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Head of Staff
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Everything posted by DoctorDrugs

  1. 1/17/2025 @Bmon has become a Trial Admin.
  2. McRamon submitted his piece a little late but we will include it as well, so Submission 5: McRamon
  3. Hi everyone recently the lobby art competition submission date come and gone, which means it's time to show off the submissions in game and begin the process to vote for the community's favorite of the bunch. The submissions are gonna be viewable in game for a few weeks and be shown off below. Voting for people's favorite will be open till October 1st, a period of about 3 weeks to get your vote in and see how they look in game. Please do excuse the different sizes in the submissions here it's due to receiving slightly different image sizes (I'm gonna blame discord for this.), I don't want to risk causing any artifacting due shrinking/enlarging to make them all the same size and detract from the pieces. Submission 1: Capnkitty Submission 2: Somniworld Submission 3: Drakeven Submission 4: Synthtee
  4. new Trial Admins @CodeLyoko @lewc @Komrad822 @oksts2904 @Anteci @Hostail @Pyxis @Vanilor @dearmochi @LetX @Baredolf1 @Englishformula @Erikos @FunnyMan3595 @ColKev1 @Crazyhair and @CornMyCob returning to Server Dev team after a long hiatus
  5. @Samman166 - Retired from Game Admin
  6. Landerlow - Removed from staff @ItsMarmite - Promoted to Community Manager @MattTheFicus - Returned to the Game Admin team @PeakPerformance - Retired from Game Admin
  7. So you might see this as dogpilling or whatever but Sirryan is at work during these hours while I am off work today so I'll be responding as well. I'm going to start at the very beginning with your first post and go through your comments but before that I will establish what we as headmins do for admin applications and what we can do. We take everything into account; your note/ban history even past the bare minimum amount of time of 6 months of clean history, your past behavior and current behavior on the discord, server and forums and we take into account how much the staff team talks about potential candidates. We weigh each decision we make for applications as letting in admins that bring issues or start issues with the rest of the staff team or the community makes our jobs as headmins much harder than it ever needs to be. We expect people to be able to conduct themselves with a bare minimum of respect for the players and fellow staff. Staff positions are volunteer positions, there's little to no compensation for the time, sweat and tears that goes into creating and maintaining a decent community and for that reason we hold admin applications as very important to us. We can break trust with the community far more easily than we can build it, especially in a niche gaming community that is SS13. We can deny applications on good grounds that it would be a waste of the staff's time to have to review an application if it would be out right denied. Now onto your comments here in your first post. You made a public post on the forums for the sole reason of making it as public as possible, if you weren't trying to make it as public as possible you would've messaged myself (the one who placed the declined message on your admin application) or one of the other headadmins at the time of your denial (being Sirryan or Denthamos). All three of us can be reached at any time on discord or on the forums via DMs. You practically forced us to have to respond to you here, if we didn't we'd look like scummy assholes which we are not as again any of us can be contacted to chat in a civilized manner. Now we warn people who are directly breaking the rules or are toeing the line to much or too often to where we have to step in for the betterment of the community. Sometimes this means we don't address people directly on certain topics such as metagaming, multikeying or other things we suspect people of doing till we are sure they are doing those things then we bring it up to them and warn them directly for. In your case it's your conduct and attitude while it might not warrant a direct admin message regarding it every time, it is certainly not something we'd like our admins to be doing let alone a potential admin candidate. When your name pops up in from multiple staff talking about your conduct and seeing a lot of agreements from the majority of staff then I don't see the reason why I'd let my admins waste their free time reviewing an application that is certainly going to fail. Especially after you've gone and deleted every message after 2018 within the paradise discord in response to your application being denied over conduct, you claim to have experience and training regarding how to conduct yourself but your current actions prove much otherwise with how you've conducted yourself so far. Now I will respond to your comments responding to Sirryan's post. If you wanted a public response to be transparent then it could've and should've been handled much better than fashion, we even have a place for that within these forums under the admin complaint section as anyone can read things that are posted there. Using the suggestion section as a means to paint the process in a bad light is not how you win over the staff or even the head admins or even paint yourself in a better light. While asking a community how they feel or think is fine in some places but allowing everyone not involved to comment on something they do not have the whole picture about is how drama starts over stupid shit. You have notes regarding some behavior and there are no notes regarding other behavior because it doesn't directly break the server rules but it's again not something we want admins to be doing to other staff or even the player base. ("Hello there, thank you for you interest in join the administration team on paradise. However myself and the other two heads have some concerns about your behavior in the public discord in more than occasion as well as concerns in game with behavior. For those reasons we're going to say no to your application at this time, while this application is going to be rejected it doesn't prevent you from applying in the future when admin applications open up again. ") This is my direct quote from your denied application it clearly spells out your issues being behavioral, if you were confused exactly what I or the other heads meant a simple DM is a moment away from getting you an answer directly in terms of what we're referring to. There's never been holding us to explain in depth anything regarding notes or denial reasons on admin applications in the past, I've been making sure that denial applications have been clearly given a reason in a direction without going into detail exactly what it is. Those who care to know the exact reasons have messaged me regarding their denial be it behavioral rejections like your own or for simple note rejections and wanting to get more information regarding it or see their own notes. Now as to the reason our unban appeals and admin complaints are public to everyone and why doing this here is a shot at the staff directly. Our unban appeals are public for a record and accountability as well as our admin complaints as they can go hand in hand, as well as our community deserves to know that we do not let staff get away with valid admin complaints and hold staff to a minimum level of conduct and professionalism. This also means potential staff members are held to that exact standard upon review of their application. You have taken one rejection as the status quo of how things are handled in staff via assumption, all this has done in my eyes and in many of the staff's eyes has been that the head admins actions with your rejection were completely justified and reasonable. We as staff pour countless hours into moderating the community to the best that we can, this includes warning people before banning them and having the appropriate conversation. To me your responses read as you not only don't understand why we permanent ban players in the first place but also that you have little to no understanding of the commitment the staff makes to engaging with the player base in general be it in an administrative capacity or otherwise. These posts has done nothing but toss unneeded shade at the staff in general over what could've been handled in a few DMs between yourself and me or one of the other two headmins to explain and get more info.
  8. May 17th, 2022 @MrSynnesterhas unretired and returned to GA
  9. April 11th 2022, @Vallidian Has retired from Game Admin.
  10. it was worth the wait, they're both cute and adorable.
  11. Evie is cute and adorable in this, i love it
  12. one poor soul lost in deep space
  13. I’ll take those potatoes off your hands and make some hash browns, also seems you’re back to a zero potato diet
  14. There seems to be a lot more mentors around the forums than you anticipated. Best of luck back at 0
  15. Mentors have a verb to allow us to check total player playtime and a verb to check on how many days it’s been since they first connected. I personally will check both of these to check on new/inexperienced players to see how they’re doing and if they might need assistance but wouldn’t otherwise mhelp questions from either not wanting to ask or not knowing how to (this also assumes I’m observing and not taking part in the round) Regardless of who breaks the rules either being a new fresh face or an old grizzled player breaking the rules still gets you the same punishment. It’s also not going to stop a player from salting over dieing to a validhunter or greytider death to a new player as those that want to salt about things will. in terms of having something in their flavor text I can see that being both a bad thing and a good thing. The good being that a nice player that has grasped some concepts might try to help that new player that they see having issues or they might point them towards asking mentors for help and assistance. and now the bad things I can see happening, experienced players taking advantage of newer players because they might not have enough mechanical knowledge or even general knowledge on things. I see this ranging from simple “bullying” like shoving/tabling them constantly to convincing them that the item they have is worse than the one the experienced player has and they should trade for it. I could also see this extending to “that person isn’t experienced enough to do x job so I’m just going to push them out of the way and make them leave so I can do x job in peace without them bothering me”, even jobs as simple as cargo tech or xenobio might end up with some less than nice people giving the new players flak for just being new and not knowing their job fully creating the type of environment that no one would want to be around
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