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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Take people get face-hugged. In situations where surgery is not an option there can be some pretty awesome RP with someone wanting to kill another to stop the infection. I think the same would happen with zombies.
  2. I feel that is rather fair, either contribute to the round (on a larger scale then just hauling crates) or the community itself with editing the wiki and such.
  3. Fj45


    Something something meta joke.
  4. Ohh.. I need to remember that one, heh.
  5. I feel that it would be better to have no "cure" or even a drug that can slow down turning. The only cure should be a shottie shell to the head.
  6. Well, What do you suggest we do to fix that? Reducing karma needed won't work as per my earlier point.
  7. Having it alarmed not only ruins the fun of ol'e singo but would simply lead to "lol shuttle!" making it pretty much useless.
  8. That is another thing to consider. Could having that make it too easy for antags?
  9. Fj45

    Tajaran Tweaks

    Heh, I like the sound of that.
  10. Should people really be able to buy everything? Seems after a point it would wuickly become useless then.
  11. I think have some initial infected maybe wouldn't work as there would be problems of making balanced while still fun and stoping powergaming/metagaming. Plus it wouldn't be too hard for the start zombies to fail quickly. Maybe it would be better to have some sort of start event that is a large number of zombies on a shuttle that arrive at the station, maybe there could be a few player controlled ones and if the player zombies die they just get a new one. Suddenly it gets very interesting as while the zombies are slow they would already have their greatest advantage-numbers!
  12. Problem is this could just turn into monkey mode really. Maybe using World War Z type zombies (the book! Not the fucking terrible movie!) would work better. Very slow and dumb but you can only kill em by destroying their brain (so pretty much just bashing in their head) and maybe the infected should take longer to turn. The gamemode could be very interesting but would really suffer from the problem of people not playing the round (blob is a textbook of this, fucking botany and the chef!) /being unrobust scrubs that couldn't barricade the brig!
  13. Vox also need better stuff to trade. Even if its more "fluff" type items that are pretty much useless, they still need more to trade.
  14. Rig the nuke up with the disk and C4, wait for syndies to burst in.....
  15. Well, thats even more broken. I vote for removal.
  16. Well, I can see the forum got a bit of a shakeup. Looks good.
  17. Sounds great, got one or two ideas that could work.
  18. Fj45

    Tajaran Tweaks

    No space rats are tribbles.
  19. We've had around three rounds today end this way... Ohh, so thaats why I got hit with so many rads when I started to mine.
  20. Right, so correct procedure is to run like hell and don't look back.
  21. What happens when you find them? Do they automatically start going nuclear or is it when you try to move it?
  22. Rads. Lots of em. Although.... Even if NT isn't one for safety, looking at all the acidents over the years: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ ... _accidents -it isn't too big of a streach to say that there would be little to no radiactive contamination.
  23. If the pin not being more visible is a problem you could simply add it to the bottom. (So the grenade is technically upside down)
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