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Everything posted by MalekOU

  1. That's understandable, but I think it'd just be better to promote actually taking care of the station goals than just letting it be. I kind of got the feeling that since the goals really aren't that dynamic or interesting as is, that's why they get ignored constantly. I was hoping something like players actively trying to sabotage it would make people try to work harder at it in return. I dunno, feels like a waste to not bother with the system because it's underutilized, maybe if more pressures were placed on finishing them it could work. Like having part of the NT rep's job be hassling the captain to finish the goal.
  2. I was looking through the traitor objectives and was surprised I didn't see something like this on there. What I mean by "Grand Sabotage Objective" is an objective where an antagonist has to prevent the station from accomplishing it's station goals. I don't know much about coding, but since the station goals themselves get greentext, I assume it wouldn't be hard to make it so that if the station goal isn't green, the antagonist's goal is. I think it'd be a fun, vague but easily confirmed objective. Of course some things might have to change around it, for instance "Sufficient proof the culprit has been heavily interfering with the station's objective" would probably have to be added to space law, in case the antag keeps their crimes small scale, but still manages to delay the objective heavily. I think the meta would probably have to change too kind of, people would actually have to start suspecting someone of trying to sabotage the objective most likely, captains would have to be more overbearing about getting objectives done in case a head is trying to prevent it through inaction. There's some specifics I don't think I'm fit to decide on, like to what extent murder is allowed (Personally I'd be fine if all murder is allowed if it's explicitly delaying results, like killing members of engineering for example.) other than that, I think it might spice up station objectives with antags trying to get in the way, makes it less like you're just going through the motions. Also since I assume destroying something like the DNA vault would count as sabotaging the objective, Security might have to keep an eye on that when it's done. That feels like a task they'd normally have to do regardless in my opinion.
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