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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Main problem is fitting in the security office but that could easily be done by replacing the current break room as it sees very little use. Quite like the idea though.
  2. Ohh man! That was a custom event, right? It would be so much fun fighting off all the xenos waves coming out of there!.
  3. Hello! Were you playing a shift in cargo where Buck ordered several crates and there was a huge fight on the emergency escape shuttle?
  4. The prison outpost really need an overhaul. Make it like a larger perma and give plenty to do. (Cook, botany, other assorted things. If any of the admins want me to I could map it out.
  5. A sushi train would be pretty cool, maybe it could be ordered from cargo and would be a modular system.
  6. That looks great! Is it possible to also do a version without the text?
  7. Not quite sure coins have enough use for there to be a coin press.
  8. The admin station is always fun.
  9. Communication as a sec officer is always dammed difficult so any way to improve it would be great.
  10. This should be a good reference to work off, maybe with grey steel though. Do you need any more info/references?
  11. Never done doors before, that was interesting. 32x96 cool? Edit: I just noticed you said Blast door, let me do another. Edit2: There seems to already be a four tile wide blast door, do you want me to redo it? I uh, that's godamn amazing. Could do plenty of fun things with that sprite, thanks for it! If you feel like doing it, go ahead with the blast door. Oh yes, sorry, should have mentioned that one. Might work well as a base. Just do whatever works best really, don't need anything fancy.
  12. Holy crap that's a lotta awesome sprites. Could you make a new type of blast door? Maybe one that would work for a podbay? Three to four tile wide if possible.
  13. Unless several new instruments were added it just wouldn't be worth it.
  14. How do you have so many storage slots?
  15. Two of the bloody things are more then enough!
  16. Tried to help someone with Goon telesci once. Ended with me bashing a burning scientist to death after trying to put him out. Damn lag.
  17. While I agree that science needs a good bit of work, they already have an extremely large amount of content and the work to overhaul it would better be used on other departments. It would be good to have bombs useful for mining though. Hopefully Gooncode does some kind of code release in the future, combining both science systems into one could help fix some of the bad sides of both.
  18. Cue shitcurity killing the Chaplin every round. Otherwise, could be pretty fun and make him far more useful.
  19. Links are broken, I recommend using imgur.
  20. Why were nearly all of the plasma glass windows replaced? Atmos, research and escape all needed the security and containment. The maint windows that look into space are now also very weak.
  21. Don't like them all that much either. Best way to have the podbays would be with the large airlocks and the basic force field when the airlock opens. Maybe the force field would deplete if the airlock was left open for too long.
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