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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Probably, I play David Buck. He swears, wears his hardsuit all the time, hates synthetic units and is completely insane. That ring a bell? Don't be afraid of killing everything. It is 99% impossible to fuckup atmos (apart from a poorly setup loop) even if you open the two valves for the dangerous gas tanks. The atmos alarms control pressure and temp so no need to worry about any of that. I recommend you read the TG/bay wiki on atmos. While they both have minor changes and a slightly different loop, it will still give you enough of an idea of how atmos works. It is much, much simpler then it looks. Anything I missed? Got any questions?
  2. Fj45


    Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. No. Really, it isn't all that hard. The atmospheric loop is pretty easy to work out. (Even without a diagram.) it is much, much simpler then it looks. You can just ignore half anyway! Atmospherics is best learnt without really any proper lessons or instructions, once you get hands and just observe everything slowly starts making sense. Its funny, as you never really need to why things work or any of the specifics. Like that entire section of maths in the atmos wiki. Never learnt em, never used em, never needed em.
  3. Fj45


    Need any other help?
  4. Fj45


    Welp, that's pretty simple really. Just simply disconnect the lines to the tanks with dangerous gas. (CO2, plasma, NO2.) Boom, AI cannot gas the station! Now, to stop em from pulling air, (when it works) use the atmos alarm console and just check the settings on red zones. Now, for tearing borgs apart you need three things: Fire axe, flash and insulated gloves. Once the ROGUE AI! call comes out, just weld into tech and grab the flash. Hunt down any borgs, flash em, then tear em apart! If they are unlocked you can do the procedure in my sig and kill em even faster! To avoid the AI, move fast, find the AI wire, stay next to an engie or two and use maint the most. If you have time and noone has broke in already, break into chem and make some thermite! Melt your way in, then there's a few things you can do. If science is good/still alive you may just be able to bomb the AI! You can easily make a prett good bomb using some welding tanks, shove as many into the core as you can and then blow the AI to hell! Or, you can do a Buck and axe the AI!
  5. Fj45


    Need any help with atmos?
  6. Those traitor goals would be unfun and too easy. Who the hell is going to check each account for money they shouldn't have every round? I say again, RP SHOULD NOT BE FORCED. Having to screw around with account details is not my version of fun or RP. Imagine if to change jobs or get extra access you had to add an entire correct form with everything filled out and a stamp? (The machine wouldn't work without it) How unfun/broken would that be?
  7. Now with 5X the beatings! Maybe they could change to that if the clown somehow manages to shove the caps gear into the honkcomputer thats been floating around.
  8. If you need a good (and highly safe) atmos setup there is always mine! viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1285
  9. Fj45


    Good. You shall never know our secrets! I use the setup here myself viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1285 If the SM gets setup I use the old line the normally connects to the non airmix tanks. Conect it to the N2 line before it mixes, send it into the space loop and then just collect it in a canister. Very efficient way of making N2 around 2-4 degrees
  10. I guess stuff like booze (for non bartenders) could be moved to a section that needs payment.
  11. Never, ever had a very fun borer round. Shit, I once got a borer and tried to convince medbay he was friendly (he was) even after he never once took control of me, bred, tried to escape or got aggressive. I just kept yelling that he was friendly even as the medic put me under. He never once tried to escape and he had atleast five minutes before they took him out. I ended up just spacing myself.
  12. Like the sound of this. As long as the crew doesn't have to pay for gear (apart from the civi stuff) its fine.
  13. Because its a pain in the ass and crew members shouldn't have to pay for damn cargo supplies!
  14. Oh, and Code red was never called, sec spent the entire round screaming about lethal when a a few flashbangs and a good baton charge would be far more effective then any laser and against my wishes someone called the shuttle. (AIII!)
  15. Blueshield can keep an eye on everyone because everyone won't be fucking off to play Super CaptainCop or something. They'll do their jobs and not take risks. This is pretty much the entire problem with Blueshield right there! Instead of being able to protect the heads and monitor the heads, most of my damn time is spent trying to stop them from charging at whatever the hell is trying to wreck the station! The bluesheilds end up less like bodyguards and more like the carers for a buncha suicidal babies! Take this round for instance: Basic shift start like normal. Gear up, spend the first few minutes waiting for the heads to come to the bridge so I can implant them. Spend the next few minutes grabbing essential gear instead of protecting the heads! Anyway, call comes out about nuke ops. Welp, heres my time to shine. While the nuke squad work their way into the station proper, I'm running around trying to: Collect all the heads into the bridge. Fortify the bridge. Communicate with the crew. Give orders to the crew. Communicate with sec. Give orders to sec. Go to code red so sec has weapons. Communicate with command to go to code red. Message Centcom to call for support. Commuinate with the AI on the teams location. Keep all the heads herded into the bridge. Obtain an all access ID so I can move around properly. Secure the nuke disk. So. I have all that to do. And I do an ok...ish job. Apart from code red. Other heads are 10000% useless and I can barely talk to them! HoP isn't saying much and keeps trying to serve the line infront of his office! (I just have no idea, he wasn't even giving all access IDs to people who could fight!) CE runs in with a fireaxe. They don't talk much. Cap is running round like a headless chicken and being useless. Doesn't even have his godamn hardsuit on! HoS is more then likely trying to do whatever with sec. Also not talking. CMO has not said a single word. Doesn't come to the bridge with anything useful like medical supplies or space lube! AI is also doing a shit job of giving me intel. Cap decides to store the nuke disk in the AI core. An ok plan that could work well enough. I agree to it, he somehow manges to stick it in there without getting tased. Then, ignoring me completely, he runs off with the CE towards EVA. Without a hardsuit. Against my orders. Against all common sense. The CE I didn't really mind. Sure maybe they should be protecting engineering building more defenses.But maybe they can axe a nuke op or two. And the bridge shutters work pretty well anyway. Welp, the obvious happens, while I'm trying to call Centcom for support, the nuke squad attack from arrivals, cap trades fire, goes down and then promptly dies. Good thing the squad had a sudden friendly fire incident with a bomb cos otherwise everyone woulda died a fast death! /rant
  16. Or the borers just go full murderbone. Borers are broken and uninteresting. The gamemode either needs a huge overhaul (and there are many more important things) or to be forgotten about entirely.
  17. Please read my reply again.
  18. Then some kind of change needs to be made. If we don't give em sechuds they will just take them from sec!
  19. Ahahaha, nope. Many problems with this. For one, RP should never really be forced. Unless the money system was significantly streamlined it would be extremely tedious/time consuming, making cargo more useless/underused. If you want that kind of "RP" head over to Baystation. There are also problems with antags and emergencies...ect
  20. Vent into space=syphon air. Much simpler and better for atmos. No loss of gas. I like to spray areas that are hot but not burning as I enter the room. I don't think it has any affect on the rooms temp but it looks cool and gives more of a job. I agree that water should do an ok job at cooling hot air while foam would be better for directly extinguishing fires.
  21. Fj45


    But you need a coin and you only get one. Having a box of cheap cigars would allow for heads and whatnot to keep smoking with class!
  22. Even better, suicide bomb! Grab a welding fuel tank, strap the pack on and run at the brig!
  23. ??? Isn't that kind of the point of a Blueshield, ignore the clown breaking into EVA, tag him for sec and just keep the heads safe?
  24. I want those simply for the awesome flamethrowers. Imagine adding liquid plasma to it!
  25. Maybe some kind of system where if you work a full job (shift start-crew transfer) you would get a paycheck. Could change with different jobs/some would give danger pay. Problem is you have to factor in things like people goofing off, job changes, late arrivals, shuttle recalls....and also early shift ends, like shuttle calls or blob rounds, antags, so many damn things it just wouldn't work. Plus why bother implementing it when there a bigger things you could code?
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