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Regular Joe

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Posts posted by Regular Joe

  1. The other day, I felt the inspiration to tinker with the beloved "Thunderdome" track. It impressed me greatly back when I discovered the station. Spend then the evening in the band garage, resulting into this:

    It's done with assorted rock instruments, scratch keys, as of I tried to do the lead part with guitar. I recorded the stuff with my old multitracker. Result is bit distorted by peaking, due the hasty way I recorded the drums. Had fun time playing this, so that I wanted to post the outcome out here!

    And as of credits of the track were, not too long ago, discovered, the great original is here: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/312622

    • Like 4
    • fastparrot 1
    • explodyparrot 1
  2. 1 minute ago, DerpehBoi said:


    I'll word this out to paint the picture:

    i was a wizard, i decided "i'll be friendly" and ahelped to make sure its ok and when they said sure but there will be consequences i just thought "yes". So i teleported into scichem to gather some tools and found a nerd. When i teleported out i went to the experimentor because im a nerd and dont think. They called me out over the radio so i went to arcade where i found a nerd helping me get tickets since i didnt have an id to play the claw game. Shortly after i went to the bar and picked up some cards where nobody wanted to play blackjack.. cri sec found me. After a bit i went to processing to talk because dayana kept kidnapping me and had to be stunned. Shortly after saying the captain said i can have an id once i've been implanted, a wiznerd appeared and blew up about half the sec team. I died. After a paranormal ERT and some xenos and explosions and multiple wizards looking for my carcass i was cloned. I teleported into sec hallway where i said my final words: "Sup guys what'd i miss" when i was instantly shot and mauled with scythes and swords to death. After that it was basically a massive chaos manhunt with lots of xenos, transformed crew, a jani/medical/engi/sec ert and paranormal ert, and some borers. I left shortly after due to needing to do some irl stuff. By far the best round i've experienced. Thanks to day for being a nerd and kidnapping me at the worst time possible. 

    Heh, quite just that, too bad I decipted it from the sec viewpoint but that was lost to the bit space. Consequences, indeed! It was a great one. Odd enough, about those members of sec who could stand the initial wizard attack, survived the shift to the bitter end.

  3. Damn, wrote a text to accompany these, but it vanished, poof. Honk, got to do it later again, as of the story was worth it - but here, in short, you have a course of yet another shift in NanoTrasen security.



    rough sec.png

    • honk 1
  4. 15 hours ago, AzuleUtama said:

    As the station is slowly devoured by a blob and command scramble to arm the Nuke - A syndicate agent, his holoparasite and some dead prisoner they found slowly wait for the big fireworks show in space.


    Medbay in the same shift: huge influx of patients, but everything is tolerable, until a blob appears to the morgue and swarmers become so many that they cease me to surge the same patient three times in row. By that moment, we were forced to leave. A few fixed people, axed blobspores and lasered swarmers later, the medbay resumes operation at mining lobby: internal bleeding surgery on the go, while watching the fireworks. Too bad hadn't time to screenshot any of it, that was very moody.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Esha Nas said:

    I have noticed that executing someone with energy guns/laser guns takes more than one fully charged gun. Maybe they were nerfed between late 2018 and now? 

    That’s due to crit rework of feb-march this year, as of there is no more hard point of dying at combined -200, but they start to roll dying with high enough damage, that is added by crit symptoms once they kick in. So you’d land 5-6 shots (worth of 150-180 burn) to them and they will die in some minute or two. 

    • honk 1
  6. Sardele had a topic, not too long ago, on energy-based weapons - how they are less preferred by sec, even if they are more plenty in the armory. Referring that thread to here, we probably don't want to make it even more so. Instead, energy-based weapons could be more versatile, as suggested in that thread, though we're on thin ice here as of balance will certainly be an issue when considering a tweak to sec's gear.

    On enforcers in specific, they also serve quite the same role as eguns, so switching to them would not provide anything we don't have already (except of an unwanted buff to sec that more ballistics would pose. Not saying that I wouldn’t like enforcers, too - if traders appear, I’ll happily hand all my nanobucks for one. Issuing them, though, quite said above).

    But initial security gear is an interesting topic, on the other side of your suggestion. Alff said in a sec discussion topic, not too long ago too, that security, that has only nonlethals initally, resembles a market cop force rather than a security force. That being said on the gear restrictions, not meaning they should use lethals more often than they use now. It's kind of funny indeed, as of whether to use lethal force or not is anyway a matter of judgement on possible KOS order, situation, spacelaw and security SOP. If a lethal option (weak lethal like the egun, so that actual combat gear would be still behind the bars) was issued to officers initially, though, it would have it's obvious downside. But abusing the egun is more easily noticed and more gravely processed than abusing the taser - when the latter is, due to the instant nature, a more potent round-ender for the stealthy antag. Then, Coul was working on removal of instant ranged stuns. So perhaps roundstart tasers to eguns (instead of enforcers) could be a matter of discussion.

    Big discussion though, changing security affects lot of stuff and it's difficult. Personally, I don't know, I think balance is okay right now, and changing that would be difficult. So here just bringing together something that has been talked previously around this topic. Referring to them, I like individually the idea of tweaking energy-based guns and test-firing Coul's stun thing some day, though, to have officers an initial lethal option or not, well, could be worth of a test, for example in conjunction of ranged instastun removal, just like enforcers were tested year ago.

    Links here: Sardele's thread, Medi's thread, where many sec matters were recently discussed, and Coul's stun discussion:


  7. 4 hours ago, McRamon said:

    Actually, if you play the role as intended, you will find people who are willing to talk to you and help with investigations. Problem as always with low effort players, newbies and glorified greytiders. I am not sure if it can be fixed at all.

    I totally support the idea of records access though, if you are investigating comdom hop, its quiet hard to get their records from them. And access to records would give no power to people who just abuse the access and tools iaa has. Absolute win.

    I've found IAA's very useful as a HoS - when they do the job like it's meant to be done. With full roster of sec, it's often difficult, due to the flow of events, to spot and correct badly doing officers or investigate more questionable sentences, as of the participiants in those kind of cases happen to have completely opposite opinions on what's the case - so that you'll need time to interrogate the persons in question and seek witnesses to find out what has actually been taking place. If I had a good IAA, I could just ask them to investigate, then they come back after some time with a report and suggestion of sanction to be taken, saving me the precious time that gaining grounds for an action would take.

    Problem is that, indeed, able IAA's are quite rare.

    Which is a kind of result of the loop mentioned: IAA's being disregarded -> people willing to make effort won't take the job -> low effort IAA's that are to be disregarded -> IAA's being disregarded. So, fixing the situation would be about giving IAA's more tools for doing their job and little more authority. Kyet's idea list seems great to me.

    Reassigning IAA's to be under the NTRep could be beneficial, as of Rep and IAA's have more in common than magistrate and IAA's. So it could lead to teamwork, if the rep and say both IAA's are present - more people driving the same thing has more chances to success. f there was a case about sentencing and-or reading the space law, the IAA team would then work with magistrate, if present, like they should do now. Tandem-work doesn't need boss though, it isn't necessary, but just having "a boss" assigned has a significance in it, a significance to work together more, as of you response directly to somebody. Presently the magistrate is just a supervisor for IAA's in cases regarding to space law and sentencing, rather than a boss.

  8. Spiders took over the station. There were only couple of survivors: few cultists in their base, magistrate Yaya as of managed to escape into the space - and this.

    Clown Bobo, armed with a chainsaw - and the holy blessing of the Honkmother, which he got after being able to sneak into the escape pods and kill some spiders in the process.




    While intensely praying to Honkmother on his sole honk-crusade, he taunted his petty adversials. This was my favourite: *saw *saw GET HONKED!




    Sadly, Bobo finally died in the pod while riding it to the safety. Even Honkmother couldn't stop his organs dying of the extreme violence. But the legend lives on, inspiration to later generations of happy honkers that you don't want to mess with.

    • Like 1
    • clown 2
    • honk 1
  9. Norwest’s post is mighty fine description on the issues of the security, and the suggestion there to tackle them seem very reasonable to me.

    I just love that idea to implement a junior role to sec. It would both answer the call of Medi’s original suggestion here and add to the sec gameplay, make it more fun, by adding there some variation. As of, the junior sec role as ”constable” would definitely not be just a pinata with different name - in contrast with cadets discussed earlier, as the constable role would  have its own, meaningful share of the sec cake and the restriction to not to go after EoC-type threats like regular officers.

     I would, in certain, take shifts as departmental constable officer, for just having more time to interact with people, instead of running after the bad guys taser hot, which often has to be the case due the situation, even if the main reason I like the game and sec in specific is the interaction, paired with meaningful action. Then have an instructor to herd the red goons in general and the constables in specific, so that a) that kind of activity would actually happen and b) the new constables would have an overwatch that have time for their doings. HoS would have their time in making decisions and maintaining contact with their department, as it is (or should be) presently. 

    As in the instructor thread, I support a tweak to sec’s organisation, to have some more designated jobs there, to make the good things happen more often.

    • Like 2
  10. I remember the round of The Voice In Your Head case, was a sec back then. Great deciption of the outcome. And Robert Pond, well, is Robert Pond. Didn’t need to see the hidden comment to notice that’s him, it’s just as if I saw him in the station.

    Sketches are my personal favourite. You do them great and I once had a habit to play arond with them, but that was years ago and I’ve lost the ability, yet not the favor on them. Thanks and keep up the good work!

    • Like 1
  11. Enjoyable art, thanks! I like reading your art thread, as well as the arts threads in general, it’s great that some will capture the beloved space persons to pictures.

    Can’t help myself from nerding on the hebrew spelling, have it


    reading ’uuriel’ from right to left, so it’s all correct, while what you’ve got there is besides the writing direction already quite fine!




    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, TDS said:

    *slides in and quietly drops his mostly ignored crit patch https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/11543


    9 hours ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    In my opinion, the problem isn't that people don't die. The problem is they don't go down, or if they do they get back up, even in crit. All that needs to happen is have it so once you hit critical, you'll be incapacitated fairly shortly without some serious drugs.  I'm not sure the best way to accomplish this... via stamina damage seems like it would work.

    I noted it when it appeared - that's a while ago! - seems reasonable. There would more set in stone thresholds to trigger the crit effect, so that you could, if you got the time and gear, make sure someone falls down, while the random element, as described by Kyet, stays in that kind of combat, in which you get hit, but the opponent does not have the opportunity, time or willing to make sure just you are going to stay down. Which kind of suits the simulation, and deals with the not-going-down issue, which is an issue indeed in the latter situations. You might or might not survive your wounds due to fighting nukies or xenos and such, fighting as a part of a mob - but if an antag needs down you and has the tools and the opportunity for it, they could do it.

    TDS's patch having certain heart attack at -300 bruteburn would be one way to have that point. Stamina damage, sounds a possibility for me, too. If crit effects gave stamina damage, over time and increasing in severity, that would do the thing aswell. Excessive stamina damage, resulting of the critical state, would prevent healing a crit patient to full health and action in matter of seconds. The oxygen damage though plays that role, too, being that steep, and dealing brain damage - which will make things more interesting to treat, if somebody was critting for long time. So, stamina damage would not be an alternative for oxydamage, but another feature. On soundloss, I've had the habit to me hardly-understandable words or screams if urgently needed to communicate, I wouldn't personally say that as a problem.

    On the question, I'd prefer TDS's tweak. For the reason, it would give the certain point of damage in which you become disabled, rather in which you die. That said, I agree with the general issue here of people not going down after excessive violence. Otherwise I like newcrit as a feature.

  13. Yeah, I laughed a lot reading that, while writing the medical wikiguide (work still in progress). The bruised state of an organ was 10 to 30 points of damage, if I remember it correct; there were two other states and organdeath for more severe damage.

  14. 11 hours ago, Coul said:

    I'd like it to work kinda like HUDglasses where you can view comment log, but I guess in this case it'd be viewing advanced medical information of the person you're examining.

    I had a thought - close to the topic - of having the medscanner to automatically tag triage icons that are visible by the medical HUD. Mimicing irl triage cards, big coloured things applied to the chest, that say usually A, B or C depening on the urgency of the patient in question, as of triaging somebody is a time-consuming task. While scanning is space is quick, the flow of events is such that triaging over and over again, and remembering the queue can be hard. So the space version of triage cards would be automatically applied by the med scanner and visible as HUD icon next to the scanned character. Code-wise that could work with hard thresholds in damage points and virocode effects. To remove the tag, or change the status according to the treatment, you could just scan them again. So in short, a visual aid for doing the triage, when you have to do it continuously whenever medbay gets overcrowded.

    That could be a quick-to-use, moderately good feature for an upgrade - though, to have the desired effect (better situation awareness for doctors) they all need the HUD upgrade for that. Also the code that would decide the hudstatus on scanning might be hard to do so, that the automatic triagetags were accurate. I was going to try tinkering around this myself, but work got me busy so that I'll have tough time until I can go back learning with the sechud PR I had.

  15. Bleeding! Oh yeah, bleeding! As of now it is usually only a nuisance, if not very prolonged, bleeding could totally be more of an issue. And if it was a real threat, it would be superb to have there the makeshift tools to counter it: as you say it, makeshift rags and burning. I've got the feeling I've talked here about this few times, so count me a fan for it. Also, having bleeding reworked could be one factor to end up unwantedly prolonged fightings.



    • in-real-world bleeding is the usual killer when violence occurs. There are roughly speaking three kinds of bleeding. First the hemorrhage one, "easily" countered, if it was not of the torso or the neck - second, in terms of bloodloss small open wounds, then in third internal bleeding (that could also be a hemorrhage, if due by a huge violence).
    • Out of these, the hemorrhage will pass the victim out in a time ranging from some 15 seconds to two-three minutes, if it was an hemorrhage. Arms and legs are prone to develop it, if subjected to what we'd refer sharp or ballistic weapons. While hemorrhage is deadly, it is also countered easily: apply pressure with a tourniquet and you are fine for up to two hours, and living anyway. Hemorrhage-countering tourniquets are also easy to makeshift: most basic a rag, then a stick to push under it and turn it around for the effect, push it under the tightened rag again. Purpose-made ones are much more reliable and easy enough to use by the victim on themselves, given that they still can react.
    • In terms of bloodloss minor wounds can be at least limited, or completely sealed, by first aid bandage, yet they need medical attention afterwards (as well as, of course, tourniquet-aided hemorrhages). Internal bleedings may or may not be severe, anyhow the victim is not possible to be aided in the field, scratch trying to secure their breathing. Not knowing much on how they treat each of these the hospital side - surgery and hemostat (by the chemical or in primitive, by burning) probably in basic. 

    In spess, limb-specific bleeding could have - as you say - two states (plus the internal bleeding), hemorrhage or bleeding. Effects would be simply rapid loss of blood with hemorrhage, while bleeding in general could be quite as it is now, by the rate.

    Question is, how many features would be around concerning the treatment? The simplest solution would be a rag, makeshift or purpose-made, and burning, to aid both the hemorrhage and bleeding while aimed to the affected limb, and the first aid would cure the issue completely (I like your initial ideas for the makeshift treatment).

    Another option to make it more complex could be having the first-aid devices (makeshift including) to work like splinting broken bones, so, that you could effectively first-aid the issue, but you'd need medbay for the permanent fix, and the first aid would have drawbacks similar to splints (not being able to use the arm, speed limited to walking). Advanced brute kits or stryptic/synth patches could then deal with the hemorrhage/bleeding in complete - if not a purpose-made tools or even a surgery. Also, an idea could be to have arms and legs to be rather prone for the hemorrhage, while torso, waist and head could have high resistance for it - while in exchange the latter would be more difficult to first aid (rags not working, for example); slight bleeding would be always treated by the rags.

  16. My first actual suggestion!

    Reading the recent discussion on security and their relations to crew, and the dynamics of sec-antag gameplay, I decided to have a learning take on doing a feature proposal.


    • Have the Sec SOP include a procedure of perfoming arrests as its own tab. Presently how-to is under the respective jobs.
    • Have this new SOP tab explicate three kinds of warrants to be issued on crew:
      • Armed and dangerous. This person is known to pose a physical threat if apprehended. Arrest with incapaciating force allowed, aka stun cuff. No lethal force, unless needed accordingly to the Space Law. (Thought for known vamps while no KOS is given, armed thralls or cultists and such.)
      • Arrest warrant. This person is known to have violated the space law, or it is most probable they have done so. Arrest to be perfomed as present SOP states. (Known issue of stun cuffing on meeting would be then SOP-wise restricted to the personnel with "Armed and dangerous" warrant, or arrestees attempting to attack and flee.)
      • Search warrant. This person is to be searched or interrogated. (Have "search" interaction described better, present SOP knows it but does not state many guidelines for that.)
    • New Criminal state designations to code: *Armed and dangerous*, *Arrest*, Search.
      • These new warrants would have their own criminal status designations at sec records and respective icons at the Sec HUD.
        • Beepsky will arrest A&D as base level 6 threat, while regular arrest is as-is level 5. Execution status gives base 7 level (which that PR should fix, presently it appears not to be happening.)
        • Beepsky will read the Search status as base level 2 threat, not to be arrested, as of the person with Search is not a known criminal.
        • Extra: A Monitor -status for personnel known to be linked in criminal activity, while no evidence to sentence them are present, to ease watching over them.

    Aim of this proposal, both the HUD feature and the SOP change, is to help security be better in their jobs. This ideal I've got of the recent threads (Medi's Sec suggestion thread, by foremost). The feature could serve as memory aid for the officers on which kind of treatment they should give of person tagged to the HUD (Arrest tag on a crewmember, records say search. Officer 1: Why is this person arrested, Officer 2: *mute stun cuff*, drags them to brig), and to easen referencing to the SOP on this matter (to make it more easy to learn (and remember) this kind of officer interaction).

    On the code feature of having new designations to appear at HUD and records, see the PR, hereby: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/11909

    Comments welcome! I didn't ask anybody beforehand, if this kind of feature and SOP change is preffered - so that "no thanks" is an appreciated reply aswell! Did this for learning code contribution as my another own motive, and it did serve it already.

    I'll write an example of what the SOP could look like with this as soon as I got the time for it.


    UPDATE 31.7.19 Got more busy with work than I expected to, I'll return to this and the PR soon.


    Medi's Sec suggestion thread, out of which I got this idea:

    • Like 4
  17. I was subjected to renameable food again. This time we had, by HoS's Chad's order (genius, never thought of this before!), a checkpoint at the starboard hallway, with the barriers, due to a bombing event. It was hilariously just like, what it is actually, too. Which is the genius part in it.



  18. 1 hour ago, TheSardele said:

    I'm having way too much fun with renameable food.


    After making Jean to dine dirt, glass shards (which tasted sweet) and such culinary inventions, yeah, that indeed was a familiar experience, if anything...

    Nutella and baguette fits very well that description, especially if served as breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    • Like 1
  19. On 5/22/2019 at 12:55 AM, Coul said:

    Details i'd like to work out with community feedback:

    How can we make bone damage unpredictable but still make sure its not unfair/unfun RNG?

    Can we change the downsides of bone breaking to be less debilitating and game ending or perhaps raise the downsides but make them much more rarer?

    If we want to handle bullets differently and have them embed themselves in you how would we do it? Having lead in you could lead to toxic damage and even infections. This should be around the same level as having a broken bone but should still be unique in its own regards.

    On tweaks to bone breaking, I like it. Maybe bit higher probability, still, just for having breaking opponent's bones a viable combat tactics - viable, not a trump card which it is as of now.

    On bullets, it would be neat feature that getting shot would give you slightly different outcome in terms of damage, compared to toolboxes ie. brute by melee. 


    I'll have some input on gunshot wounds here, just if it was for any interest.  So - the nature of them depends highly on round used, range and possible armor that is worn by the victim, and of course, where the shot lands. We will outright forget the range aspect here. On rounds, there are few types present on the station. So you might want, if to tweak bullets, to make them differ of each other.

    Generally, rifled guns deal more or less severe hemorrhage on impact, as of the shot penetrates through the victim and destroys soft tissue on their way, creating a hole-like wound on exit. Caliber of the gun roughly speaking will tell you how large is this impact (through ballistic features aren't that straight-forward, but I'll forget these here for simplicity, as well of the types of bullets, which you probably know enough from gaming, fmj/hp/such). Larger round for worse wounds and more grand hemorrhage. On hemorrhage, I wrote something of it at the new crit discussion few months ago. Dying based to blood might not just be good for the game, so probably we'd forget about that. Instead, bullets could do good deal of organ damage depending where they land to, to make some difference.

    TLDR: Bullets could deal internal damage to the organs of the respective bodypart.

    On bone breaking as a gunshot wound symptom, it's a matter of (bad) luck, to the best I know. If a bullet hits bone, it might break it, splinter it, or change its course. So it's a factor of whether the shot lands on a bone at all, and if indeed does, is the hit direct enough to break it. You had to have more bad luck with pistol and small rifle calibres. As of, greater the impact energy,  greater the likelihood of the bullet of drilling through the hard thing (bone) it hits, instead of changing it's direction a bit. Then again I'm not all certain of these, as of what I know of the subject is from military first aid things, while bone breakage isn't a big deal to worry when somebody is shot. Game-wise, it might be also reasonable for not be an issue to worry ingame, too, to make things different and lessen the amount of bone surgery happening - to give variety.

    TLDR: Reasonable enough to nerf bone breakage due to bullets, if you'd implement other symptom for them, like internal damage dealing. Shotguns, in other hand, differ to this. Buckshot, hitting a large area with multiple pellets will break them.

    On penetration and embedding, indeed digging out embedded bullets are more of an Hollywood thing. There's a chance though, depending on the round. More likely is, that a bullet, especially if it's of the that type, splinters in to the body and that is a horror of thing. Or a bullet makes bone to splinter to the tissue around it. With a very small energy they might just stay in a body - or, if gone through armor (being a highly powerful one) it might stay in, because of it has no more enough energy to drill through the back side. Shotguns differ a bit, for what I know pellets would stay inside more probably, not that certain though. Anyhow, if something foreign embeds into you, it isn't a thing to hurry. Effects caused by that should be minor. Minor toxin? Or depending on the area in which it's in, pain messages, bit slower movement, difficulty in expressing oneself?

    TLDR: Game-wise, there could be a (very) small chance for embedded bullet causing toxin just for a doctoring gimmick.

    Armor affects gunshot wounds greatly. Ballistic armor, if successful, will prevent the shot to penetrate you, instead causing you damage as of you were hit by something blunt. Greater the round, greater the impact. You'll get knocked down by most, at least.  So, being hit while wearing a vest could, by chance, cause a stun or even (almost certain) bone breaking, in trade of greatly reducing the actual brute damage caused, and completely scratching the internal organ damage, if applied. Then again this might just be hard to actually write (you'd need to tinker with the balance of the armors probably).


    Then again, having bullets do different damage in terms of bone breaking and else, is a possibly neat feature. Possibly.


  20. 9 hours ago, Allfd said:

    My concern is that none of the suggestions make security more fun.

    Though I like Kyet’s referation of ideas to be worked with - especially the processing timer and the harmbaton-alert sound like neat little tools making it more easy to spot and correct the bad stuff - I affirm with this here. While it’s hard to say any reasonable suggestion that would improve this, or, that we knew it would improve this.

    Making needless antagonizing of security a  SoP/law violation - maybe, as of that could scratch some useless negative shit off the seccies.

    Yet, personally I’m not very concerned of the tideys, but of the flow of events, rather, as discussed earlier. Sec gets too overwhelmed, too often to do it fair, especially so with the HoS and warden, if they do their jobs at all. So I would see tackling this issue a buff to the effectiveness of sec and taking some stress away of it, thus making it bit more fun.

    (Edit: reading what Allfd says below, tideys are indeed a concern for the more new officers as of surviving as fine-doing sec, not against antags but tideys is a problem indeed, one root of the tase-cuff stuff. This mine from a sec regular viewpoint.)

    Say, I enjoy HoS a lot, still I seldomly take it, as of playing that role properly will by 60/50 chance be extremely demanding. It should be rough, yes, but then there are the useless bad things which you can’t handle, but exactly you should be the one to take action against those, and you cannot, because of you got too much on your plate. By these I mean by foremost abusive seccies, which the HoS should deal with. They’re hard to spot outside the brig, and if deep shit has hitted the fan (per usual), they are also hard to deal with just by the lack of time, if spotted. Let alone to prevent them. During highpop, you’ll often be too busy with co-ordinaring, sharing information and making decisions that officers expect from you, to do that efficiently. I try to watch over processing usually, can’t do much else of quality control. IAA’s, yes, but they usually need the HoS to perform the sanction they suggest. So I’m advocating some change to sec organization: try to think a new role there, to take something off HoS or Warden in order to make it bit less demanding to them to do it good.

    I don’t say that the situation is deeply bad in this. It just feels to happen quite often and is so the main concern I could think about.

    In the other hand, what I described is a part of the game, sec shouln’t be perfect either and the roles mentioned should give the challenge. This is a difficult topic. Agreeing and liking most suggestions hereby, though. Reasonable, less grave things in comparison to any organization tweak.

  21. 1 hour ago, AzuleUtama said:

    I think right now it's too strict against the antagonists. Whenever I roll traitor especially I'm always having to second guess every action I take because I don't know if it's alright to shoot the civilian coming into maintenance after me when I've assassinated someone, or if I'm right to shoot an officer seemingly following me before he can whip out his taser and throw me in perma for the rest of the shift since I have contraband on me. This leads to me and I'm guessing many others just playing pure stealth, doing our 1 objective and then going the rest of the round without really causing more conflict unless we or someone we're assisting has a hijack objective.

    While allowing people to just murderbone whenever is an equally dumb idea for obvious reasons, I'd prefer an antag ruleset similar to Fulpstation where as long as there's the smallest connection to your objectives you can kill people, and security are free game no matter what your objectives are--

    I barely play antags, but as sec by usual, I do see them to be very stealthy. Sometimes it feels like sec's only work is to catch the rookies and greyshirts while skilled antags stay undercover. Unless they have the objective to go on rampage and are able to gain the power for it. 

    So, at first, I agree with Azule here, in speak of how to rule antag action against validhunters.

    But on the rest - I fear that ruling sec valid for antags at code blue/red will end up to strengthen the sec vs crew -attitude, that is one cause for what Azule says and is indeed present at sec - well expressed at Medi's topic here https://nanotrasen.se/forum/topic/16368-a-very-unpopular-suggestion-but-needed/?tab=comments#comment-131434 . IMO Davidchan's post puts it together sharply there.

    In my opinion, as well, the us vs. them -mentality is about the main cause and-or the motivator for both the universal phenomenae, sec/crew validbone and antag murderbone. So that being lenient in either of these will lead to both attitudes taking more ground, which is not preffered. What is preferred, are fun and exciting moments, good stories and interaction, probably. Having antags stealthy - the result of sec/crew validbone and-or possible admin interventions - is contrary to that, too. As well as is security would have to, for their safety, to "tase-cuff-hello-randomsearch" - so solid no from me for that, as I wish the latter could be rooted off somehow.

    I would see the answer for antags being forced to be either extremely stealthy or very violent to lie in the security department, not in staff policies on antag-against-sec. As of, the roots for the formermost seem to be 1) valids exposing antags to sec and 2) sec acting with "valid" attitude - altogether with 3) the apparently bwoinky nature of decisions to silence the witnesses.  So 1) could be fixed with more intense administration against validhunters as @farie82 says, while 2) is a problem that your typical "stun-cuff random search at blue" causes and thus is problem of our seccies. Out of the third I won't say anything as I've got no experiences on it.


    In short, as asked, I'm satisfied with rather strict policies on antag actions when the violence is not necessarily needed or should not be needed, if sec would act accordingly to SoP and sane MRP manners. I understand though that it's very hard to decide, both for an antag in the situation and probably for an admin who comes to the situation outside it, so it is not an easy matter. On antag actions against valids (and other non-targeted crew), in my view they're very stealthy more often than not, so there could certainly be an issue - I'd see what farie suggests on that reasonable.

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  22. Git gud! Or… no. The buffs suggested seem reasonable for me. Low amount of damage dealt, as it is presently is, but more sustainable fire, more than presently. So you could prefer energy, when you need to shoot a LOT, like with a tspider or a xeno case happening. And yes, I'm one of the officers who always takes the shotgun if lethals are to be taken. Mostly because of the feel you could go and print ammo enough prior the battle, without having to retreat because of got to charge it.

    These would be a pain for a blob, though. The problems with the buff are also reasonably put.

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