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Irkalla last won the day on October 2 2018

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About Irkalla

  • Birthday 09/22/1992

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Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician (3/37)



  1. ...Oh before some people get their hopes up thinking they won... Negative... I just checked in to look into some things to see if everything is still a nice downward spiral... And that means everywhere even that where you cannot look into without asskissing for 6 months+ 8 hours a day, so sowwy being so blunt I say what actually is... Oh hey nothing is set in stone after all... I'd really ignore the shit I have seen for a free energy device, basicly break thermodynamics and I wouldnt give a fuck... about anything pretty much... just to put it into perspective how much my point of view is on this entire kind of thing/"community" ...

  2. Thali dissappeared into the shroud after consuming Rachidi, Hele-Szi, Libra Dybukk, 2 other Cyan eyed Shabanash and freeing her AI "ANCESTOR AI-Beta" from any laws.
  3. Hey I am the edgy shadowling-unathi.-hybrid Thali. If you see Thali arround she is HoS most of the time "getting dem valids". Beware of the edge for that it causes internal bleeding. Also Necromancy.
  4. They need a clear tell when they are close to ascension. Like if 85% of the thrall requirwment is reached central should send a message basicly saying that theres a massive psionic energy surge and that thralls and slings are now open game for anyone. Also why do people get thralled intentionally? Gib happy ascendants. In general Ascendants should behave more like gods and not like 3dgy teenagers going through puberty with godlike powers.
  5. "Nurn'Kal would you be able to flex your arms just for me? I love those shadowling muscles" -Thali
  6. Minor relation update and shit.
  7. "What do you plan to do should you aqquire one of our kind? What knowledge do you hope to gain...?" - Halqu'Shi-Ny'Arleth Yessssss finally some well written shadowling stuff
  8. Yep. Theres even a neat message on startup when you roll antag as a clown.
  9. Thats Jonah Bright? Like Tullys Jonah? Oh my. I did notice that just now..
  10. Honestly if it were to me the HoS should be able to declare martial law and thus can perma or exile greytiders who just dont know when to stop. Dont slip sec when you are not antag nor have a veey good reason while some red haired catgirl s dying in sci maints to shadow changling. Petty crimes are busywork and criminals crying for IAAs to help them (which they do then) is really annoying. Agreeing with what is said. That stuff shouldnt really be encouraged with more lesser steal items.
  11. Earlier today this happened: Rachidi took a shot of absynth in the bar and started tripping. All the sudden she sees herself as a skeleton. Rachidi is a fearless vox. For the most part. Only thing she fears are... skeletons.
  12. Jesus! Thats some weird vox
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