Greetings. The station A.I. unit known as M.O.T.H.E.R (or; mom, dumbass ai, DOOR, open this!, AI IS MALF, STATE LAWS etc.) bids you all welcome to the N.S.S Cyberiad. Please set your suit sensors to maximum and have a safe day. Death is bad. Do not die.
Hello. Whilst I've been around on the server for a considerable amount of time I wanted to post this here to say hello. I am x31stOverlord I typically play as AI although I also play as OSI-448 around and about. For those that recognise my ckey I am a moderator for Colonial Marines and spend a lot of time on that server, however the first server I ever clicked on when I first started playing last August was Paradise and I always come back to play a few more chilled rounds (that end on a not so chill note most of the time). Anyway.