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Maniacal Pineapple

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About Maniacal Pineapple

  • Birthday 12/16/2000

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  1. Orrr...instead of building a table and things, just have a bodybag around with you, place it and drag to the tile you want to go and drag yourself on it can be pretty fast actually Also if you want to get to the other department you need a friend and some plastic flaps, basically you lay down and some person drags you under the flaps. You stand up and drag your friend with you, boom two of you are in there.
  2. You...got me... Wonder if it was a space cow that killed him
  3. Hmm...isnt Chester Ded? ?
  4. Ahh come on! Well i was pretty sure you could implant a disk into the clown but ohh well...
  5. Just implant it into the clown... Have a drink of your choice And just watch nukies murder the clown horribly. Perhaps arm the clown with a bomb that detonates on his death... Congrats you are probably dead by now
  6. I recently had a stupid idea... What if we make ipc able to detach their limbs on command or something like that.Basically i got into an ipc crit once and thought it would be cool being able to detach arms and/or legs to be able to talk and call for help(Well it is if i am getting this thing right about an IPC crit i think it is an accumulated damage to a crit threshold correct me if i am wrong.). I think it would be a nice addition since you wanted IPCs to have no limbs anyway:D Would be quite fun though...
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