proper fire fights, or maybe the extra cover would improve them. I would recommend you combine the bar with the dance club and make more of a nightclub. Kitchen freezer could do with an extension and proper cooling system: Security could use a perma overhaul and its current layout of most of the rooms could use an overhaul, but the meeting room, wardens office/amoury and HoS/vault are all pretty good. For cargo, keep it mostly the same but add duel/a larger warehouse, shorten the cargo bay slightly so it isn't so crazy long and turn the lobby into some kind of store area: (although that may need some custom sprites for the shelves and whatnot) The blast doors for where the supply shuttle docks at cargo are perfect, make sure to use them with your new map. The robotics on your old map is really nice, split system and being part of hallway seems fun. Upper area of research also looks good. Podbays are the biggest thing you could do well, (I have a few plans for them if you need help) it depends on how the layout goes exactly but you would probably need podbays for: Cargo/mining Research Security Arrivals/escape Engineering Mechanics Service (maybe) The mechanics workshop should be pretty large, maybe around the size of the current SM room, with two podbays, (one private, one public) a workshop, storage area, waiting room and office. Pretty much a IRL mechanics workshop. Cargo podbay should maybe be conected to the warehouse? Or it atleast needs some way to easy to use a delivery route. Now, for atmos, I have been planning a major overhaul of it for some time but I need a large amount of time and I currently do not have enough knowledge of the variables system to properly do it. Biggest changes: Proper storage area. (think a litttle like the secure storage you have in your old map) Far longer area of atmos (extends down) All of the gas tanks on the right side. Opening up the atmos floor space with a much cleaner pipe layout. (Big loop that goes down, across and up for the waste/filtering loop, distro is mostly just a single long line.) Several rows of coolers along the floor space. Multiple large space loops. A proper area (like toxins but less explodey) for atmos techs to mix gasses (no more choosing between mixing gasses or having a waste loop that doesn't clog) Vents into space to dump gas. (Do it for anything but a major plasma fire and the ghosts of atmos past will kill you in your sleep) Several smaller tanks INSIDE atmos itself. (So you can mess around with relief tanks and crazy things like that. Departmental layout is always complex, main thing is I need to know a little more of how you plan for the layout to work. I would say that with for engineering/medbay the layout inside should be kept pretty close to what we currently have as they work so well. I would change the fire gear storage/grav gen area though. And medbay isolation/viro could use work. With the airlocks, THEY ARE VITAL, having only two ways to get into space would be a nightmare for atmos techs and engies! I am very happy to help you with all this, double so for atmos. I would recommend you hop onto the IRC, I am almost always active on there.
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