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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Few more ideas after flying a pod around: Navigation systems. Beacons would help with that but some kind of map or GPS systems would be very useful. A flight path log/scanner/radar. If I am searching an area it is very difficult to stay on course and properly search. If I had some kind of radar and a basic line tracking of my course it would be great. Emergency distress beacon. Simple enough, if you get lost/attacked there needs to be some way of getting support. Maybe it could send a rough location signal but it has a very limited power supply. A huge floodlight that uses power. Small cargo hold. Biggest thing it should be able to carry is a locker. The podbay needs a set of assorted tools and some overalls.
  2. Sounds good. If they don't already have it, they need a loudhailer built in.
  3. Slight change, add the little blue light that circles around vents.
  4. One thing they really need is a much more interesting podbay. This area looks really good as it balances the blackness of the R-floors with the caution lines, basic flooring and bright blast doors. Also has a very good look with the stairs sloping down into the hangar. Combined with all the tools and equipment it gives the podbay a nice busy look. If possible, it would be great to get the Goon blast door spites and possibly a full tile podlock, it looks a bit strange so thin. For the emergency gear, I reckon make some kind of emergency suit like Goon has and give it to pod pilots. Should be rather slow, bulky and unarmored.
  5. Give them some tools to help with this kind of thing and they will be very useful. I'll try to find my earlier post about it.
  6. What if their spawn point was moved to arrivals? Gives the rare custom officer a use/its much easier for NT officers to do their jobs. Plus it might help stop the rampant looting.
  7. Ok, I know that both of these areas are W.I.P so these may not work: The current area: Of the NT Recruitment office is rather boring and does not use the area well, plus the lower Customs office is almost completely useless. If the NT office gets moved up to where the lower customs office is, it will be much easier for any civvies to get processed. (or even find the damn thing) Now, to use the space left behind we could give cargo a small store to sell items and a tiny common room/dorms for civilians. Something a bit like this: (Just a general representation of the look I mean, it won't be that big!) If there isn't enough room in that space you could move the wall over two spaces into the little area with crate markings. Now, a major problem with toxins is that it: A-"spontaneously" combustion every. damn. round. Dumbass nerds. B-clogs the waste loop (and atmos itself if it isn't setup) to high hell. Pretty much wrecking everything every. So, there's a simple enough fix for this. Replace the useless RnD staff room with a larger escape emergency storage and a small atmos cooling room. The emergency storage could look something like this: It needs to be well lit and open, otherwise it will not get used. And it needs plenty of tools, fire gear and maybe a fire medkit. Just below that should be a little atmos room with a few coolers and some canister ports. Like this: Scuse the terrible drawing and the wrong pipe colour, the blue pipe should be red. Yellow is the atmos doors, black is just the walls and the white things are coolers. Divert toxins atmos so it all leads into this little room before joining the other waste lines. Now, the coolers wouldn't start on so competent atmos techs would have to run over, divert the gas into the coolers and turn em on. If the pipe still gets clogged you could use the canisters ports to relive some of the pressure.
  8. Why is that even needed? Seems like it removes all risk of sabotaging equipment.
  9. I very much agree with everything you said. Just for clarity, the admin involvement WAS about messaging Centcom, in past times my messages seem to have done very little apart from getting ERT support. If you need more info, please ask for it. Sending vague distress messages (halp! EVERY IS DED!) is my only option otherwise. The reason I want Bluespace marines is to (maybe) help stop that stage of xeno where all the unrobust are dead, 9/10ths of the station is covered in weeds, multiple ERT units have been picked off, those who remain are either armed to hell and turtling somewhere or running around and hiding. It pretty much just ends at a stalemate with the admin often having to go GG, aluims win. It never feels like a proper ending. I feel that having them come in would end the round with a nice bloody gunfight where everyone makes a last stand or the aliens would slowly, department by department, get pushed back. They shouldn't get called in all the time though. Only if there's some kind of remaining "fort." Now, for why DS can't just be used. Few reasons: Assorted RP/fluff type stuff, very minor though. (Don't feel like listing it now but if you want to know I'll finish it.) Balance, xeno is very, very, very difficult to balance and having them be used the way they are with so many roundtypes means that you either have them UP or OP for xenos. Their weapons are not really "fun." They wreck walls so DS units are very mobile, that really shouldn't be the case with xeno rounds. One or two hit lasers are not all that fun to fire or fight, a hail of ballistics IS. They look badass but don't have quite the right look for a unit turning xenos to mush. They are the elite of the elite, a really rare and damn scary unit, having em the only option after ERT teams either means no support or they loose that "prestige." Sure, send em in as a rare event with really crazy xenos rounds, not saying that shouldn't happen.Just that a custom unit (mainly) for xenos round is preferred in a few ways. Ok, sorry if I'm doing a poor job of getting my point across, (or its just all BLARGHXENOGUNSSHOOOTEYY KILLYARGHH) really should be in bed.
  10. Well, that's kinda how I see ERT units working. Half of their job is nuking overrun stations. Makes perfect sense that they would have backups at Centcom.
  11. Only if the payment works a simple card swipe and then selection of the price. No screwing around with pin numbers.
  12. What about some modules in the gamma armoury that upgrade them into lethal variants?
  13. I would say have a mix of calm/hostile environments (tundra, forrest, desert, jungle, ect) that are simply a biome to explore with the most interesting things being their flora/fauna. They would be the basic "blueprints" of each location.Then there could be a low chance of each of these having things like crash sites, outposts, towns, ect. So you could explore a tundra and forrest, find nothing but then find a desert with the remains of a huge cargo ship. Then you could also have areas of deep space to explore. Imagine xeno filled ships, old mining stations or an outpost overun with a virus. And finally you would have something akin to the Goon z-levels with strange dimensions and extreamly hostile environments. Rewards would go up along with the danger. Maybe there could be a few complex minigames to "lock" onto each different zone. Easier to do with basic biomes but very hard with dimensions. Thats only if its even possible to have 10 or so randomized maps.
  14. For the weapons side of things, I have a few ideas. These would need spriting and coding though. Steyr Aug: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steyr_AUG Could work as both the squads assult rilfe and LMG. Bullpup so it makes sense for the close quarters of a space station and it has a great Sci-fi look. The SA80: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SA80 may be a good alternative. The KSG: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kel_tec_KSG Or SPAS-15: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franchi_SPAS-15 Squads combat shottie. Using the classic "stream of fire" flamethrower seems impractical and difficult to use. If we had another grenade launcher (This maybe? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milkor_MGL) with a much larger capacity you could fire incendiary rounds and clear out xeno nests easily. Don't think any kind of pistol or SMG would be needed or practical.
  15. Don't like having any of the non-airmix lines with connectors, never in a hundred years will you need gas from them to do anything legitimate.
  16. They WOULD need to somewhat OP to stand any kind of chance against the xenos. Imagine a DS with weaker, ballistic weapons.
  17. Ahah, idiots messing with things they do not understand, always ends well.
  18. At one point or another, no matter how much of the crew is armed with ballistic shotties and even if theres ten ERT running around, everyone WILL slowly get picked off. Sending in ERT after ERT doesn't help. (And theres a vey small limit on gear and players, at best you would get two squads of five) Thats the point where you either ERT shuttle evac or die. Thats when the marines should be sent it. All of that is based off rounds I have played. If a blueshield with all access and a huge surplus of weapons couldn't get enough support then nobody can. In that instance a xeno queen ended up attacking the bridge and what remained of the ERT(about three) barely managed to fend em off. (And there was me+five other ballistic weapon armed crewmembers+a ripley.) I pretty much said fuckit, ordered everyone to fall back to arrivals and managed to get a pitiful number of crew out. Remember, the entire time I was calling for ERT and talking to Centcom. Sure, we have DS but they are more a rev type thing/a bit too powerful. If the marines fail then I guess you would get a DS.
  19. Damn good job there, any idea what caused the fire?
  20. Ok, that sounds very broken and makes miners even more useless. Was it really that easy to get plasteel before? Well, with the new fire tweaks maybe platsteel could be used for proper fireproofing? There are some major bugs with the currents system like the incinerator burning itself apart.
  21. Is half of xenoarch just cult stuff? There a reason for that?
  22. How large was the fire and what was the highest pressure the tank got to?
  23. Huh, I guess thats pretty much what I need. Do you think you could add the option to have it PDA you when it triggers? That would be very useful.
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