I rememeber playing an awesome shift with you. I was Rowan Howe, the miner during the spider barfing virus round. Being the last survivors on the mining station created some awesome RP. Too bad the round was cut short for us, and the remaining miners that eventually showed up. You were awesome.
I was also Joe Davies the extremely pissed off roboticist, who wrecked your lobby with a RIPLEY. Disregard that, your QM just really pissed me off when he broke the sacred contract between robo and cargo where he provides the circuits at the beggining of the round and we provide a RIPLEY for mining. You do NOT break that contract, especially for such a stupid reason as the crates being too expensive. That round was rife with incompetence from pretty much every sector of the station.
I was even (deservingly) tempbanned later that round, when I tried to kill myself out of frustration by setting the robo lab ablaze with cleansing fire.
Anyways you were awesome both times I played with you. The first time you helped to create an awesome RP enviroment, and the second time, you were able to handle a pissed off roboticist really well. Kudos to you, you're a great addition to the server