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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Ahh, cool, I will have to check those out.
  2. Sorry for thr lack of updates, been rather with with teh dorfs. If anyone wants to contribute, go ahead.
  3. If your open to requests, could you make Ian a dog bed?
  4. Please note that due policy changes, plasma fires in toxins will be ignored by the atmospherics deparment. Have a fun shift and try not to die in a fire.
  5. How about a paint grenade for antag clowns? Could even turn windows opaque.
  6. It would be cool if you could get an MP3 type thing from the cargo-reward console.
  7. Hard to get any before they get converted and implants are much better spent.
  8. I want a brig medic for rev/cult rounds. Medbay is a prime target and once an officer gets hurt theres often no way to save them.
  9. Sec, atmos and engineering hard suits really need a built in loudspeaker.
  10. Been correcting a few small things on the atmos pages. Lotta outdated stuff there.
  11. Could someone with more wiki experience please port what I have written over here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1285 to the atmos guide?
  12. There is a custom station completely sticking out of a meteor, rest of it isn't great though.
  13. I can help with anything on the atmos side of things.
  14. I would love to see somewhere around the station embedded in a meteor. It would allow miners to do their job and take some part in the round. Also, a construction area around the station would be awesome for engineering.
  15. Yeah, carts are very, very broken combat wise. Any antag that uses them for combat needs to stop.
  16. Hey! Thats my line! But this right here is the reason bluespace anomalies are so deadly. No matter how much I yell at them they never back away until it's too late.
  17. It is possible to mine it, i just have no idea how.
  18. Could be like a ninja, admin spawn only but it just has to kill the crew. Could be quite interesting.
  19. So an underwater station like this: http://i.imgur.com/xRTI1ap.png ? It would awesome to have mini floods if you clog a stink or damage a water tank. (Space station)
  20. Mining drone: do I really have to explain what it would do? Space drone: EVA drone made to fix hull breaches, repair the outside of the station and explore space. Has a jetpack.
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