I was having a great round, my department was full of very competent people, although there was one incident, when all of telecoms was offline, so we were using the Station Bounced Radio. One of our engineers were having a great time with the barista, and I made a joke to our CE about her acting like a school girl, but right at that time, he decided to turn his Radio on... and it got sent to every engineer. But other than that everything was amazing, we were meant to build the BSA, and we did, in record time, I had a small heart to heart moment with our Russian CE, and was able to apologize to the girl. Although the research department only had 1 guy, we managed, somehow. The shooting was basically a party, everyone on the station was talking about it, saying wait up, the captain was making an inspirational speech, and the AI was super nice, since one of it's laws were 'being kind to crewmembers increase productivity' (but someone wanted to change the law for some reason). We set up multiple comfy chairs and sofas for everyone who could make it, someone was even using a pod to watch it all. And after that was all done, we fired the gun... at first it was amazing, until the air got sucked out. I didn't have a problem, as I was in a space suit and buckled myself to the chair, but our Captain and the Blueshield officer didn't buckle in. They body slammed me so hard I died, but it was still an overall great, I was revived by cloning, and when I came to, everyone was saying "we love you AI" or "you are the best AI", and the AI kept responding with "I lo- hate you all! I hope you burn in hell", I joined in, and some doc decided this was his time to start practicing his marriage recitals, and said "Do you, Johnny, take the AI as your loving wife," and I was so confused, I said "wow... that escalated quickly," after that, he said "And do you, AI, take Johnny as your loving husband," so yeah... I got married to a tsundere AI. Not much happened but it really has a special place in my heart.