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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Is pulling air from select rooms/opening cans of N02 allowed?
  2. Everyone calls us useless until I tear a borg apart or syndies send plasma into the airsupply!
  3. I think I saw the end of the first one. For once xeno was fair and balanced!
  4. One or two karma maybe?
  5. I see you haven't met Buck yet.
  6. Do you need to learn about atmos? I can teach you atmos.
  7. If the labor camp had a little more to it (think a proper prison with showers and a canteen) it could be interesting. Also, there needs to be something to stop people from drilling into space. Number one is removing gibonite from the area.
  8. Get an emergency oxygen tank, screwdriver it, mix welder fuel into it and attach an igniter. Turn the igniter on, use wirecutters on the tank and then run like hell. It sprays across the room until it goes boom. Good way for causing panic in crowded areas.
  9. Talking about subverted or malf borgs. Anyway, the rare competent atmos tech that DOES properly setup atmos is then pretty much useless. Malf AI should have no way of sabotaging a properly setup atmos system.
  10. Giving borgs atmos pipes? Fuck no! The only way that ends is plasma. So much plasma.
  11. First, I think we have to get xeno rounds working and balanced.
  12. Many other ones then just the atmos. Anyway, with the new fire system its broke as hell and will break every single window they touch.
  13. Soo... Its xenos but with culties helping them and they have even more powers? Doesn't sound balanced at all. Hell, the rest thing is ridiculously broken in itself!
  14. Thats exactly what I was going for. Another component: liquid plasma-turns it into either a pretty powerful bomb (around welder tank) or a huge radius of fire.
  15. Changed technician and specialist around. While not a big change it does give a few more options. Few more: Pipe mechanic Atmospherics mechanic Life support mechanic Life support repairer
  16. That's a pretty good idea, don't think they are used for anything else.
  17. Hmm, only thing that will do is keep the idiots slightly further away and stop anyone from fixing it.
  18. List so far: Pretty much all of RnD, mainly toxins. Anywhere in the brig. Anywhere on the RnD station. Anywhere in the mining base.
  19. A basic panic/emergency room or two would be cool. Maybe the emergency storage could be expanded.
  20. I want more helpful grenades myself. Seems like a waste to only have grenades for antags or griff.
  21. Classic molotov cocktail. Bottle of alcohol and a rag, light it, throw and run like hell. Burns a couple of tiles for a short amount of time. Does not burn very hot. Welding fuel makes it burn hotter but it can blow up in your hand.
  22. Getting a proper balance between both roles having something to do would be rather difficult but it could be done. There would only be one rescue tech so they would either lack manpower or have to rely on atmos for support. They also wouldn't have atmos access or access to to really any bits of atmos equipment. I can see the role functioning alongside atmos techs. Rescue techs would play a frontline role (gaining access, doing the brunt of firefighting, helping treat/rescue the wounded) while atmos techs would either stay in atmos manning the atmos alarm computer or help support the recue tech (managing air alarms onsite, using cans/airscrubbers and pumps)
  23. Fj45

    Vox dance bar

    The area around engineering has a real lack of water/fuel tanks.
  24. If it was combined into the rescue tech role it could work.
  25. We were sent royal tribbles once. Corse, sec had already organised a lynching and had beaten em to dearh.
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