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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Fj45

    Vox dance bar

    Any chance you could add another atmos hardsuit with that map bugfix? There are less suits then there are techs!
  2. While the others need a little work the Ian one looks perfect!
  3. Bar becomes another atmos tech refusal of service zone.
  4. Thats the Warden. Or maybe there could be a brig secretary.
  5. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1145&p=5393&hilit=Fire+fighting#p5393 There Ok, few job name ideas: Fire fighter Atmospherics specialist Life Support Technician Emergency Specialist Emergency Technician Pipe repairer
  6. Alright, lemme see. Having another job as simply a fire fighter wouldn't work as atmos techs then have nothing to do and the fire fighter would spend half the round in his office. (already happens with atmos techs but there are still plenty of things you can do) Theres an emergency response job suggestion somewhere, I will have to look it up. Atmos has a few jobs- •setting up atmos properly so bad air gets pulled quickly and rooms are refilled quickly. You also need to ensure that the loop does not get clogged with hot gas. •fighting fires. One of the most important roles of an atmos tech is to setup atmos so that it can't be easily sabotaged. Simple enough, just set the pressure high and remove the pipes leading to the non-airmix tanks. Then protect atmos from internal saboatge. Once you do thatfires are rare. But welder fuel fires or plasma leaks will happen. •fixing breaches. Pretty common, engies often do it though. •proper use of the fireaxe. A good atmos tech is always very robust. Do not mess with us. The atmospehics hardsuit almost completely protects from fire. Add a medkit with some burn meds and you will be fine. Been thinking of a suggestion involing expanding fire fighting foam for a while. There needs to be a better way to fight fires. Having a new extinguisher type and some kind of grenade would be good. Atmos hardsuit is already exactly that. Mags help stop slipping. So, putting down tape? The thing atmos techs do already? The thing that fails horribly because people are fucking stupid idiots that love to watch fires as it melts their eyes out of their skull? The thing that breaks with a single click? Inflatable walls already exist but the box is pretty bugged. Atmos really needs them. Theres my barley coherent rant. Enjoy it.
  7. I like the sound of vamp VS lings more. Much easier to code anyway. And it makes more IC sense. NT hires vamp to protect station from lings, pays in blood.
  8. Ahahah, that would be a great way to kill em!
  9. Sounds like a cool replacement for stun gloves. Maybe a better version could use a battery to trigger the payload? Give em a bit more range.
  10. While I don't think borgs need much more added to them (right now) it is a pretty cool idea. Suddenly malf AIs can't use plasma as well and we can attack borgs with flamethrowers!
  11. Iiii.....if only I had been there! Son, plasma/N02 are for plebs. Real atmos techs use CO2!
  12. Maybe there would need to be a new antag for them to hunt as vampire stun can be a little broken.
  13. Maybe change it to lights burning out randomly? Janitor still needs something to do.
  14. Aren't wizards just a buncha crazy people with some highly advanced tech?
  15. I agree with you but no matter what, caps goin poach the sechuds from security and then security can't do their job.
  16. Agree. Worst thing is the idiots that force forms even when spiders or xenos or whatever are everywhere.
  17. Sorry, bit tired. Ok, lets say the CE turns up but as theres no arrivals message nobody notices him. He then doesn't get a status report on the ship and whatnot. Arrivals messages are needed otherwise it gets confusing who is new or not. It also helps with rev rounds as people can warn them before they take a stroll and get flashed.
  18. The cap should get a pair of sechuds as well.
  19. Borgs have to have some things missing so they can't just fix everything. They are seen as pretty OP anyway.
  20. Like the sound of those objectives. Would be a pretty fun round that replaces the greytide with a more legit version. Good way for people to learn antags too.
  21. Makes customs far too important and simply leads to confusion with new crew members mixing with old.
  22. What about revs? And your point about not going to be around flashes is ridiculous! Many circumstances could mean the Blueshield would need to be in security. Getting more equipment for one!
  23. Heh, great handwave.
  24. CEs that know atmos are too damn rare. Its one thing to not understand T-coms, another to ignore atmos.
  25. I want one that makes people turn into slime people! The station should be a water slide by the middle stage.
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