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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. You really need to post that on the subreddit. Great story.
  2. Exactly how did the atmos tech sabotage atmos? You have been able to fix it, somewhat, depends on how much plasma got into the non-airmix lines though.
  3. NT is wasteful and morally questionable. Why bother with these expensive training dolls when we have these nice cheap monkeys to use! The chef can use em for food too!
  4. Ahaha, I already do that! Any good atmos tech knows more then half of atmos is utterly, godamn useless!
  5. Well, atmos would have a fun time pulling air from areas getting torn apart and putting inflatable walls up. I guess atmos/cargo bay would be kept intact and used as storage.
  6. Ahahah, some kind of "scrap the station" mode would be great fun. Imagine fights over what gets torn down first.
  7. Join response team still needs its own button.
  8. That's a very good idea, could even be used by traitors to good effect. (Although bolting first would still be more effective)
  9. Honk mech running around? Grab some earmuffs and the fireaxe! VS anyone with experience, that mech will last seconds.
  10. That would just be horrible. Running from the sing? LEL ITS ME, RNG! Screw you! Vending machines are buggy enough, no need for actual faults. I do not understand your point about doors being meta?
  11. If it had more basic supplies in a few areas and the engie shuttle docked in four places (is that even possible?) it might get a bit more use. Engie station, building site, arrivals and engineering airlock. (Engineering really needs an airlock!)
  12. I agree, security of the office is extremely low, in say nuke op rounds, it is very risking trying to get all access IDs as it is so exposed.
  13. Fj45


    That was me suggesting the ferret, it looks awesome! Bit weird though, looks green unless you get the single pic in a new tab.
  14. Great job there, perfect use of the sec pod. Atleast currently its only role is for scouting.
  15. Disposals shouldn't hurt you. Should also be possible to combine with an extinguisher and office chair for extra craziness.
  16. Hello! Good to see you again!
  17. Great, thanks for the guide, it was very helpful. Uploaded a better sec pod pilot image, still seems to be blurry though so I may have messed something up. Just need to work out how to get it onto the page.... EDIT: Damn, I think I see where I went wrong. When I changed it to "nearest neighbor" it reset the size to 32X32 and I didn't notice. Something to be aware of. If my image isn't useful, just delete it.
  18. What is the difference between them and normal welding goggles?
  19. Ah, right. I'm here if you need help with anything. Sure, problem is getting matching timezones. Might be able to work something out.
  20. Heard a few people say having the air distro tanks end up cold can cause temp problems around the station bit I think thats a myth really. It would take a good bit of airmix syphoned into an empty loop to even cool the main tanks to any degree and you would need to replace almost all of the stations air to notice any major drop. The air alarms regulate temp well enough anyway. Maybe I should fiddle with setting the air alarms a little cooler, might help give an edge against fires. Think you could take some pics of your setup? Always interesting to see how exactly people do theirs. Have you messed around with extra vents/scrubbers, pressure release systems and disposal pipes?
  21. SAA, m3hi, I and a couple of other people on the Paradise IRC have been having a go at Goon's telesci system and its "adventure" levels. Really fun and damn spooky. Me and m3hi exploring the biodome!
  22. What atmospherics setup do you normally use? How long have you been playing atmos?
  23. Also has a highly dangerous and radioactive emitter with no warnings signs. If you want, I could throw up a rough redesign of it, got a few ideas floating around.
  24. I can provide plenty of info about the sec pod pilot/atmospherics but have very little experience with formatting and adding pictures. If you like info on those, PM me. Also lost a bit of work with the rollback, mainly on the jobs page and a bit on the atmos guide.
  25. Yes, I understand that temp in space is highly complex, just in-game it is far simpler to just have it nice and damn cold.
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