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Everything posted by Kyutness

  1. I've been a holoparasite once and my host and 2 others got perma-stunned by fastmos. So options were, I do nothing and all three of us die. I only save my host and they scream on comms before dying. Or my host explains they have a holoparasite that will save all of them in exchange for their silence. Needless to say we went with the last option, saved everyone, and they actually kept their mouths shut. So good-guy-traitors do happen rarely. I feel I'd like this idea most if yellow spiders cannot infest husks, and they do not gib people after their time is up, they husk them. Allowing them to not be guaranteed permakills. Also if controlled corpses behaved as though they have brain damage. Unable to work consoles or complex machinery. (They are still a spider piloting a corpse).
  2. With energy. Aka when they cocoon corpses and suck out the fluids.
  3. What needs polish, really? They are xenos, but people salt less about them because the only BS stun they have is terror webs, and if you get caught in one it's generally your own fault. Xenos were pulled because people got too salty about it either going entirely the xenos way, or entirely the crews way. With terrors the push and pull is more fluid as they can't just shove you over and GG you. They have to bite you. A fair amount at that. And if cargo starts ordering guns and science starts rushing advanced lasers, it is a perfectly fair fight at roundstart. On top of this they have only two, three if they get a queen ways to make more spiders and it is totally dependant on the other types of spiders not webbing corpses, and leaving the corpses for the greens. Or in the case of whites, biting someone, and making sure medbay cannot treat them in time.
  4. Because the entire point was a roundstart, not admin-forced option, like for example blob being roundstart AND midround. Not extended until 5 minutes in. Plus, it just is in general more interesting than "BOOM! Queen terror. Sound the alarm." It's "That guy is acting weird. Huh..." People think it might be blob, until the guy gibs in a dark enclosed room in maint and spiderlings skitter around and grow. I did not specify the need for the queen to even be a guaranteed spawn. I just suggested someone being a carrier much like someone bit by a white terror.
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