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  1. Addendum: Since Cardiac Failure requires Shock as a pre-requisite, you can prevent new-crit for the entire round by just smoking cigarettes injected with Saline-Glucose solution, bypassing the new system entirely.
  2. A Better Guide to New-Crit. As penned by Triiodine. New-Crit is difficult to work around. It makes chemistry gray their hair faster than an atmospheric technician that forgot to screw down a plasma window while running a TEG burn chamber. Why? You need primarily two chemicals according to your medical scanner. This is correct, but you can greatly increase your chances of keeping someone alive by spicing up your mix with more chemicals than there are spices in the Dutch East Indies. First, we'll need to break down critical condition. You fall into critical condition at 0 health (At full health, you have 200 total points shared across your entire body). At -100, you die. Very simple, this is unchanged. Past a cumulative 100 damage of any type, you begin to roll for catching critical disease. Why it wasn't refactored into it's own system is beyond me, regardless, it means we'll need to bust out our robust virology knowledge to safely bring your favorite security officer or mindslave back from the brink. New-Crit can be broken down into two different diseases: Shock. Cardiac Failure. Let's break down on how to prevent and cure shock. Shock is a three stage disease that begins to give you really annoying messages about feeling weak, as if falling over and passing out faster than a college freshmen drinking for the first time wasn't enough to remind you that something maybe, just might, be wrong. Switching to MD. Robusto's perspective, our shock patient has rolled into medical (somehow) still alive. In our hypothetical, let's say our patient is at -170 damage, cumulative in equally distributed burns across the body. Plasma fire or something stupid, the usual. Regardless, its up to you (MD. Robusto) to save them. If you're not a chemist you're chances of saving this poor fellow are so exceptionally low, you might be tempted to do what all the cool kids are doing these days: Cloning, its hip, its new, its an all new you. Saline-Glucose is the only chemical that can be used to cure shock, remind yourself that its handled by disease code, and acts like one in lockstep with others. Curing isn't instant, and curing requires a specific chemical. You can get a bottle of Saline-Glucose pills from the table right next to the sleepers at round start. Be quick though, a nibble assistant might nick them before you even open your locker for your precious nitrile gloves. While you're busy stuffing your patient's face with Saline-Glucose, make sure to either A. Slap them into a well stocked sleeper, a well stocked cryo-cell (Both unlikely), or slap them with whatever trauma patch is most applicable to their condition. If you can get them above 0 damage and into a non-flashing health-meter, then you can prevent their chance to roll for Cardiac Failure. Are they cured yet? Great! Good job MD. Robusto, you've saved a life in New-Crit. Pat yourself on the back and splint their legs up before sending them off to surgery or whatever post triage care they might need. If they're not cured and the situation is worsening, they might roll into Cardiac Failure. A double whammy, two diseases. They'll also start to accumulate oxygen damage (and brain-damage) the longer they lapse into shock. Don't let that happen! Stuff them with Salbutamol, yes that's right, the chemical you can find in every maintenance closet and O2 kit. Yes it does stuff, yes it works, its a wonder chemical now! None of that is true. While the Salbutamol will offset the stacking oxygen damage, their brain is still going to give up on you in the near future. You're racing a clock here now MD. Robusto. So to review, Shock can be prevented and cured with ONLY Saline-Glucose solution. It can either be gotten round-start from a table next to the sleepers (Only on Cyberiad), or made in Chemistry out of Salt, Water, & Sugar. It is advised you beg the HOP for chemistry access, and or set your chemist preference to high so you might have a never ending supply. Let's break down on how to prevent and cure Cardiac Failure. Alas MD. Robusto, it appears your valiant and well educated efforts have failed to save your patient from the rough tool-boxing they've received, and their heart has gone on strike, despite not being part of any union you've heard of. So how do you convince it to go back to being a wage-slave pumping blood for someone who dreams of antag rounds but can never connect fast enough to make the three minute lobby window due to dreamdaemeon being gobshite at routing connections through the rented hub servers. Well, you'll need either EPINEPHRINE, and or ATROPINE. Both complex chemicals to make. Atropine used to be a late shift chem used for emergencies only. Now its in every single vendor this side of the Centauri Sector. Use it wisely. Remind yourself that diseases (and thus New-Crit) can be cured with up to just 1u of the cure chemical. However, this is a race against brain-death, and the more chem the better. During Cardiac Failure, your patient might experience Cardiac Arrest (a heart-attack). This can be prevented by either A. slapping them with the codersprite handheld defib, or B. slapping them with a proper defib. I would recommend the handheld, as it has no wind-up time, and thus resets their heart-beat immediately. So they've got both shock and cardiac failure? Well, unless you happen to have the entirety of chemistry in your back pocket like the greedy Warden has the entire armory up his, you probably are going to lose the patient. Sorry man, that's just how the game works! You'll need to continuously repeat the following steps until your patient is recovered from new-crit, while also trying to heal them past the critical threshold of 0, and also hold back the tide of oxygen-damage and eventual brain-death. Scan that fucker with your handy dandy upgraded medical scanner. (Seriously make sure its upgraded) If they're in Cardiac Arrest, mini-defib them. Make sure to avoid applying the patches to your forehead, as tempting as it might be to escape this realm of suffering via self inflicted brain-electrocution. If still in SHOCK, apply more Saline-Glucose to face-hole and or via injection site of preference. If still in Cardiac-Failure, apply more atropine and or epinephrine to face-hole and or via injection site of preference. If experiencing oxygen damage or minor-brain damage, apply salbutamol to patient and cross your fingers. Remember that all other previous medical damages such as a collapsed lung, internal bleeding, infection and rotting might also be at play and need to be addressed. Repeat until patient recovers from new-crit or dies. Admit that cloning is probably faster. Cry. “It just works” - Todd Howard. Lost them? Well, you can hang your coat at the genetics door you poor sap. Another body for the hungry cloner gods. Such is life. But what if, there was another way... Something more effective than just three chemicals? Well your Papa Triio (me) and Randomguy spent about 3 hours trying to build a TEG before re-discovering the secrets panel and powering up the SMES's to chem, and we've concocted a mix that'll get your patients out of most situations if you're fast on the hotkeys and keen with the chemicals. Its time to set your chemistry or CMO preference to high, because buddy, you're about to become the hero new-crit needs. You'll want to concoct a mixture of the following chemicals: Salbutamol, Atropine, Saline-Glucose Solution, Ephedrine, Epinephrine, Mannitol, How you mix and match them is up to you, but we recommend your primary ingredients are that of Saline-Glucose, Salbutamol, and Atropine. You'll want to apply these chemicals in 10u doses from one mixed beaker with a syringe. So two 5u injections. Avoid using medical-hyposprays or the CMO's hypospray, while they might work great for other chemicals, they only inject one set of chems at a time, as opposed to giving an equal distro of all the chems pulled via syringe. Aka, if your spray is loaded with two chems, 15u Water and 15u Sugar, and injection is set to 20u, the first injection will be 15u Water, 5u Sugar. Not very handy for our purposes! Your process now becomes the following: Scan the fucker, and be quick about it, if you can see they have a disease on the Medi-HUD prep your syringe. Inject them with 10u of the solution if you haven't already. Continue to scan them and shock/defib as required by cardiac-arrest. Once Atropine concentration is less than 1u in their system, re-inject. Treat bodily damage as you normally would. Attempt to get patient above crit threshold. Repeat until you succeed, or run out of chemicals. If you run out of the mix, revert to previous instruction. It is recommended that you skip to step 9. (Cry) But what does each chemical do? Salbutamol is great at healing oxygen damage and preventing brain-death. Atropine is, atropine, considered a cardiac stimulant, also great for general damage handling. This is where the moderate healing for the mix comes from. Saline-Glucose also heals brute + burn and prevents/cures shock. Ephedrine has a small chance of addiction (prevented by 1 minute in a sleeper, literally an inconvenience, don't sweat it), but also helps cap out oxygen-loss and unlike Salbutamol, also caps out Breath-Lose, which is a special type of oxygen-damage that's tied into the whole brain-death part. Ephedrine will also reduce stuns and while it won't stop shock, it'll lesson it's affects on the patient. Epinephrine is like the weaker cousin of Atropine with less brute & burn healing. When combo-ed together you effectively double your chance of curing cardiac-failure. Mannitol heals brain-damage and prevents brain-death of the patient. Best of luck out there MD. Robusto. Whoever might be watching you, do them proud. P.S. There's a standing PR that changes brain-death from 200 damage to a hard 120 damage, the clock is ticking MD. Robusto. P.S.S. Should Lavaland get merged, there's a chemical related to the flora of the landscape that can be used to combat new-crit, but I'll leave that to you to discover. P.S.S.S. this has only ever been experimented on within a test environment, results may vary, everything could be wrong. Everything could be right. I genuinely can't check.
  3. Cut the safety wire on EVA closets, stuff a body in, run the decontamination cycle. Congratulations, you just dusted a body.
  4. You can interact with just about anything with Telekinetics actually. If you open a cabinet with paper in it telekinetically, a random paper will fly out across the room. You can take extinguishers out of fire-cabinets, use botany trays, etc. It's pretty similar to AI object usage actually (it uses the same code block to initialize with in_use!)
  5. Ya can't keep a good thread down. Bay chem can be gotten out of plants from botany. Most of these chemicals are stronger or more effective than their contemporary goon counterparts, especially with the new plans for the critical rework. Bicardine 4 lyfe
  6. All simple bots (buzzsky, medibot, floortilebot, etc) can switch languages in the IC tab. They can speak binary, trinary, common, and if I'm not mistaken tradeband in some cases. The AI I know for sure can speak Tradeband and gutter.
  7. The idea to move away from the more common TG medical of “Fuck they died, cloning time” was and is a noble move. Except everything done has done the complete opposite. I am genuinely impressed at the absolute ineptitude displayed in understanding of the game systems and how they interact with one another in regards to player culture. If I'm not mistaken part of these updates have also been echoed to move the codebase further towards MRP. While yes, one can use mechanics to inform roleplay, roleplay is always secondary to mechanical systems. One falls into the fallacy of Dungeons and Dragons, wherein you have persons that play the game to smash and kill things with big dice rolls, while the few others at the table wish to roleplay and speak to the NPCs primarily. When the game systems are built around mechanical interaction (The game doesn't prompt you a moral question before you slam a toolbox into your co-worker, it just encourages you with screaming), roleplay becomes secondary to the moment to moment systems. This is further exacerbated by the fact that this is a video game. A video game that inherits most of it's tonal themes in regards to gamemodes from social games like Mafia, Werewolf, Town of Salem, Trouble in Terrorist Town, and others. The list goes on, but primarily, when players understand this mindset that x is not with y, and it's their job (specifically as a medical player) to prevent x from eliminating y through their practice alone, you'll see a trend towards the stereotypical silent super doctor who will wordless slam you onto the operating table and cut your septic spleen out not expecting thanks. And you, non the wiser will wake up from surgery, and impatiently wait for them to open the door to the operating room so you can continue with your round. Exceptional roleplay, 10/10 very robust everyone. Even the Head of Security stood up and clapped. You cannot enforce roleplay through heavy handed mechanics. Full stop. Please stop trying. Roleplay is suggested and informed via mechanics, not controlled by it. Seriously. In regards to the actual mechanical changes themselves? Well personally I'm a fan of Goon crit, and more specifically I'm a big fan of CM pain mechanics, however those systems specific to their codebases and style of gameplay work very well. They fit because they were designed with their player culture and other systems in mind. Here? Well first, you can't discount the other medical changes that have happened in respect to the critical state changes; and everyone has already said it. Medical was fine the way it was. Sure a little tedious at times, and yeah no one wants to make morphine but someone's gotta do it. But it was fine for what it was. It worked, it had interplay with other systems. It was fine. However this reminds me more of attempts to port Lavaland, which inherently is flawed for Paradise player culture do to the culture and codebase it was designed towards (TG). To make an analogy, you can't put a Prius Electric Engine into your 1990 Honda Civic and expect it to work. Goon is a Prius and we're a 1990 Honda Civic made out of spare parts that TG and Bay left behind. What's happened here boils down to: “Cloning bad, but other revival method bad, roleplay good... cannot roleplay if dead. Fuck” By obfuscating the systems instead of actually creating complexity off of what was already present, these updates have done the exact opposite of what was intended, and instead have exacerbated the outlying issues already present and brought in a whole slew of new ones. I guess we can all get participation medals though, this has been quite fun to talk about. I am very interested in how the player concerns are eventually addressed if at all, as right now if I'm not mistaken, no one wants this that regularly plays medical. Take what I say with a grain of salt, as we all should do with everyone, as it is just an atmospherics simulator with too many layers to count. Sorry if I've stepped on any toes, be they big or small.
  8. You can set-up multi verb macros by writing new verbs in the macro starting with /nverbhere. IE: `say "Bob Ross did nothing wrong!/nrest/n say "And I will lay here in protest til he is released!"` This can be used to pick-up items, eat food, basically anything. If you can do the action by typing it in the textbox, you can macro it. This goes for movement and facing directions as well actually. So if you have DVORAK or AZERTY you can re-map your keyboard. It'd just take ages and lots of verb look up. You can also use this to be a cheeky cunt and cycle through all security gear pickups. But that's pretty borderline power-game. So watch yourself out there. You can use the holster with the H hotkey, but I bet you already knew that. What you probably didn't know is that more often not jumpsuits are smaller than guns in your inventory, and guns can be extracted from holsters with the hotkey while in your backpack (Take that bluespace!). So, if you're that sorta Warden, stuff the guns into some suits for maximum space efficiency. Earmuffs prevent flashbang stun, but not blindness. Combine with regular shades and a normal headset for a ghetto bowman headset. Expanding off of what @Benjaminfallout said. Any item without a defined force value defaults to 5 brute damage. And fist stuns only apply when targeting the mouth (unless someone changed it) Boxing gloves deal stamina damage. Stamina damage is almost impossible to counter even with adrenals due to the way it stacks & handles codewise. Admins, if they've foolishly left combat logs on, can see everytime you hug someone. Hug the admins chatbox to death. The maxcap limit can be escaped using assembly code and ideal gas law with certain holding tank types. TTVs are the only piece of bombcode that properly adheres to maxcap rules. However to achieve more than maxcap you not only need a lot of math, but need a tank that can hold more than 70 liters of gas. It's possible, but I'll never tell you how. Happy experimenting. Prisoner jumpsuits and regular orange jumpsuits are, well the same damn thing. Roleplay as an escapee I guess? You can matrix bullets by resting. Results may vary.
  9. Actually, the wallet hides you from security HUD entirely! You won't even have a question mark, there will be nothing at all. Feature of bug, doesn't matter, it's silly broken! However if you're mindshielded that icon will still appear.
  10. Weapon permits are assigned to your ID card by the Head of Personnel. All of security and all Heads start with one. Functionally, it doesn't do a lot. However the magistrate can get your ID card checked to see if you have one.
  11. Pageking is actually something from Facepunch Forums. First poster is always 'page king' and usually has to post something decent. Just a little sub-culture thing I picked up. Anyway, here's some more stupid tips that you'll never use but can impress your friends with. You can change your scaling settings from various filter settings in the drop down menus. Toy around with them and see what's best for your monitor's resolution! Speaking of scaling, you can zoom in your game for easier robusting, or for better screencaps in the same menu! IPC's can choose 'prosthetics' for their heads & other limbs, and can sometimes take regular human hair as well depending on their choices. It's like a shitty build-a-bear workshop, except it's intelligent robots from the future in a game running on an engine from 1999. Yeah! Did you know revenants aren't actually damaged by salt? Yeah the only way to kill them is to manually robust them. And no, the Chaplain doesn't do extra damage to them. The Chaplain however does do extra damage to shadowlings if they take the whip variant of the nullrod. They also get some neat and silly flavor text! (Please don't valid the thralls) You can crash the server with instruments if you try hard enough. Seriously they're terribly coded. You escape item & grab delay with hotkeys & macros. As a stealth op, you can change your appearance at the mirror in the nukie shuttle. With the brand new surgical duffel the area spawns with, you can also effectively change your appearance properly. Just make sure to delete everyone's security records for maximum confusion on the station. Sometimes, poor communication is better than no communication. Have someone steal security comms and call false nukie positions while the rest of the team gets the job done. Spears, when thrown, have a very very high change to impale in the victim and cause internal bleeding. If you have a weapon permit, holding that there green chainsaw is technically legal. It's not contraband! The red variant, aka the syndicate variant is. Books that haven't been updated to just link the poorly maintained wiki page via bad HTML are likely outdated. However you can argue old bad space law IC because no one updated it, and that's technically an IC issue. Take that wiki-nerds. (Please update the books) If you flip a table southward and rest on the same tile, you're practically invisible! You can't even be seen by people with thermals due to the way overlays work. More of a CM survivor trick, but hey, you can use it to hide from ascended shadowlings! (Or Terror-Spiders, etc) Food with proper nutriment can actually heal you! So if you're down to your last limbs, munch on the chefs food. Meat items are a good call for this. That's all I've got for now. I've got benos to shoot.
  12. That is stupidly silly, and I love it.
  13. I'm probably mistaken! I've mostly been on TG as of late, but I think this is actually a goon feature, maybe a blessing. Unsure. Edit: Oh dear, it appears I'm page king, er... you've probably heard this one, but if you adjust a shower's temperature down to it's minimum you can drink cryoxadone and get the same benefits as a cryocell. Same works for being spaced! Oxygen damage starts to cause brain damage at a certain threshold, and the medicine in oxy-kits is pretty hard to OD on, combine with epinephrine to keep a really critical patient stable and not brain-dead pre-flatline. If you see someone wearing a feminine black jumpsuit... Traitor! It's only available via the Chameleon jumpsuit or admin intervention. Igniters interact with objects at 1000C, as in the sparks they make are treated as if they were 1000C. Lit welders at 750C, and sparks from the RPD/Lights at 100C. This doesn't apply to heating objects though, and is mostly for atmos and assembly code. Drinks from the hot drinks machines can make for budget beakers. I doubt a searching officer will confiscate your chicken soup or coffee cup (Assuming you've filled them with nasty chemicals) Turret controls work like APCs, so one turret control in the hallway will control all turrets in that hall. In theory you could make turrets in maintenance, and control them from a secret maintenance room with none the wiser. You can make 'minicaps' (1,2,4 & 0,1,2 respectively) out of an igniter + signaling device assembly and any sort of handheld atmospherics canister. I'll leave the mixing and experimenting to you! However, I will let you know that these can be more effective than traitor atmospherics grenades, and can be made without access to atmospherics or toxins because of the way the code is written. Go wild! (But don't get banned, that'd do papa Triio sad) With enough effort, you can break anything with an emergency oxygen canister. Toddlers can be put on your back. Toddlers can be put in pneumatic cannons. GAR Mesons (Kitchen knives for the masses and mining) can also be put in pneumatic cannons. Now that the lore team is defunct, your OC canon is as canon as pneumatic cannons. There is no visual difference between a shielded hardsuit and a regular nukie hardsuit. The gloves of the northstar are a lot more robust than you think they are. In fact, they remove all click delay when it comes to clicking, your punches will track your target so long as you clicked them on a previous tile. Combine with hulk for ultimate robusting. (They're fast enough to kill/crit someone who's been slipped) Spamming resist (hotkey B) does make you stand up just a bit faster than usual when slipped. Electrodes are a projectile, but they don't deal stamina damage. Smoke cigarettes to both be cool and avoid getting cuffed. You'll need to add extra stims to avoid full cuff time though! Each pack of Syndicate playing cards has the potential to deal 540 total damage. You can scoop peoples brains out with syndicate playing cards, GAR Mesons, shards of glass, etc. Since there is no % failure chance. Just make sure the head is not attached to the body for optimal results. Most common surgical tools can be replaced with a 90% effective budget one, sterilization and standards be damned. Carry a hatchet and some cable coil to replace the two most critical tools (Saw & hemostat). Use a fork to remove organs.
  14. My only complaint about zipties is that they share the same generic sprite with cable cuffs, however, anyone with photoshop and 20 minutes on their hands could fix this. But of course, since that's just a super minor QOL thing it doesn't REALLY matter in the long run. I'd agree with Fox, cuffs are in a good place, everything is sort of covered. However, regarding QOL, dark cuffs really should get their own destroyed variant for when you finally bust out of em. Or of course none at all, the only distinction between them and zipties is the actual naming schema, so you have to shift, right, or alt click to figure out if those busted cuffs are from cultists or silly beepsky victims.
  15. Rezadone and Cryoxadone removes the disfigured flag from your face, even if the damage isn't genetic. In regards to that, the disfigured flag (fer yer' face ya dingus) is activated by dealing 50 brute, burn, or sharp (yeah apparently sharp damage is a thing? Also fun fact so is shame damage, which is only dealt by the Unreal Sord). So five toolboxes to be unknown, or a few lit welder hits. I recommend you take the welder damage to be unknown since it won't break your bones, and burns are easy to heal, and don't bleed. The benefit to being unknown, is that you won't need a voice changer as an antag, the code just sees the disfigured flag and skips right over real_name and grabs one from your PDA or ID. If you speak without a mask, it'll be Unknown(as Bob Ross), which is easier to pull off than Billy Robs(As Bob Ross). To add to the gimmick and be a slippery snake with security, make sure you shift up your hairstyles at a mirror in the bathroom, same with facial hair. So long as you don't undergo facial reconstruction surgery (plastic now), or get into a cryo-cell, you'll remain an unknown despite looking normal. However the game will get your mob's real_name but still say X(as), so it'd be Bob Ross(As Bob Ross). Plus you can just roleplay being horribly disfigured as a non-antag gimmick. (Could be fun, who knows?) In regards to voice gimmicks, now that NTSL has been trashed, voice changers work over open comms, and you won't be an unknown from the manifest speaking on comms, so go wild! (So long as the job-titles option isn't enabled on the NTTC console) The most effective way to combo being a traitor HOP with a laptop with the ID computer program (or an agent ID) (Also I bet you didn't know you can buy an ingame laptop and load it with a cardreader + download the ID modification software, bar HOP (get it?) away!) is with a hardsuit or spacesuit, since those fully hide your identity and only ever check for your ID or PDA name. Also if you have no ID, it'll take the name from your PDA in special circumstances that I can't really understand because I'm not that great at reading code. Speaking of which, wounds are considered open (bleeding, like internal bleeding) at 20 brute damage, and bones from feet and hands break at 15 brute. The amount of open wounds stacks, so cut open their entire body while unconscious for some external bleeding. Though if you're doing that to someone unconscious you probably need to kill them anyway, so, instead, drag that feller over to the pool and suplex slap them into a choke hold. The water will halve the time it'll take for the oxygen damage to be fatal. Fun fact suplexing is actually a thing if you've been blessed with martial arts by the gods. Just grab someone into an aggressive (blue) grab, and use the *flip emote. You'll both be stunned and take a bit of damage. If you're targeting a hand, you have a chance to miss your intended target and slap somewhere else on their body. Perfect for robust melee combat when you want to disable them and fuck up the rest of the body. Just make sure you don't cut the limb off, because then you'll stop swingin'. The nerds all say target the hands, yes, but having played a lot of CM (as a beno), the meta is to target the groin since this (if I'm not mistaken, and maybe I'm just insane) has the highest chance to miss and slap other limbs. Speaking of which, targeting the upper arm or leg is just as good as disabling the hand, and usually people try to splint their hands first, and not their upper arm/leg. A cut off leg seems to slow you more than a cut off foot (maybe I'm just crazy). IB in both feet, no time for surgery or medical blew up? You can waddle on stumps. Amputate your feet. Do it, no balls. Vox boxes are actually quite easy, same with plasmameme boxes. Just seal off the room entirely, and have the entrance handled by two disposals inlets. They don't process atmosphere. If you can't get the CE to re-blueprint the room or give you a building permit, just get an atmospherics automation board from science, make the console, and override the air-alarm settings with an AAC script for the vents and scrubbers in the box. Alternatively, convert a small room into your box, like tool storage, emergency tool storage, the emergency closet, medical secondary storage.
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