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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Good to hear that, delisting every now and then IS a good thing though, just don't keep if off for more then a week.
  2. If it can be coded, that would be one of the best engine designs so far really. That is EXACTLY what most engies want in an engine. Only problem I can see if the rad collectors, either they need some minor changes or they could always be a viable option to increase the reactors rad output. Funnily enough, I was just thinking about how to make a better engine. I can see two things that would add onto the reactor: Overall computer/server system that controls and tries to manage everything, but is relatively easy to sabotage and is somewhat complex to setup and manage. It would need to be linked with every single system it would need to control. Think something like the Gooncode DOS system (or whatever it is) but sliiightly less complex. Main part of it would be having an extensive array of server racks that control everything and need to be fed a very steady supply of power (So having UPS systems and all that jazz) and also needs to be cooled. (Melt down? AHAHAH, GG server racks!) Corse, the coolers themselves would need power and a coolant supply. There are already a few sprites for server racks in the code: (middle of the room) A somewhat complex power startup system that mostly uses a large, immobile, plasma fed generator. (The same tanks the rad gens use) It would need to be built (wiring, spark plugs, oil, ect) and once everything was in place, you need to turn on an array of powercells (think a charger but with six powercells stacked together) and then you get maybe three or four chances of having the generator tick over. If RNG hates you and that fails? The power cell array is drained and you will need to either replace the cells or start up the PACMAN gen to recharge them. The entire point of all that is that having a loss of power would be very, very bad. If the server racks loose power they shut down so the computer control system is useless, if the coolers loose power the server racks get damaged and you need a source of power to kickstart the backup power system. (Classic NT)
  3. I would really love for more things on the engie cart and yes, it does currently look somewhat bare. Maybe it should also spawn with a random toolbox and something else? I am 99% sure that is exactly what the engineering cart was built for. So many times its back and fourth just to grab a single piece equipment.
  4. Hello! Keep an eye out for Thet Raytor!
  5. Alright, multiple requests: EPIRB, just like this: Different style of flashlight, in black/red/olive+whatever other colours if you feel like doing extra: And adding colours to the normal blue flashlight would be great (so they match the tools!) Just a basic redo of the current maglight, horizontal and with a smaller head, just so it doesn't look so big. See the stripes under the water tank and oxy tank? If I could get those in decal form and with possibly more colours (yellow and white/grey would be the most useful but red/blue/purple/whatever the hell would also be great) it be a damned godsend for mapping. Also the stripped rectangle+arrow, if those could be a separate decal that would be awesome. Pretty big request, don't worry about getting any of it done in a timely manner.
  6. ^ Sums up everything you could say really. And there really is no skill in just planting a bomb and watching everyone explode.
  7. Yeah, that is something I will try to add with my atmos overhaul.
  8. I think the current system would need a bit of an overhaul first as it is more based on all the species. If it was just using the second language system, sign language would be useless as very few people would have it selected.
  9. Effectively an emergency message system with the bridge computer. The main problem with having it Captain access only is that NOBODY knows about it!
  10. The entire point of the singo is that it rarely gets out (power failure, sabotage, space cows, incompetence) but when it does, IT IS THE WORST POSSIBLE thing to happen!
  11. Sure, if I wanted to get banned!
  12. No, its just the tele baton is still broken crap and its pretty much impossible to defend against them without going lethal.
  13. -Argue over non-airmix lines -don't kiss the CE's boots -gets thrown out and demoted Shame, those heat exchangers did look interesting.
  14. Good point, how about allowing all heads to use the bridge emergency message system then?
  15. The singo gets out maaybe every ten rounds or so. Even that may be far to often. SM has its warning go off just about 7/10 shifts. And then in nearly all cases, the SM does go up. And when the SM does go up? Getting sudden toxin damage and seeing shitty hallucinations and then just falling dead is not much fun. You cannot run from radiation. The explosion is tiny and boring. (Entire engine room should erupt into flames, and then there should be the main explosion plus several other scattered explosions (So most of engineering would be very damaged) And it doesn't matter how possible it is to repair the damage from the SM going up, in practice it would take an hour. I am not joking. That number of pipes and walls is not easy to place.
  16. Oh, and I should add that if the code was changed, I am all for keeping both engines. Currently though, ditch the SM.
  17. Mapping wise, the space where the SM currently is would be a great spot for the mechanics workshop (its current position is a nightmare) and maybe even the engineering outpost shuttle. (would give it faaar more use) Plus the SM is just broken. It needs a large code overhaul (and from what I have heard the code is a mess) and maybe some major mapping changes. Atmos also needs some changes to allow from proper SM gas cooling as currently you cannot really setup the waste loop AND mess with gas mixtures and temperatures. Space also needs to be cold again (I do not care about "realsim," gameplay massively trumps it here) so the damn space loop is useful and venting the SM has some chance of cooling it down enough.
  18. That does like a very good idea. But please, make it so a single head can call an ERT unit.
  19. Thanks for all those, some good changes!
  20. And with the recent nukie changes you may as well curl into a ball and cry. There was a certain...round...where everything bad with nuke ops was demonstrated. It was a trainwreck of incompetence and was fun for...maybe a couple of the nukies and one or two crew.
  21. Eh, I really don't know about that, atmos is supposed to be THAT secure, far too easy to just use two EMags and your in. I would not mind if you just removed the blast doors on the windows leading into engineering.
  22. Either the lights or maybe a PDA system. (Just an alert, no information) Do agree about changing the blast doors, although it is sometimes useful with two techs, one mans the control room and keeps an eye on engineering while the other works.
  23. And most of the community does not like it unless there are issues with having enough admins.
  24. Mate, that is EXACTLY what I have been planning!
  25. I used waaay too many nicotine patches once. Started to feel funny. Heart died horribly. I was rushed to medbay, zapped once and then died.
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