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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Many items have apparently got certain drugs on the TG codebase but there isn't any kind of record if they still have them with Bay medical system.
  2. Thats a great idea! If an easier money system was introduced for the civies (maybe some kind of special card) that made money less of a massive pain in the arse to work with, the money system could really be used rather well. Civies would have to directly pay for cargo orders, properly buy drinks, ect. Allows for that aspect of RP without forcing it onto other jobs that have much more imporant uses of their time.
  3. They may very well not be security by they still need the capacity to tag suspects so sec can detain them.
  4. Realistically there's draw backs and this would make foam OP. Yes plasma fires are meant to be hard to fight but they shouldn't be this easy, after all lets think of this in a physics manner, spraying some foam which is kind of a solid into a room filled with flammable gas wouldn't do a thing, if anything the foam would just evaporate, never mind not being able to actually stick to the fuel or suffocate the flames. This causes the crew to think drastically in a plasma fire and maybe even think about venting a deck (Spacing I mean)(if they had sense which they never do and think that doesn't work). However, It would work against fuel fires and it could work as a fire extinguisher cleaner hybrid in the way that it could put out fire as well as remove any welder fuel spills. That way it effectively fights fuel fires. That way foam tanks wouldn't need to be so scarce either, if they were effective against plasma fires then by all means definitely keep them to a minimum. Maybe if there was some sort of firefighter or hazard control role then it may be a viable option to include both of them plus a CO2 extinguisher that could perhaps work against plasma. Ok, not even going to bother debating " everything needs balance!" Please stop. Ok, lets look at each type of extinguishing agent if it was used on plasma fires: Using water to extinguish plasma fires really shouldn't work at all. Water works by removing heat, therefore disrupting the fire tetrahedron. Plasma fires burn really, really hot and water should really be useless on them. (Water can displace oxygen when it vaporises but a tiny extinguser doesn't have to capacity for that.) Here is foam being tested to suppress huge aviation fuel fires: It works by either pulling oxygen into the foam or isolating the fuel from oxygen. Using foam would work pretty well, spraying it around a burning room would help cool the burning mix and then pull the oxygen into it as it settles. For carbon dioxide to work you would need to flood the entire room. Largely useless. What does this all mean for our Spess Maan Sim? Water would be more effective at cooling hot areas while foam would be better at directly extinguishing plasma/oil fires. Welp, theres my barely coherent rant for the day.
  5. Plus, having two Blueshields allows proper teamwork. Can't fight properly as so many times Ive had to yell at the Cap that, no, running at them with your E-gun is not a good idea! Or Ive been the only one building defences/messaging Centcom for support.
  6. Why the hell would there have to be "drawbacks"?!? Plasma/fuel fires are horrible to fight, just keep the number of foam tanks pretty low and theres no problem!
  7. Also, don't be that person that pulls it next to the blob. Please, DON'T EVER be that person!
  8. Socks should do 100 brute damage! Sawmill would be great. But maybe having a woodshop in the dorms would be better.
  9. Fj45


    What setup do you normally use?
  10. A firetruck for atmos would be great. Atmos really needs a foam tank and a new of extinguisher. Spraying areas with foam should stop fires from spreading there for a good bit of time.
  11. Fj45

    Guide to Surgery

    Whoever coded that is amazing. Ahha, holy crap. Imagine if you could add monkey cubes to food....
  12. Fj45


    Hello! How experienced are you as an atmos tech?
  13. The gasmask looks great! Thanks mate. Is it possible to make the glass portion transparent or is that impossible with Byond?
  14. Being able to use the emergency consoles for more then red alert and ERT would be great. How about it also being possible to give cargo more supply points (emergency use only) and activate a station wide alarm? Also, the communication console needs to have all the functions of a wall console.
  15. Cool, thought about suggesting MREs before.
  16. Experience really says otherwise. Antags will get security IDs. I agree about the armbands, they were a rather novel idea. Really did like the old sec meeting room more. Wouldn't be too hard to revert it, theres space for it.
  17. One major problem with giving them more access is antags. Nowhere for them to hide and if they get a sec ID its OP.
  18. Really, I want to see the mining system, (add some rocks around part of perma) a kitchen and a small hydro room added to perma. Give more reason to keep playing then just going SSD or spacing yourself. Also, a console to reward good inmates with items would be great. (They mined the entire meteor? Give em a corgi!)
  19. It had so many holes the chef tried to use it in a sandwich!
  20. Fj45


    Wouldn't mind having this as a cheap cigar.
  21. Fj45

    Tajaran Tweaks

    As just another storage slot like the pocket it would be pretty cool. Good reason to play them too.
  22. While it is pretty cool, they still need a small area on-station. Not much use building a bar if nobody uses it.
  23. Having the mechanic part of the old line would be great. If the solars next to it were moved up, the weird long corridor could be removed and the pod area could be part of the line. Engineering would need an area to build stuff so a construction area would have to be made somewhere. (Close as possible to engineering though.) To make pods more useful/give engineering a way to EVA, maybe some kind of airlock could be added to where the engineering escape pod is. The corridor would need to be wider and a few sets of blast doors would be needed so nuke teams can't just stroll into engineering.
  24. Like the sound of that. Once the alium is out you normally should have enough time to fix the damage.
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