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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. While I like the background the typography looks a little bit off.
  2. Rather like it, I wonder how some LEDs that cycle through colours around the outside would look.
  3. If you want to learn atmos (rather hard to kill everyone as long as you don't try to and use yer brain) We could organise a time to meet so I can teach you. There is also my (massively incomplete) guide here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1285
  4. For those of you who like saving money, we also have the crowbar-to-the-head method.
  5. While I agree there it could be offset by zombies being slow. It wouldn't be a good idea at all to fight them melee, your best option until support arrived would be to just hole up or move around the station.
  6. Rushing a nuke squad with a bomb in your backpack would be a pretty damn awesome way to go out.
  7. That's the point! Combine the best parts of maintenance drones and assistants while still keeping them assistant-like. Some sort of "job" that people who latejoin into jam-packed rounds can go to be around the station and add to the ambiance or chaos or whatever's going on. But its just replacing one useless thing with another useless thing! I mean, why not just observe anyway?
  8. Reporting drones for greifing can be pretty annoying with just the numbers, this would fix that rather well.
  9. Number 1 tip to stay alive: play atmos tech and run around atmospherics in your hardsuit the entire shift.
  10. Seems like it would end up as another assistant really. (Maybe with less riots and greytide though)
  11. Been saying this for a long time. Four would be great as there needs to be a spare.
  12. Don't surgeries on tables/rollers beds already have a failure chance?
  13. While a fun concept, it would take a huge amount of work, have problems of the "natives" ending up like the current shaft miners,(or even worse, greyshirts) remove the main part of Space Station 13, cause all kinds of problems with atmos/balancing/antags. (hell, pretty sure that another type of gas would simply cause massive lag) Maybe for a specific, heavy RP server.
  14. Fireaxes should be a valid part of ghetto surgery.
  15. yup, we did it in an event and i loved it so much i had to make it into a thing Wait a sec, I remember that there's a buncha terminator type sprites floating around here somewhere, they might be perfect.
  16. While I do agree about them being able to grab what supplies they need, the problem is it take a huge amount of time. Time they should be using for doing their job.
  17. Ahh, no. Science is extremely unreliable/understaffed and they can't even make em very fast. Plus its on the other side of the station!
  18. Also, a few more supplies for em would be great. More ammo, proper internals, maybe a hardsuit, proper radio, more security supplies, SWAT helmet.
  19. in that they are tech cult yes, but were a ninja is sneaky and quiet, the BI are large and loud. its the difference between a rogue and a tank id also think that the BI and spider clan would have known of each other, and have been fighting in a secret war for ages to get the best tech ((yay lore tid-bits)) Could be a fun alternative to the ninja I guess.
  20. Ahhaha, really!? That's fucking amazing! LONG LIVE GREYTIDE!
  21. While I imagine NT would be scummy enough use it as a racket, why bother having large storage servers? Why bother leaving such large security problems? Why bother keeping the entire system maintained? - when you can easily just replace the idiots with more idiots!
  22. Plenty of cool things could be done with slime "blood." Drinking plain old water could help heal you but it would also upset your electrolyte balance. Too much water=death. But if you have massive blood loss/your electrolytes are already low you would need to get a proper slime blood transfusion.
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