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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. That is what I have been planning with my atmos overhaul. Problem is, the poorly thought out "upgrade" to viro took up a huge amount of vital space. Even before I am able to do anything with atmos I will need to redo viro. The overhaul will be a long way off/.
  2. Hmm, wonder if it could possibly work off some form of exchanging most other damage to minor burn.... Trying to revive fire victims is not a good idea but you could easily save someone killed by a spider.
  3. Already got the hardsuits, rest rounds good. TG seems to have something like that: https://github.com/tgstation/-tg-station/pull/5645
  4. I'll need to post a thread about that, but while I like the idea of most modules, hardsuits should not be messed with much. Nothing that messes with speed or amour or whatever. And the power cells should only be needed to run the modules. Not the suit itself.
  5. NOPE. Don't need "that" part of the godamn playerbase.
  6. And it shouldn't really be as that is no godamn fun. Atmos needs some awesome fire fighting tools.
  7. Fj45


    That seems like the best way to do them really. Having so many differnt ones would also massively worsen the current issue of "half the crew is non-essential personal but there are no engies or sec!" And it would free up plenty of mapping room too. On a mapping basis, I hate the embassys.
  8. Yes, Vox trader does need some work. It came from Bay and their playstyle is VERY different.
  9. Problem is balancing things like that are just so difficult. Reduce the time cyro oxy lasts and if there is nobody in atmos, medbay is screwed. Science is less vital to the station as a whole but even then there are still issues. Atmos also lacks proper space and equipment to optimse everything so atmos doesn't clog during fires AND be able to mess around with gas mixes. That is something I plan on fixing but that is a very, very, very long term project. Now, there is a large amount here and its pretty early so I won't say much. Engies need alarm access, it is not a case of "they terk ur jerbs!" Most engineers do not have much of an idea about working the alarms anyway. DO NOT REMOVE THE PIPE FREEZER. That thing is so godamn useful, not being able to tear up pipes was always a stupid "feature" but useful evil because it stopped yer average greytide from fucking with the pipes. If you find atmos boring and useless, you are one of these: In the wrong job. Unimaginative. Someone that needs to expand their atmos knowledge. There is a huge number of things you can do to massively improve how well it handles fires or setup a system to really quickly fill canisters or so many of the other atmos projects. A good atmos tech is faar more powerful then anyway engineer! Gloves are a single weld or request away, they have the fireaxe, plus a hardsuit that is far superior. And many other things.
  10. Alright, I may be able to do that soon.
  11. Nice, I have seen a few nymph spam rounds. Always a good way to get the ghosts back in.
  12. I can't quite make sense of what you are trying to say, you would like the NT rep to have a locker, correct?
  13. Didn't realize there were three in the Caps office! It was perfect with both of us covering all exits, even with one of us down the other would have got them. I have a feeling one of their implants triggered, killing the rest and setting off their implants as well.
  14. I have played ERT many times myself. While I agree that there are many problems with ERT units, removing them entirely is not a solution and robs the station of a vital asset. While the response time could be greater reduced with better gear layouts and a few other things, it has become far better recently as Centcom was trimmed down. The general derpiness of ERT units is not an easy thing to solve. When everyone in the squad is good though ERT units can easily change how the entire round plays out. About two days ago I had a nukie round and I ended up joining as the ERT. The nukies were pretty slow and had easily been seen early, plus the Captain was on the ball so he called the ERT in and then did the sax. After arriving the squad headed for research, where the Cap was holding out. Me and another grunt armed with SAWs assulted two nukies holding out in the Caps office and managed to kill them both. Meanwhile the rest of the squad got into research, found the Cap and killed the rest of the nukies. Security had held the syndies off for a while but had mostly taken fire and gone down. We were the only thing left to protect the Captain. I do not know exactly how to fix them but removing them outright is not a good idea.
  15. Please try to keep the server listed as much as possible. Most rounds are not made for so few players (Nukies is the biggest problem) and with so many extra jobs, engineering and security are very often completely unmanned.
  16. Should NEVER be forced. That is what I love about Paradise so much, everyone (mostly) does their jobs and there isn't all that much chaos, so antags can do their jobs damn well and the RP that happens is great and feels natural. Always found the entire CMD thing to be pretty silly and a huge strain on medbay, (OH NO HE SAW TEH BODY WE DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO MOVE, NOW HE IS CRAAZY) a department that if they are having to clone people are more then likely highly overworked. No fun waiting to get cloned while medics screw around with one guy getting everything perfect. Plus, I mean, some people must just about every week or so! How many damn times do they have to go through the same crap before just being able to bloody cope?! And people aren't idiots! (Mostly) "Oh look,I'm at medbay by the cloning pods, I have brain damage, I think something bad happened, the medics are being really weird, I must have died and been cloned! Not to mention it makes it faaar too easy for an traitors, why bother disposing of a body fully when they will never tell who killed em? Bay's reason for having CMD is mostly so that traitors can let bodies be cloned so people can continue their "RP." Paradise isn't so "hugbox" like that, if you die you die and yer outa the round. People can choose what they want to do, they can go full breakdown or the simple route of "THIS SHIT AGAIN?!"
  17. Xenoarch doesn't need more things to make it worse right now but that is a nice idea.
  18. Thread gave me a hint and I just found em, stances seem a little buggy though.
  19. Alright, one more request. Just need a modified canister for holding cold/firefighting gas. The current N2 can or CO2 can may be a good thing to base it. Just needs some way of clearing being a different canister type, maybe with some kind of stripe or lettering. Orange, red or cream may all work for that.
  20. Thing is, it really helps stops abuse and ups the basic competency level. The karma system ain't perfect but its the best we have.
  21. Exactly, just for medbay access it can take over ten minutes to sort the entire mess out if the HoP is a dick. You loose very valuable time there.
  22. Hmm, could possibly be some minor issues with movement but otherwise, seems simple enough. That would be very useful for security pod pilots too.
  23. Really? How? And what the hell is a stance?
  24. Nah, its the classic pop-culture thing for pickaxes. Ya know, with the whole chain gang and all? Gotta have atleast some of that.
  25. Adminhelp them for shitcurity then. There is also a reason why it would use karma points.
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