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Posts posted by Fj45


    3. Chefs who don't even bother with the wiki and resort to "deep fried box of deep fried Holy Bible cereal cereal."


    Not a thing anymore. This got killed off a long time ago.

    About a week ago I was served a Grilled Foot...





    But how the hell do we go about removing that playerbase exactly?


    It isn't like tajrajnranrjans where we can remove the "bad eggs", the entire playerbase of the fox race is bad eggs! We ban twenty and ten more pop up.


    Admins are streatched thin as it is to.


    At some point it just becomes, is it worth it?



    The race itself is ok.


    The lore is crap, sure, but thats lore.


    I don't like the name, but hey its just a name.


    The problem I have with them, and why I want them nuked, is the fact that their playerbase is FUCKING AWFUL.


    This isn't some stupid hate campaign. I have barely played over this past week (four rounds or so?) yet EVERY interaction I have had with this new race was negative.


    For gods sake, I saw near ERP and I've barely been playing lately! I have seen that...three or four in my entire time of playing SS13!


    Every cliche about tajrnajnean's being shit shoved together.


    They are played by "that" kind of player. The type of player everyone here worked damn hard to remove from tarjanrjans.


    Tarjanrjans on here are pretty good. I have never really seen issues with them that weren't sorted out. But christ the players of the fox race are awful.



    For the good of the entire Paradise community, remove the fox race.



    Sounds like lore needs to also be changed, I would recommend making most, if not all, antags unknown to NanoTrasen.


    Ahaha nope. Not only would that not fix the issue, it would destroy one of the best things about paradise.


    Forced "RP" is awful.

    Scripted "RP" is awful.


    I don't want every shift to be a game of "the thing."



    Thats funny coming from the guy throwing twenty suggestions around to powercreep borgs.


    I shall neither confirm nor deny that allegation.


    But really, shitcurity wouldn't change much with a checkpoint, the big problems are with mapping space and usefulness of the room



    -Engineering looses a great building site

    -More crazy specific jobs are not needed

    -Money is still completely useless

    -More people around engineering is bad


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