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Grey Tider

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  1. Spess marine armor from WarHammer 40k. Can be built via exosuit fab or accessible via deathsquad or ERT be it map makers discretion if added. It can be built however it uses ores of medial value such as gibonite and such. Once the suit is assembled, the player may choose what faction the armor is to originate from. Options being space marines, chaos forces, etc. The sprite for the completed armor, once faction is chosen, shall be detailed accordingly and can also be named but default name can simply be HammerSuit or something cheesey like that. It has the mobility of an odysseus but cannot hold any attachments but can have cosmetics added to it. ( We can brainstorm those cosmetics later. ) Has higher health than a Durand but lower than whatever comes after that exo. You can pick up things in your hand slots but cannot equip things. I need more ideas for this because I just thought of it will watching warhammer 40k tabletop games but I think it could be a diamond in the rough.
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