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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. I have been wanting more pod content for a while, old discussion thread here: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2144&hilit=pods I have also started mapping a few expanded podbays, you can see them here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2284
  2. I would honestly prefer if the sprite was just reduced in size. Its an awesome sprite but it completely screws with combat, on both sides.
  3. Whoa, that's pretty damn good. Would love to see a few pics of your setup.
  4. Alright, what atmos setup do you normally use? Haven't seen you around yet, haven't played much lately. Always good to have a few more people in atmos.
  5. Thats my biggest issue with the HoP office not having shutters. Trying to upgrades ID's is far more dangerous then it should be during certain rounds.
  6. That already exists as the Captains Beret/NT beret.
  7. Fj45


    They are looking really good! FYI, there's already a single candy corn, a chocolate bar, (Seems to be two sprites, one with a wrapper and one without) a chocolate egg, pumpkin pie and a toffee apple floating around. Plus several WIP sprites that seem to be part of an unused cooking machine.
  8. Fj45

    Your opinion here

    That would be absolutely amazing and a great way for antag engies to sabotage the station without just causing a round-ending sing. Although, every getting overloaded could be one sign that the sing is about to break free....
  9. Fj45

    Your opinion here

    More types of power cables would be cool as well. There are quite a few different power systems and various sprites that could work well if power was expanded. Code is an utter mess though so the chances of it happening are small.
  10. Pretty sure that would cause lag and plenty of z-level problems. It would be far too complex for what you would gain.
  11. Eehehhe...janitor terrorist would be great fun. Chapel should be the UN. Maybe a crate of supplies and uniforms could spawn in the chapel as well.
  12. Calling Centcom on the bridge comp kinda works like that but you need captain level access and an admin on.
  13. Needs to be easier to call ERT too. The new bridge unit greatly helps but the act of swiping itself is still a massive pain. The blue flash should last far longer (yay for lag making it impossible to get support!) and there should be a code that each head gets, to do it without an ID. Such as Delta-five-alfa -oscar-nine.
  14. Mmm, that would be fun....I think theres a few sprites for that too....
  15. AHAHAH, Oh man, I love a good lynching. Please, tell more!
  16. Having a few drones in there could also be pretty fun.
  17. Oh shit mate, thats not bloody good! Damn! Sorry to hear that.
  18. Fj45


    Those plants look absolutely amazing.
  19. Oh man, thats look really good. Might need to make Buck's arms and legs a bit bulkier or reduce the width of the shoulders. The pose is godamn perfect though!
  20. Even barely finished that fight is hilarious. Mech looks great as well.
  21. Nah, should be fine with the default colour scheme. Do you need any other reference pics?
  22. Ahahaha, thats awesome mate! Hardsuit looks great. Only thing is the helmet, its slightly less -popular survival horror game- and more one entire piece. I'll grab a few reference pics of the hardsuit. What other items do you need reference pics for?
  23. Whoa, looks great mate! http://wiki.ss13.co/Fan_Art Few good reference pics here. Trying to find a great hardsuit drawing but I can't seem to find it...
  24. Righto, Name: David Buck Height: pretty tall, a bit more then average? Not good with heights. Uniform: Atmos hardsuit Pose: whatever works. Possibly fighting something. Location: low on the sides/whatever works.
  25. That sounds damn amazing. How many people do you think you might try for? If you need extra reference pics I can help you with that. If possible, could you do David Buck? Full atmos hardsuit, gasmask, toolbelt, oxy tank mounted on the belt and a fireaxe and backpack. Do whatever works for the pose. Do you need any extra info?
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