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About Zalmout

  • Birthday 10/23/1992

Zalmout's Achievements

Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Love working with ya man, always a pleasure!
  2. Glory to the Emprah. and also stop you're making me blush. :3
  3. Hiya guys, Zalmout/Kol'naj here! Haven't really been too active on the forums, but here's hoping to change that!
  4. Is this in any way shape or form the official Paradise Station organization?
  5. Fuck it, sign me up. I got 30 crew spots I gotta fill. Lol
  6. See my current fleet is geared towards resource exploitation and transport. While I do have two combat oriented ships under my command, I was hoping to take part in a glorious Corporate Empire. #glorytonanotrasen. Not opposed to becoming a merc, but my current ships would lack severely in that department is all.
  7. Hello all, Zalmout here, and I am looking for anybody who is interested in joining me in playing some Star Citizen once it launches, or if you're already playing with a group of people perhaps I could join you. I'm not looking to get a bunch of "its never coming out, you suck, and how dare you have disposable income to throw at something you're passionate about" comments. Happy to answer any questions anybody has thanks!
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