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Alliostra last won the day on September 26 2018

Alliostra had the most liked content!

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Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician (3/37)



  1. How can you get a weapon permit?
  2. By hitting yourself with a baseball bat, you propel yourself forwards. especially useful for slamming into people ( guaranteed short knockdown for both participants), or for dioane that REALLY need a speed boost. EDIT: can also be used to move over tables without having to climb. people you are pulling also get the speed boost, so get a partner, fling yourself into your foe, and let your partner finish him.
  3. You can wash magboots together with a crayon in a washing machine to make them look like normal shoes. not sure if thats also true for CE Magboots.
  4. You can attach a Powercell to a flash if you use a screwdriver on the flash. This has no effect, and plasma-rigged cells dont explode.
  5. The Drinks Sbiten and Anti-Freeze both heat up your body, which can be quite dangerous to races with low body temperature.
  6. So THATS why the cameras didnt work. Too bad.
  7. You can hide items in linen bins.
  8. If you happen to be executed with poison, field executed or killed in any other way that may or may not actually kill you, you can use *collapse, then rest and *deathgasp to fake your death, or use *collpase and sleep to fake heavy crit.
  9. on the topic of quick executions: has anyone tested how many throwing stars you can fit into a pneumatic cannon?
  10. Correction: i tested this again with a 20 damage laser slug, and it did 5 times the damage. Apparently the normal slugs just dont do much more damage after killing the target.
  11. Its not insta-kill with all guns. I tested it with a humanized monkey and a slug, and the monkey took 240 + Internal organ damage, so laser guns and the likes (probably) only deal around 80 damage.
  12. Xenobio Golems are immune to electrical shocks Dionae can get random mutations from being shot with a floral somatoray.
  13. Shooting at people holding a grenade has a chance to set off the grenade instantly.
  14. ALE' NATH! *puking sounds
  15. The best use of astral carpet ive ever seen was some of it in front of the bridge, with all kind of scattered stuff like cable, metal bits and such, and in the center a singulo toy. Freaked out when i first saw this.
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