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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. To start with, stop using realsim/lore/whatever the hell to debate gameplay. It doesn't work. Now, having the autopsy automated would be rather unbalanced. Get a dead guy? Chuck em in, start the hunt right away.
  2. Fj45


    I don't know who at TG made this "not a bug" but they need to get their brain checked.
  3. http://imgur.com/a/xnFgb This is something I have been working on to make LINDA sliiightly more interesting and deadly. All I need to do now is get it into a better format, polish it up and find a coder insane enough to attempt this.
  4. Hardsuit is really just temporary, I'll work something out. And I'll say it simply, a second pod pilot isn't happening just so you can reenact Top Gun. (and for many other reasons.)
  5. That is exactly what they did.
  6. And remember, cold/oxy/pressure damage can all be re-balanced.
  7. Uhhh....well thats a long one... I'll speak in overalls. LINDA has better performance, is easier to code (ZAS completely wrecked fire based weapons, and chemical reactions couldn't do their job.), has less bugs and has far better balance in general.
  8. I have said this before but I'll say it again. ZAS was great in its "impact". Breaches sending people flying and all that. But it was completely broken in everything else. Its a bit of a catch 22, no atmos system will really be perfect. (unless the game had a huge overhaul/remake.)
  9. I would also like an explanation of the Kei/Cy thingy
  10. Fj45

    Police Dog

    By "crap way to play sec" I mean running around the entire round with beepsky behind you. Summoning him is very useful though.
  11. If people are going to mess with others like that, then they would mess with them no matter if they understand what is being said or not. If anything, having an..."ecosystem" of second languages that isn't just two metabudies would do wonders for RP.
  12. Probably best to find an artist and request/commission a drawing.
  13. Fj45

    Police Dog

    Already works like that. Call beepsky over with your PDA, disable patrolling, drag him along and set people to arrest. Its a pretty crap way to play sec though.
  14. Uhh...its exactly like any language IRL. Hell, it would be even easier to learn with all the fancy bits of technology and improvements to the education system. I could go on but "realsim" arguments just go nowhere.
  15. I don't think Sol common was added with the language update. Not sure why. None of the game makes sense if you dig just a little. Antag languages are just silly.
  16. if everyone knew how to speak it, then why would anyone use it? its like having 2 commons, why would anyone use common 2 when common 1 is there? Well if that happens then maybe languages are completely broken. Whats better, keeping it the way it is or trying to change it so there is a chance they might get some use?
  17. Why is that an issue? If silk-tar is the only second language with any use, then why is it a problem for people to speak that?
  18. Fj45

    Spider venom

    Remember, trying to balance things by using arguments based on realsim gets nowhere.
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