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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Its really weird, I never seem to be able to meet Dan in-game much even though we often play at the same times.
  2. Yep, but its hard to work out where to throw em, they can hit pretty much anything, they don't work very well with doors...ect.
  3. And flashbangs are hard to use, it would give them a very nice buff.
  4. Well, they would only really be useful in a riot situation where you need to get some distance and help deter the crowd. Wouldn't be a very good baton for normal use, they would just fly away from you!
  5. Gasmasks should also still protect. \ The armoury also needs a reskined extinguisher filled with pepper spray. And a black plastic baton that does some brute damage and knocks people backwards.
  6. Hey, doesn't help that security arrests people over ridiculously minor things.
  7. Yep, derp Me was hilarious. And highly punchable.
  8. I don't get this at all. The fireaxe was already nerfed and worse then a welder! Why does it ever need a nerf? I have talked about that change before and it would make blob rounds much more interesting. Imagine all the tactics that blob players could do. (Don't eat much but sabotage or fortify everything.) Also solves the problem of "gear up properly and have the blob grow huge or rush in unprepared to get it when its weak" now people can either hunt for the infected or prepare to fight it.
  9. If its easy to write custom lines and mass produce, perfect!
  10. Great! Now we just need a sprite for it, the old airlock painter maybe? Also, found a few awesome relief valve textures, will we ever get them?
  11. Having a PDA map of the stations pipe layout would be very useful.
  12. HAHA! YES! Repairing pipes...well...lets just say its something I never even attempt. While yer at it, could you up the range and allow for several different blink settings on the T-ray?
  13. Interesting idea, might need some kind of way to stop traitor CEs having a sing beacon with full telescrystals .
  14. Right, bit of a shame but getting the basic items+mapping done gives a good base for any further improvements!
  15. Having someone to run cargo/RnD orders for engie and the like would be extremely valuable. We just have to get cargo full of any staff (why is it always 100% empty?)
  16. And what about antags? They suddenly have a huge amount of highly deadly medical supplies, supplies that are extreamly simple to obtain and it would be damn simple to "treat" someone and just watch em die! Sec also can't arrest them for having a medkit.
  17. Medbay was bad enough before the overdose system, we already had huge lines of people and shitty medics. It really seems like it will cause far more problems then it will fix and do nothing to improve gameplay. Just another reason to never go to medbay and use ghetto surgery/medicine.
  18. Ended up tearing in there and doing just that when the warden got attacked. Damn can those things move fast! Also, it should be possible, if you are close enough, to lock onto the escape shuttle and get pulled behind it. Mainly a fluff thing though.
  19. Yes, these are perfect. We need pet station 13!
  20. Slight correction, rockets. Code red units should be pretty bad. E-mag should unlock high explosive and incendiary missiles. (Stay on target, stay on target...) All pods should have a basic flare launcher fitted. Should only start with two rounds though. Pod beacon deployer, one pod breacon starts in the mechanics, RnD can make more. Metal foam launcher. Should only be one full unit in the mechanics. More complex pod systems, multiple areas to damage/repair/refuel. Hull, shielding, coolant storage, atmospheric seal, life support, electronics, hydraulic, batteries, engines, fuel storage, storage unit and nav systems. Each system can get damaged and has various affects. Such as a damaged cargo area not storing many items and dropping them. After a flight, systems may need repairs or more commonly refuelling. Such as space fuel, engine coolant, life support water, bluespace crystal wafers, (for using pod beacons) hydraulic fluid, gas for the engine (oxygen with a tiny bit of plasma, DO NOT USE AS EMERGENCY AIR SUPPLY) life support coolant, air for life support, ect. The outside of the station needs a massive overhaul. More complex arrays of catwalks and grilles, better walls, solars arrays much further out, imagine a huge mass of lattices extending out from the station to form a rough circle. Good place for a few pod beacons too. It would allow for much better EVA and give pod pilots a rough guide of where the station ends and space starts. Maybe there could be a few assorted rooms aroud the ring as well, like meteor shield gens, T-com relays, Long range distress/communication equipment. Give the outside of the station much more life. Well, theres my shitty, barely coherent suggestion for the day.
  21. Atmos needs a green tree frog. The civies should get a lil cobbled together robot with treads and a body made of a toolbox+cardboard+two duel fire extinguishers+other assorted crap. It should run around propelling itself along with the fire extinguishers every now and then. May or may decide to use them for their orginal purpose too. Medbay should have a little sugar glider or flying squirrel manning the front desk. Toucan for the NT recruiter. Pet rock for either the Warden or chaplin.
  22. That is a pretty good point, maybe lasers/taser always unlocked but missiles for red alert?
  23. Why not give the librarian a pet? Anyway, a ferret seems much more fitting for the HoS! And the QM needs a schnauzer, give a rival to Ian.
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