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BryanR last won the day on December 31 2024

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About BryanR

  • Birthday 12/29/1987

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Chief Medical Officer

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  1. 99% of all crimes on station don't really need a trial. The few that do there's no time for one because of other issues. Lawyers and trials just aren't a good regular fit for Spacestation 13.
  2. Needless to say mental health is important, no matter where you're at, what you're doing, how healthy you are mentally impacts what you do and what you experience. The advice I found I'm not going to paraphrase. It came from this lovely video. In short, it's easy to focus on what annoys us, makes us feel lonely, and generally hurts us. However, taking time to remember the good things that have happened to you, even just one thing sincerely, can ease this feeling. Making it a regular habit will bear greater results. As someone who suffers chronic depression, anxiety, and loneliness I know how hard it is to do this. Just remember, one step at a time, and you're not alone. We're with you, whether it's fighting the same enemy or cheering you on to take another step. Thank you, everyone for taking time to read this, watch the video, or even just briefly glancing at this post. I am grateful for you and whatever time you spent here.
  3. I was wondering why I never saw this post. Shadey dug it up from the grave.
  4. Hello Spessman and Spessladies, as most of you remember me I was a blue face that hid in the clouds and judged you, sometimes silently, sometimes not so much, that has become a grey face and has seemingly fallen off into the void, never to be seen again. In a moment of insanity, I realised that while I said my goodbyes in areas privvy only to the staff, I never did say my appropriate goodbyes to all you lovely, wonderful individuals without whom this adventure wouldn't have been as fulfilling and fun as it was for me. So in an effort to correct myself, and possibly drive myself closer to becoming a Cthulian Elder God, I have decided to start this thread as a way of saying 'Thanks for all the stories' as well as let you guys ask me questions that, lets be real, you're scrambling to figure out what you can ask. Standard rules apply, while I may answer questions I normally wouldn't there are some things which I cannot answer because you guys haven't ascended to staff yet. Do not ask me questions if you're pregnant or expecting, answers may cause drowsiness from boredom, disappointment, failed expectations, and anal leakage. If any of these symptoms occur, please either lower your standards or see your general practitioner immediately because if my answers cause you discomfort in your tush, there may be a bigger, more prominent underlying cause for your tushy troubles. Know that my answers aren't for everyone, please consult a therapist if you manage to scrounge up enough empathy because SS13 is a barren wasteland of emotion where only the greytider of tool box fame rules.
  5. I had a long rebuke planned but I figured I'd keep it simple. Your arguing of semantics isn't impressing anyone, let alone me, it just makes you look like a pedantic ass. I strongly advise cutting it out. My correction was in reference to a point you erroneously attempted to make in that they are a cooperative, or some might say TEAM antagonist, as opposed to the lone antagonists they are. They aren't under obligation and to blow their own cover to save a fellow Changeling that may have blown theirs. Its actually quite common to have Changelings fight each other in completing their own objectives.
  6. Just wanted to chime in. Changelings aren't a cooperative antag. Yes, they have a hive mind that allows them to talk to each other, however they are single agents, not obligated to save fellow changelings. Also I don't see benefit to making Changelings immune to SR. If anything, this can unintentionally create a new meta where people use it as a way to test individuals for being a changeling. Creating a new problem to stop an existing problem sounds rather silly to me. Also, even if Changelings were made immune, not gonna stop Security from taking a sharp object to decap or just taze/beat you on your trip to the cremator.
  7. My alignment is too powerful to be gauged.
  8. These are the kinds of changes I can get behind. No mechanical benefit, completely hilarious. 10/10
  9. Personally I'd like to see it downgraded from a round type to a mid round antagonist like most servers have. Its an interesting antagonist type, just doesn't make for a very good round to be honest. I do look the horror aspect of it and would like to see something new take its place though.
  10. We're not going to raise dead threads back to life. As they're obviously active this thread is going to be locked.
  11. Nope, nope, nope, nope nope. I think I speak for all staff when I say we DO NOT want this discussion opened right now. I'm locking this thread and I swear to god if it gets opened elsewhere I'm throwing out forum penalties for it. This thread is going to remain locked and any species specific balancing issues that aren't green lit by the Heads of Staff will be locked and penalties thrown out until otherwise noted. Want to discuss possible changes? Send messages to our Heads and Maints like you should do to begin with.
  12. As many of you know, it really isn't a secret, staff place a phrase within our rules which we use to verify that a user has read the rules entirely. If you didn't know, then surprise! There's a phrase we've hidden there to do that. What most of you don't know, even though it is a bit of common sense, is why we use this method of verification when its rather easy to by-pass. All you have to do is go to the appeals section and read a few to find the phrase pretty easily, saves time on reading right? Well here's why its a very bad idea to do so. It cheats you, not us. People may think they're pulling one over on us by not reading the rules and providing a phrase from an appeal however, all it does is make things more difficult for the individual. When they break the rules next, which they will, and they're back in the appeals section asking for another chance, we're gonna ask why they'd broken the rules despite having read them (Especially damning if the offense happens close to a recently accepted appeal). If they say they've read them, then we think the individual is unwilling to follow the rules which tanks their appeal. If they said they haven't despite providing the phrase, they lied to us in their previous appeal, also tanking the chances of them getting the next appeal accepted. Either way, it just serves to screw them over and not staff. Anyone caught in a lie can tell you how difficult it is to regain trust afterwards and Staff are naturally suspicious when it comes to individuals who violate the rules, lying to us is just a surefire way of making sure you don't play here. We also will, from time to time, change this phrase in the rules, not only to ensure they're read but to also make sure that individuals who slip up from time to time (Hey it happens to all of us, we're human after all) will refresh themselves on the rules. So don't take the easy way out. Read our rules fully. The easy way is just going to screw you over later and we want you to play here and have fun, not forced to sit outside the party because you were too lazy to read.
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  13. Saline Glucose does a good job of replenishing blood and healing minor burns and bruises. Salt, Sugar, and Water I believe are all things that can readily be made in Botany, I don't think we need to add iron to Blood Tomatoes... yet. Maybe when a rebalancing of the Department is undergone it can be slid in there but for now its best to wait until we actually do rebalance it before deciding to add anything.
  14. BryanR


    As long as he followed current Security SoP and can be identified via ID as Security, it could be Oleg in his chicken suit for all I care.
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