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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. I am correct that space currently is barely cold at all? Because if that was changed, it would make EVA with a space suit far more dangerous and breached would be far colder, giving space heaters a use. Atmos would also benefit greatly as the space loop would work properly,
  2. As a "special" extended mode? That would be great really. Randomized objectives of: "Repair the engineering derelict!" "Repair the Russian derelict!" "Mine blahblah minerals" "Research blahblah artifacts" "Stock the vault full of gold and diamonds!" "Create an isolation clinic/docking station/warehouse close to the station" Could all be some really fun objectives. One problem is airlocks, sure there are a few ghetto ways you can do it but none really work that well. They need to be able to be built. Maybe a few other things as well. Engineering derelict/Russian derelict might also need a few things, like more atmos type stuff and engineering supplies.
  3. If the problem persists, try as many other sites as possible. What security/adblocking software do you use? Have you had any signs of malware and whatnot lately?
  4. Don't worry mate, just do the simple stuff. Find basic errors or remove lines of outdated information. Add little bits here and there. You will get used to it after a while.
  5. Been working on some podbays, you can see what I have made here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2284 Still need to: Overhaul the mechanics shop/podbay. Possibly give cargo a podbay. Give engineering a podbay/airlock. Improve the arrivals podbay. Overhaul part of mining and give them a podbay. I have a few ideas how podlocks could work: Their basic function is to keep air in but they leak *slightly* and cause the podbays temp to drop, a space heater can counteract it pretty easily though. Podlocks do not stop items or people moving through them. Each podbay has blast doors to stop air/heat loss and anyone coming in and stealing gear.
  6. I would love to see what you can make!
  7. Few more ideas from the IRC: Pigeon that carries papers to people. If you add mutagen to the fish tank you get a carp! Wolf for the bluesec. Pet Sarlacc for the AI!
  8. OH FUCK! Damn! Even the wiki! Hmm, guess I'll have to rewrite the job page again....
  9. How many tele-crystals does it cost to buy a parapen?
  10. Ahh hell, damn shame. Now I need to remember what the hell I posted.
  11. Wouldn't it be more them eating toolboxes and whatnot? Could just make a few people hungry randomly. It needs to be possible to destroy the blob host by arming a nade and force-feeding it to them. That would be hilarious.
  12. Ha, thats pretty funny. Wonder it anything else does that.
  13. What setup do you use for atmos?
  14. That sprite works pretty well for it, might just need to be made a bit wider make the bottom flat.
  15. I agree, the current layout does need some work. I rather liked the old placement of evidence as you could very easily access it.
  16. Hell, staying in the brig is a good idea as they should help monitor the inmates and review the cameras.
  17. I have a major with the AI section, mainly the "AIs are not know to malfunction." It doesn't make much sense as AIs ARE known to get subverted plus it will lead to all kinds of crap "RP," lowering the skill needed for a successful malf AI round. If would go into more detail but it would just end up a rant. Now, seeing a single hacked APC five minutes into the round and screaming "AIMALFBLOWTHEBORGSKILL" Is bad and unfun for all parties. But having to skip around ignoring the hundred or so hacked APC's because the Cap says "AIs are not know to malfunction, blahblah leave it alone" is also extremely bad. I would like it changed, only minor though, have it along the lines of that the exact way it happens is not known but there have been "incidents" with AI units going crazy. It needs to be vague but clear that AI units sometimes do go nuts. Sorry if it isn't very clear, should be in bed.
  18. Personally, I like the idea of a 'game of life' style system for the blob, where any blob square that doesn't have X number of blob squares nearby is 'unsupported' and dies. This should probably only apply once it's a certain distance from the blob core, or have the blob core count as multiple blobs for purposes of this calculation to stop it being too easy to reach the core. That would be perfect.
  19. How does teargas work? Does it act like a mix of pepper spray and smoke?
  20. Few other assorted problems I have with the blob: Fireaxe was needlessly nerfed. Now it is utterly useless against it. Blob minion things are no fun, lead to friendly fire, they get spammed, cause lag, large blobs can amass so many that even looking at it funny is suicide. Either nerf their speed, remove the ability to call them to a certain place and remove them being able to take over dead bodies. That or just scrap them all together. The "with a cry of pain drops what their holding" is broken and unfun. Seems like any amount of damage causes it to happen. It means that medbay is so much more vital and any damage you take turn into "spin the wheel to see if you become utterly useless!" Single blob lines. IE: How to meta as blob. I have seen this used to destroy the nuke. I have seen this used to destroy the AI. Needs to be changed.
  21. How about an emergency injector for Epinephrine Sacs?
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