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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. El nath just needs gibs. Lots and lots and lots and lots of gibs.
  2. I think its just been patched or will be in an hour or two.
  3. Dwarf fortress. Free but still in an alpha stage of dev. http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/ http://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/ Before anyone bitches about "its hard!!!!!1!!1" grab the starter pack of the subreddit sidebar and read the wiki. Also, read the story of Roomcarnage. Chapter twenty two has just been released. http://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/c ... d_glacier/
  4. Can you go into more detail about these bugs?
  5. Not everyone can be Fred McPantshead. Some people have to be normalish. The admins say playing Ian and doing is a karma farm. I played my heart out for about five rounds, no karma. Sorry, less LUL CRAZZY people and more people that are robust/contribute to the round. I agree that playing something like Ian and earning lots of karma just due to you playing Ian is rather broken.
  6. Is a it really a bad thing if people play characters that other people enjoy? If everyone was Jim greyshirt the game wouldn't be very enjoyable.
  7. Been thinking about the best way to control how many crates cargo can order and it may be to simply add a category for each job. (And a few extra ones like emergency or pets.) Each job category would have a separate supply of cargo points, that would solve the problem of a botanist not being able to order anything after sec has bought several ballistic crates. Certain jobs would regen points faster. Some crates would overlap and be in two categories, they may be more expensive or cheaper. For it to work properly there would need to be many more types of crates. (a side benefit is that specific items are easier to get and crates are easier to find)
  8. Add- fire extinguisher, tape, internals kit, (for wounded) anomaly kit, window breaking tool, flares, barricades, more fire equipment, inflatable walls+a bunch of other stuff. Half of that I can't carry as an atmos tech because theres no room!
  9. How about some floor mounted traps? Spliced open wires that have a chance of shocking people, tiny shards of broken glass to tear shoes apart, palisades....
  10. Too much gear for them to carry.
  11. I agree that a firefighter wouldn't work. But a rescue tech as I pointed out earlier in the thread would. It would cover an area that neither paramedics or atmos techs cover and help support both.
  12. A feedback option would be good too.
  13. Don't be. Only way to spread dangerous gases. is either using canisters (and they only effect a limited area) or knowing exactly how. You changing a pipe or two will not kill people. First, have a read of the TG guide to atmos. It shows how the loop works. Understand that and everything else becomes easy. Right, what questions do you have?
  14. Alright, I'll update this soon. Gearing up is coming next.
  15. Not to mention antags having access to so many things.
  16. It can be kept, there atleast needs to be a proper helmet with a mounted flashlight and visor.
  17. Great idea, the larger wooden crates are pretty close already so it wouldn't be too hard to model off those.
  18. I kinda ISH understand the very basics of it. Not much more then that.
  19. Stops stupid people/griff. Mostly.
  20. Yep, that was my first thought. Possibly the first part with most of it RP and a xenoarch object but otherwise.
  21. I wish we had full turnout gear:SCUBA, coat, pants, boots, gloves and helmet. And a helmet that just isn't a recolored hardhat!
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