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Miner (2/37)



  1. As much as having a race based on Harry Potter would be awesome, all this looks unbelievably OP. Needs some kind of nerfing, like having to wait a set amount of time between spells, and having the ingredients for the potions being extremely rare
  2. I only used the blob as an example. I wouldn't even know what the first thing to do would be in case I ever met a blob. The only thing I know about them is that they are weak to fire. My only point was to get across the suggestion of the HoP being able to raise or lower all of a certain profession's clearances. I only used the blob as an example, since it had been used before. It could be applied to anything. The main point of my post was to get that idea across
  3. Maybe make it so that if there is a certain alert level, sec automatically gets all access. Maybe along with paramedic or engi according to the nature of threat. Or add a [give certain access to certain job] button to the HoP. For example if there is a blob in engi like it was mentioned, all that is needed is a quick PDA message to the HoP, he presses a button and voilá. All of security immediately has access to Engineering. When the situation is resolved all that needs to be done is for the HoP to remove that clearance through the same proccess
  4. The gun holster looks really cool. I'd really like to have the holstering mechanics optimized. Maybe by adding a new icon to the UI when one is equiped, like you suggested here. The way it works right now it doesn't really feel intuitive with having to click the verb on the right hand side. Maybe something similar could also be done to the black webbing vests. When they're equipped either there's an icon on the top left side like with flashlights to open it, or there's an icon in the bottom near the regular UI buttons. And add an extra slot for them on the jumpsuit. It makes zero sense that you can't have both a security armband and a webbing vest equipped
  5. I think he meant server rules, not Space Law. Unless there is an IC reason for it, Space Law always applies, that's a given. What I believe tristan1333 was asking is if there can be a section of the server rules, dedicated to lynching mobs. How to proceed and what is allowed if i.e. Viro releases some kind of virus, or the HoS goes power crazy and overthrows the captain to start a dictatorship, among other things. Are you allowed to kill these people, or commit major bodily harm to them? That's what I understood from his post at least
  6. Now, seriously, that sounds really cool
  7. Don't forget to give that player dual katanas, lots of guns and bombs and a regenerative ability.
  8. I think you need to empty it. That's what I did with me and it worked. Place an ore box by the drill and then right click it. There should be a button to empty the drill
  9. Ok, thanks
  10. I won't be able to be back playing till next week (seeing as how I was tempbanned and all. I thought what I did was ok since I made sure no one else would be hurt, but it turns out it was not. LESSON LEARNED!), and even then I have another couple weeks of internship, so that means I won't be able to play very often, but I am also looking forward to playing with you again. I might even go back to cargo to try out the new cargo bay (THAT THING IS HUGE). Hope to see you again soon
  11. What's the difference between the iron and the metal sheets? Also where do you get coal?
  12. I rememeber playing an awesome shift with you. I was Rowan Howe, the miner during the spider barfing virus round. Being the last survivors on the mining station created some awesome RP. Too bad the round was cut short for us, and the remaining miners that eventually showed up. You were awesome. I was also Joe Davies the extremely pissed off roboticist, who wrecked your lobby with a RIPLEY. Disregard that, your QM just really pissed me off when he broke the sacred contract between robo and cargo where he provides the circuits at the beggining of the round and we provide a RIPLEY for mining. You do NOT break that contract, especially for such a stupid reason as the crates being too expensive. That round was rife with incompetence from pretty much every sector of the station. I was even (deservingly) tempbanned later that round, when I tried to kill myself out of frustration by setting the robo lab ablaze with cleansing fire. Anyways you were awesome both times I played with you. The first time you helped to create an awesome RP enviroment, and the second time, you were able to handle a pissed off roboticist really well. Kudos to you, you're a great addition to the server
  13. THIS!! Someone add this to the game!
  14. I think that could be considered a bug. Coders should look into that when they're not busy
  15. I don't know how it actually works in a real situation, but when you scan Machine people with a Health Analyzer it shows up as them not having blood. I've never tried it but that must mean that you can't draw blood from them.
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