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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. No, I think they work like a one way manual valves. Not sure, haven't used them ever.
  2. True, adding a relief valve after the coolers that leads to the space loop might be a good project. I wish we had relief valves that open at a customisable pressure.
  3. From intake to filters the gas has to go quite some distance. And I still maintain it is overly complex for something the coolers can already easily do. How is my setup in anyway complex? You have to turn a couple of valves and that's it. Sure, you can tear half of it apart but all that does it make sabotage harder and give you more room.
  4. Refilling a room is easy enough and theres much less danger when some moron opens all the shutters for FUNNNSIESSYAAY!
  5. Bluespace marines are better I think. Ending xeno is always a hard thing. Classic shuttle evac is impossible so you have to get creative. Pulling back to the mining base or labour camp works well enough, you can always just jump off into space or, my favorite, is to evac in the ERT shuttle. Nuking is a theoretical possibility but due to shitty metagaming xenos busting in and melting it first thing I don't think a xeno nuke is ever going to happen. The ERT shuttle evac works so well as arrivals is never really touched and its easy enough go secure. Just make sure to either grab a centcom I'd or have a few ERT alive. (They drop like flys, I blame the shitty, spammed to hell OP neurotoxin.) Thats if people arr still alive or command was condoms and theres just a few people in engie. I think the best time for the marines would be about now. A bit more admin involvement with xeno rounds would help. Proper communication over the message system. Giving the ERT orders. Cargo shuttle supply drops. Endgame xeno needs quite a bit of dev but could be one of the vey best.
  6. By complex I mean how long it is and how junctions there are. It isn't like the pipe layout is open like most of atmos. It would be easy to mess up but hard to find. Anyway, still a very long pipe system for something the coolers can do.
  7. I saw that, while nice in theory seems a bit over-complex and the gas has to go through a very long series of pipes. Super cooled CO2 might work well, bit more dangerous then plain old N2 though, I guess it could be pretty effective. That reminds me, I really need to post my fire fighting foam idea.
  8. ? Not really sure what you are trying to say.
  9. Huh, looks like a great setup and the perfect way to unclog the pipes. I do very much agree with venting into space being the best way to remove hot gas, the problem is being able to open that section to space. The CE's RCD helps but they are not always carrying or there to help.
  10. Medbay needs some kind way to hands MCI better, everytime theres an rad storm or deadly virus medbay just turns into a vomit-slide. Plastic sick bags that start as stacks of five (pull em open to use) would be very useful. They should stop vomiting and sneezing if carried in one of your hands. Sterile plastic sheets that stack and are easily to quickly place would be good. They should mostly stop people from vomiting but shouldn't be as good as a normal bodybag. The best use for them would be that huge line of bodys that ends up next to cloning.
  11. I want a 2-6-8 space coffee holder. Those brown cardboard trays.
  12. Simple. Breaches due to space carp or whatever happen often, and as atmos is so big it takes quite some time to refill. Plus, with so many scrubbers, if anyone lets the NO2 out they will clean it easily. I was planning to build some more vents and scrubbers in the engie hallway and lobby but ran outa time. While your list makes sense on paper and should be best way to do it, I can easily say that it is just not practical when stuff does go wrong. If the room is small enough, (say a fire in chem) the coolers will be adequate to ensure atmos does not get clogged. If its any kind of larger fire, it will be multiple rooms and doing anything but panic syphoning (plus manual fire suppression/mobile scrubbers) would be impractical and dangerous. I very rarely have cans of cooled N2 lying around, (I should always try to though) let alone anything supercooled. It would take far too long to make a supercooled canister and with any kind of large atmos problem you have to babysit or the greyshirts will open every damn shutter for funnsies.
  13. While a nice idea, is this really needed, at all? Robotics is already a pretty well expanded, simple system that makes sense. Does it really need to this change? Wouldn't time be better spent on, say, cargo, or other jobs that do not have as much content?
  14. Duel grenade launchers? Hell yeah! I say go all out and make it an upgrade for every mech.
  15. Thats a bug, I hope its fixed soon as we just had an extreamly deadly, fast spreading, incurable virus wipe out 90% of the station
  16. Yep, I was planning to conect a few lines up but it just wasn't needed. Easy enough to build em in a better spot or use the yellow line connected to the airmix tanks.
  17. Hazmat shutters that can easily be used as an airlock system (in the main entrance) would be great. Move the viro entrance over to where the medbay hazmat storage is. Use the hazmat storage as a corridoor for viro. Add a duel set of hazmat doors to the little hallway with the soap that leads to iso. Have a bolt button to airlock those doors.
  18. Aye aye, thats it. Right, to tide you guys over while I continue this guide, heres a pic of a proper atmos setup: Now, the space loop is useless, my fellow atmos tech had some kind of plan for that. We weren't using it anyway. As you can see we have multiple vents and scrubbers setup in atmos. A panic syphon pulls air crazy fast and I would think that it would get replaced quickly too.
  19. I agree, some very nice ones there. Would you ever do some requests after you finish these?
  20. That would be rather useful, although easily abused.
  21. Well, if nobody refills any pumps there's a good bit of air stored there that's never used. If you isolated the line your airloss would be minimal, there would probably only be enough air in the pipe to refill a pump or two.
  22. ? I never said robo should have lethal mechs. Why not have a lethal mech variation? If it was easy enough to upgrade from non-lethal to lethal, robo could build non-lethal mechs during peace and then upgrade when needed.
  23. Due to it only having a pump, not a volume pump, the distro line would only have a low amount of pressure. Correct, if the distro pipe was isolated, it would retain its pressure but not be refilled as the ports are used.
  24. Right, guess I'll use that line to add several extra vents in the lobby and hallway.
  25. Hmm, very interesting. Good pipe to hit for some extra vents in engineering I guess.
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