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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Well, the borg just isn't fun to fight against and the AI/borg give the xenos faaar too much scouting power. Xenos are already crazily mobile, they shouldn't also have complete knowledge of any defenses. Quite a few times the xeno AI has simply resorted to screaming rude things over the radio/spamming the voice commands. Having the borg/AI complicates xeno further, a game mode that already has major balance issues.
  2. Fj45

    Cool Freezer

    Chef lacks access and it doesn't go down far. There IS a setting on the air alarms to set them to cold room/server room though, doesn't seem to be used apart from maybe the telecom sat. Progress with the coldroom is going well, might throw a few pics up soon.
  3. And the borg too. I have no idea why the xenos need an AI/borg.
  4. Fj45

    Cool Freezer

    Yep, currently messing around with a few bits to see if I can somehow fit it in.
  5. Dunno about that, you should never treat the waste line as being fully pure.
  6. Fj45

    Cool Freezer

    Goon has something like that. Theres a little room next to the fridge where you can control the cooler that sends gas into some HE pipes embedded into the walls. Looks awesome and is fun to play around with.
  7. Meh, a good atmos traitor can easily get everything a normal engie has plus access to every nasty gas. Combing some good atmos sabotage with a sing beacon could be very effective.
  8. Paint would be best really. W Why do you have the waste going into two OXYGEN canisters? I can't see any reason to have them as the loop is working fine and the oxygen canisters would fill with whatever nasty gasses were in the loop.
  9. Could you be more specific about what pumps you are talking about? Possibly use some pictures?
  10. Hmm, that's a good question and I really have no idea. Code should explain it though.
  11. Ah, yeah, I guess that would be the case. Always want to keep any gas going into the filters low pressure.
  12. Well, atmospherics has many jobs, the very basic job of atmos is to just circulate good air and filter bad air. Stopping fires is the biggest priority as fires can rapidly spread and will heat and pressurize the air, clogging atmos rapidly. The filter system will be able to easily filter any toxins rapidly, along as atmos is setup properly and the loop isn't clogged from a fire. Canisters. Only and best way unless you do some super complex pipe network. (And that would take hours to build on any major scale) If you tried to send that mix into the air distro loop it would come out of EVERY single vent on the station. A great way to kill plenty of people and get lynched. I would recommend you find an "airlock," open the canister up inside that room and then open the door to the burning/hot room. If its still on fire start spraying down the room.
  13. Ah, ignore the connectors, just didn't have time to mess around with those. I might use those for pressure release if theres a huuuge fire and even my setup gets overwhelmed. All the extra scrubbers are simply incase something happens to atmos, (like some ass opening the N20 cans up) that many scrubbers eat gas crazy fast. Extra vents are also great as you can very rapidly refill rooms.
  14. Do you have any other questions? Very happy to help.
  15. Fj45


    Sounds awesome, I would also love a good halloween event myself. Got any super basic easy to do sprites you would like done? I may be able to help with a few. Or any mapping you need.
  16. Unless I'm missing something in the mapping tool, someone would need to go item by item, DELETING EVERY SINGLE ITEM ONE AT A TIME.
  17. Fj45

    Your opinion here

    viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2132 Happy to make a few basic drafts of what could fit in.
  18. I post most of mine on the subreddit and forget the rest.
  19. Fj45

    Your opinion here

    I would love pods to be overhauled. They are so much fun to use and massively improve all aspects of EVA. They also help balance EVA in nuke/xeno rounds. If you want specific suggestions about pods I can find the posts I made. Currently space is pretty poor. Very easy to get lost for the entire round. Nothing really to find. Very little reason to explore more then once. A couple more Z-levels (If thats possible, otherwise that overhaul the current ones) with plenty of things to explore and find would be great. More things and areas of catwalks around the station would also be good. Couple of examples are posted here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2284 I can grab a few more if you want.
  20. The old robotics line is fine for training engies. Better then that useless room too.
  21. Right, first off you want to learn the very basics of the atmos loop: http://www.ss13.eu/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Atmospherics#Atmospherics_Layout Now, there are some minor differences between the loops but their basic layout and function is the same. The main thing you want to lookout for is the non-airmix lines. See the three yellow lines forking off the larger yellow line that goes by the filters? The ones with a digital valve and then a pump? Those are the non-airmix lines and should NEVER be on. UNLESS someone is manning atmos and making gas mixtures. Should be obvious enough if that is the case. If those are on, check the little glass room with the mess of pipes. Check if any digital valves leading to the large mixing tank are turned on. Check the yellow line and see if the pump connecting that to the blue air distro line is on. If all of those are on, someone is trying to sabotage atmos. Simply turn all those valves off and if you have detected it quickly, there shouldn't be much deathgas in the air distro line. That is just a very basic, noobs way of sabotaging atmos though. Beware of any techs making dangerous gas mixtures (so pretty much any of the non-airmix gasses, cept CO2 if they are using the coolers, thats for fire fighting.) in canisters, you can easily make some extremely nasty mixtures using the heater. Keep an eye on anyone changing the digital valves around to manual valves or connecting lines from the non-airmix tanks to the air distro line. Nobody ever uses those lines for anything good. Have a look at some of the legitimate improvements to atmos you can do here: Got any other questions? Was I too vague about anything?
  22. Yep, that would do it. Smart atmos tech. Want me to teach you how to spot and fix sabotage?
  23. Seems almost impossible/a huge amount of work on the mapping side.
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