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Posts posted by DoctorDrugs

  1. Hey there, name reviews require more than a simple reason like this but regardless the name "silly" by itself as a non-clown name isn't gonna be ok. You'd need either a convincing reason to have "Silly" as a first name with a last name as a human or you'd need to use a more normal sounding first and last name.

  2. So you might see this as dogpilling or whatever but Sirryan is at work during these hours while I am off work today so I'll be responding as well. I'm going to start at the very beginning with your first post and go through your comments but before that I will establish what we as headmins do for admin applications and what we can do. We take everything into account; your note/ban history even past the bare minimum amount of time of 6 months of clean history, your past behavior and current behavior on the discord, server and forums and we take into account how much the staff team talks about potential candidates. We weigh each decision we make for applications as letting in admins that bring issues or start issues with the rest of the staff team or the community makes our jobs as headmins much harder than it ever needs to be. We expect people to be able to conduct themselves with a bare minimum of respect for the players and fellow staff. Staff positions are volunteer positions, there's little to no compensation for the time, sweat and tears that goes into creating and maintaining a decent community and for that reason we hold admin applications as very important to us. We can break trust with the community far more easily than we can build it, especially in a niche gaming community that is SS13. We can deny applications on good grounds that it would be a waste of the staff's time to have to review an application if it would be out right denied.

    Now onto your comments here in your first post. You made a public post on the forums for the sole reason of making it as public as possible, if you weren't trying to make it as public as possible you would've messaged myself (the one who placed the declined message on your admin application) or one of the other headadmins at the time of your denial (being Sirryan or Denthamos). All three of us can be reached at any time on discord or on the forums via DMs. You practically forced us to have to respond to you here, if we didn't we'd look like scummy assholes which we are not as again any of us can be contacted to chat in a civilized manner. 

    Now we warn people who are directly breaking the rules or are toeing the line to much or too often to where we have to step in for the betterment of the community. Sometimes this means we don't address people directly on certain topics such as metagaming, multikeying or other things we suspect people of doing till we are sure they are doing those things then we bring it up to them and warn them directly for. In your case it's your conduct and attitude while it might not warrant a direct admin message regarding it every time, it is certainly not something we'd like our admins to be doing let alone a potential admin candidate. When your name pops up in from multiple staff talking about your conduct and seeing a lot of agreements from the majority of staff then I don't see the reason why I'd let my admins waste their free time reviewing an application that is certainly going to fail. Especially after you've gone and deleted every message after 2018 within the paradise discord in response to your application being denied over conduct, you claim to have experience and training regarding how to conduct yourself but your current actions prove much otherwise with how you've conducted yourself so far.

    Now I will respond to your comments responding to Sirryan's post.

    If you wanted a public response to be transparent then it could've and should've been handled much better than fashion, we even have a place for that within these forums under the admin complaint section as anyone can read things that are posted there. Using the suggestion section as a means to paint the process in a bad light is not how you win over the staff or even the head admins or even paint yourself in a better light. While asking a community how they feel or think is fine in some places but allowing everyone not involved to comment on something they do not have the whole picture about is how drama starts over stupid shit. You have notes regarding some behavior and there are no notes regarding other behavior because it doesn't directly break the server rules but it's again not something we want admins to be doing to other staff or even the player base.

    ("Hello there, thank you for you interest in join the administration team on paradise. However myself and the other two heads have some concerns about your behavior in the public discord in more than occasion as well as concerns in game with behavior. For those reasons we're going to say no to your application at this time, while this application is going to be rejected it doesn't prevent you from applying in the future when admin applications open up again. ") This is my direct quote from your denied application it clearly spells out your issues being behavioral, if you were confused exactly what I or the other heads meant a simple DM is a moment away from getting you an answer directly in terms of what we're referring to. There's never been holding us to explain in depth anything regarding notes or denial reasons on admin applications in the past, I've been making sure that denial applications have been clearly given a reason in a direction without going into detail exactly what it is. Those who care to know the exact reasons have messaged me regarding their denial be it behavioral rejections like your own or for simple note rejections and wanting to get more information regarding it or see their own notes. 

    Now as to the reason our unban appeals and admin complaints are public to everyone and why doing this here is a shot at the staff directly. Our unban appeals are public for a record and accountability as well as our admin complaints as they can go hand in hand, as well as our community deserves to know that we do not let staff get away with valid admin complaints and hold staff to a minimum level of conduct and professionalism. This also means potential staff members are held to that exact standard upon review of their application. You have taken one rejection as the status quo of how things are handled in staff via assumption, all this has done in my eyes and in many of the staff's eyes has been that the head admins actions with your rejection were completely justified and reasonable. We as staff pour countless hours into moderating the community to the best that we can, this includes warning people before banning them and having the appropriate conversation. To me your responses read as you not only don't understand why we permanent ban players in the first place but also that you have little to no understanding of the commitment the staff makes to engaging with the player base in general be it in an administrative capacity or otherwise. These posts has done nothing but toss unneeded shade at the staff in general over what could've been handled in a few DMs between yourself and me or one of the other two headmins to explain and get more info. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Deathsquads are the primary way to force the round to end during terror spiders/xeno infestations that have passed a critical point and have snowballed out of control for ERT or the station to have a chance to recover, considering the deadchat comments and in game chatter between people I'm inclined to believe it had passed the point of no return so a Deathsquad was justified. Typically we might send an ERT that ends up with a Deathsquad after the fact in order to push the round into a conclusion and start the next round rather than leave a lot of ghost players and a station full of threats with not much else going on. 

    As for multiple midround rolls, admins can either set up multiple ones on purpose to roll of which it can still select nothing as an option when the event triggers, they can set none to happen for the shift, or can let it happen naturally. The admin here let it happen naturally which isn't always the case but it's a thing some people either forget or don't mind letting it roll to see how it affects the round going on. Normally right before the end of the round without an extensions about 10 minutes or so there is usually another midround event roll that happens, sometimes nothing spawns from it and sometimes you get last second blobs, spiders, etc.

    Last thing I want to touch on is that admins/headmins/maintainers/etc are not omnipresent beings, if we don't know what's going on from seeing it ourselves there's a chance we most likely will miss it. The best thing to do when having issues with admin events or admin interactions is to bring it to the appropriate parties attention in appropriate and easily seen places like the forums, directly to the admins attention or other easily accessed and a place that isn't drowned out by other chatter.

  4. Sorry this has taken so long to get around to, We've had a bit of a busy couple of weeks since Sirryan's last message. We do try to get to these as quickly as we can and we dropped the ball on this one more than a little bit. Before I get into the Admin complaint in it's content I do want to comment and make clear what counts as feedback and what doesn't really work well as feedback. The generally accepted forms of feedback will revolve around the forms here themselves more than anything due to the nature of being able to read and respond versus the Paradise discord as that generally ends up being flooded with messages between rounds or during rounds depending on what's going on for that day. It can make it difficult to hold conversations on specific subjects like that and/or leaving valuable feedback. Leaving an Ahelp during or the round after is also fine to try and give direct feedback to the admin about say an event or actions as well as I'd believe most of the admins would be open to being DM'd to discuss events of past rounds as long as the conversation is civil. There's other avenues as well for talking to admins just naming some of the more reliable ways to get a conversation going and staying on topic.

    Now in terms of the complaint regarding the admin's actions and consequences. I've taken a little bit to look through game logs, far longer than I should've to try and fully understand the situation at hand during the round including issues with what happened, what led to them, etc. The admin's intentions weren't to be malicious but rather tie the previous portions of the round before the midround roll into what was going on. It seems they were intending to create an enjoyable/memorable experience for players that tied the general population into the situation and not just the command staff, this however backfired in that regard causing people headache rather than enjoyment. None of these actions regarding the ERT and deathsquad were done specifically to ruin things for the rest of the players, the deathsquad after the ERT were sent due the quickly snowballing nature the station had become (this is what I understand from the combat logs and chat logs, including admin chat pointing out the snowballing nature at that point and pointing out the amount of friendly firing that was going on as well). 

    The admin in question acknowledges there was problem to how things were done in regards to the little "event" they were running at the start of the round that ended up not working out so well in regards to the ERT request/mid round issue. They'll be a little more open minded in the future in regards to mid round interaction with ongoing things they were running before terror spiders popped up from the mid round roll in this instance and how to handle ERT requests/considering sending their own of their own accord unprompted for situations like these. With all that said I do want to take a moment to also point out that running events in any scale sometimes don't work out the way someone intends or wanted to from the beginning, sometimes that works out well and other times it ends up backfiring on the person who's been running the event. That seems to be what happened here, if you have issues again with an admin's event feel free to leave them feedback on the forums, file an admin complaint, contact them directly in DMs over discord, create an ahelp in game or in the case of being a mentor reach out to them via msay in game.

    • Like 1
  5. First I want to apologize for the long amount of time this has taken to get to, a combination of life, IRL things, and laziness all contributed to the slow response here. We'll try to do better in the future but sometimes things take their toll. Now onto the name review itself, while you might have an interesting backstory it doesn't really fit well with the narrative of Nanotrasen and how they'd operate as a big corporation. They might have some lax hiring standards at times as all big corporations tend to have but a fitting name would still be required, a name like "Twenty One" would certainly be replaced with a nickname or a proper name to either hide what is being done or to conform to standards for the rest of the crew or to not arise suspicions. While you're free to keep the backstory or use "Twenty One" as a nickname, you'd need to have a normal human name.

  6. If you need to know who banned you there's two options for that, you can attempt to connect to the server as this will give you the ban reason and the admin's ckey who banned you OR you can politely message a Head admin to get that same information. Generally the first option is quicker than the later due to the nature of having to wait for a reply from another human being. 

  7. Hi there, while you feel that this is a valid complaint this reads more off as an unban appeal. To be frank here, there's nothing that matt did wrong. He's completely within his limits to deny your appeal for valid reasons. You've received multiple perma bans from various ss13 servers over the course of two weeks for griefing and lying to admins. When you joined Paradise within four minutes of being connected you attacked another player with a crowbar multiple times and when confronted by the admin in question attempted to lie to the admin that it wasn't you. I see no reason why I should even consider this a proper admin complaint nor do I see why he should've even considered your appeal with your pattern of behavior across ss13. Your appeal was smaller than this admin complaint and just as lack luster, I see no benefit to allowing you to rejoin our community.

    Complaint is completely and utterly without merit and will be closed.

  8. sorry this has taken a bit to get around to but the name itself is overly memey and heavily reminds me of "Trogdor the Burninator" which we wouldn't allow itself anyway. There's also the concern it's a reference to Grognack the Barbarian a comic book reference in fallout to early comic books and Grognack the Destroyer in trolling videos on youtube in GTA V. Overall it's just too memey to be a name that a company would hire as an employee and as you said yourself that you have other characters as well, I'd say a name change to something more appropriate or playing a different character if that is your wish is needed.

  9. 	Line 37173: [2022-03-14T20:28:49] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">You are a non antag using s-class contraband and buying them. Read our rules about roleplaying standard and  self antagging.</font>
    	Line 37198: [2022-03-14T20:28:56] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): it&#39;s for a gimmick...
    	Line 37218: [2022-03-14T20:29:03] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">Where is your staff approval?</font>
    	Line 37229: [2022-03-14T20:29:06] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): im doing blackjack games
    	Line 37293: [2022-03-14T20:29:23] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): and passing out the contraband, and i got it from a willing source who couldn&#39;t use it anymore
    	Line 37316: [2022-03-14T20:29:26] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">You don&#39;t have an admin authorization for selling syndicate stuff, nor to get an uplink.</font>
    	Line 37350: [2022-03-14T20:29:32] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): i wasnt aware i needed admin approval
    	Line 37395: [2022-03-14T20:29:41] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">Read our rules. </font>
    	Line 37436: [2022-03-14T20:29:49] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): i know the rules, and i&#39;ve read them, but i dont have them memorized
        Line 37608: [2022-03-14T20:30:26] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">That&#39;s why you should read them again for this exact situation so it won&#39;t happen again.</font>
        Line 38518: [2022-03-14T20:33:32] ADMIN: Adminhelp: Photoshoot/(zombie): while i agree i should have asked you, i dont understand how it&#39;s self antagging, could you tell me where that is in the rules? im reading over it rn - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.

    There is nothing wrong with how Tourte conducted himself in these PMs here, and directly tells you the rule you broke. The rules for self antaging refer to diverting securities attention towards you as a non-antag and shouldn't be done, giving people C and S class items from a poker game from a traitor's pda would fall under that understanding, getting admin approval to do something gets exceptions to the rule but without that what you did is self antag. Acting in a way an antagonist would by distributing or attempting to do so without admin approval is in violation of the self antag rules, the moment security would find out about your games you would certainly have diverted securities attention to deal with you.


    14T20:34:57] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">You don&#39;t have staff approval for selling s-class contraband. Simple as that.</font>
    	Line 39048: [2022-03-14T20:35:19] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): no i get that, but in the future just so i know i&#39;d like to see where that&#39;s mentioned in the self antag section
    	Line 39162: [2022-03-14T20:35:39] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">Read our rules and you&#39;ll see it.</font>
    	Line 39186: [2022-03-14T20:35:42] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): i also dont understand how its breaking the roleplaying standard
    	Line 39217: [2022-03-14T20:35:49] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): i AM reading the rules
    	Line 39266: [2022-03-14T20:35:55] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">Then you will see it.</font>
    	Line 39279: [2022-03-14T20:35:58] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): i am telling you i cant find where it says that, and asking you where it is
    	Line 39379: [2022-03-14T20:36:18] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">And I am telling you it is in the rules, be it extended rules or in the main rules.</font>
    	Line 39435: [2022-03-14T20:36:27] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): where can i find the extended rules?
    	Line 39476: [2022-03-14T20:36:36] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">At the end of the main rules.</font>
    	Line 39878: [2022-03-14T20:37:38] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): since it says that if you dont understand something you should ask questions, i still cant find it in the extended rules section for self antagging either
    	Line 40080: [2022-03-14T20:38:13] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): what i mean is that i dont see anything about the use or distribution of antag-only equipment
    	Line 40267: [2022-03-14T20:38:46] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): and everything i see about &#39;acting as an antagonist&#39; does refers to direct harm to another player&#39;s experience
    	Line 40274: [2022-03-14T20:38:47] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">If you think this is fine, you should really re-think why it is wrong.</font>
    	Line 40357: [2022-03-14T20:39:00] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): i get that i should have asked you, all im asking is where it says this.
    	Line 40759: [2022-03-14T20:40:02] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">1. An admin told you.2. The rules is exactly for this kind of situation. Though obviously the rules doesn&#39;t cover it all.</font>
    	Line 40939: [2022-03-14T20:40:29] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): oh ok, i thought it was somewhere in the rules like you said so i was confused
    	Line 40984: [2022-03-14T20:40:37] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">It is in the rules.</font>
    	Line 41075: [2022-03-14T20:40:48] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">You want to keep your job as a non antag.</font>
    	Line 41146: [2022-03-14T20:41:00] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">Selling s-class contraband is not the way to go about it.</font>
    	Line 41180: [2022-03-14T20:41:07] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): so rule 1?
    	Line 41301: [2022-03-14T20:41:24] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">Read our rules once again.</font>
    	Line 41559: [2022-03-14T20:41:47] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): i dont see anything about wanting to keep your job in the rules, im cntrl+fing for the word job and still cant find it
    	Line 41583: [2022-03-14T20:41:48] ADMIN: PM: Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.)->Photoshoot/(zombie): <font face="Verdana">End of the debate, if you don&#39;t read our rules carefully, you&#39;ll never know and get banned.</font>
    	Line 42102: [2022-03-14T20:42:36] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): but... it doesn&#39;t say that in the rules, all i wanted to know was where it said that and i cant find it even though im currently reading both the extended and the regular rules
    	Line 42345: [2022-03-14T20:42:55] ADMIN: PM: Photoshoot/(zombie)->Tourte/(Y.A.Y.A.): if it&#39;s just rule 1. and it&#39;s not in the rules and it&#39;s just your decision b ased on it, then thats fine

    I see nothing wrong directly with how he conducted himself, I personally wouldn't have gone about it the same way as Tourte had done so in this case but nothing was done to a point where I'd consider he did it anything out of spite or have committed misconduct as an admin. He told you it was in the rules more than a few times and even said the exact problem with your actions, he could've banned you for having not understood the problem with your actions with breaking the rules but instead he warned and informed you the problem and that it was against the rules. There's a small section right above Rule 0 on the main rules that directly references what Self-Antag is generally considered: image.thumb.png.9d4036509659c119b6367aeb8d3ac1b3.png

    Again this complaint is without merit, Tourte conducted himself in a manner I would call at worst within our guidelines and acceptable conduct from himself. Admins sometimes have to deal with a lot of shit during a round, people breaking the rules, ahelps, and a ton of other things that pop up throughout the course of a round and depending on how many other admins are online, how many things are happening that require attention of the available admins they simply won't have the time to deal with everything in depth but in this case he gave you a decent explanation to the issue itself 

  10. Alright after having looked into this and the logs surrounding this I can say this complaint is very minor in nature. I will start with margin's actions, he spawned himself in to clean up your colored grenades that were made up of 1u of a specific color, and 75u combined of the reagents to create smoke. There was a total of four baton hits from margin on yourself, all of these are very minor things and hardly consists of ruining a player's fun. He didn't remove you from the round itself as all he did was clean up your colored grenades, there's plenty of other things that could also be done in the name of having fun in place of coloring a good chunk of departures a solid color.

    As for meow's action, While his comment is unnecessary and considered to be rude I wouldn't call that extremely dismissive or extremely rude. Admins have to deal with a lot of things in general and while handling a lot of tickets and/or incidents can become tiresome there's the occasional slip or mess up that transpires over a long period of time, admins are humans and humans have a tendency to make mistakes from time to time. Considering this isn't the norm for meow I'm inclined to believe this is a one off incident rather than him being extremely dismissive and rude. 

    While I will mention some things to them regarding this incident the general actions of the admins themselves isn't that bad in general, the interaction between you and the ERT janitor was limited to in character issues rather than an OOC issue. From the information I've gone over and looked through regarding this round, myself and another head consider this complaint without merit.

  11. Apologies that this has taken so long to get around to being handled, myself and the other heads have been rather busy with life things and other matters. Normally people should either make an admin complaint or make an unban appeal first before the other as having both open at the same time can slow down the response of either one depending on how they're related to one another.

    Moving on to the complaint itself here, The use of a syndicate PDA is considered self-antaging as non-antag. Outside of a few items that can cause no harm or would call into question of you being considered a traitor, majority of the PDA's contents would get you marked as an antag/traitor and the general idea of using the PDA would be the same action as if you were a traitor. In the past we've had people who have used syndicate PDAs to cause harm with the contents as non-antags or would end up causing enough of a scene to warrant the attention of security as non-antags, indirect violation of the rule on Self-Antaging. Tourte is correct in his application of the rules here, a non-antag handing out antag related items like S-class items would certainly fall under the rules for self antaging as causing trouble for security. Things of this nature are generally only done as an admin event as the admin who's running it can directly control what happens or in the case of things going sideways can bring them back in line. As for his ban for asking in OOC he told you to read the rules carefully and you'd find it, there's nothing wrong with his action there as that can easily devolve into "admin man bad" and attempts to paint certain admins in poor light even if their actions were justified and allowed.

    Complaint is without merit.

  12. There is a concerning trend between your notes from before the last few incidents and this one. There's a large amount of warnings and bans relating to LRP behaviors in a two month span, ranging from things like name issues to things like overly LRP behavior as a Head of Department in game (HoP in this case). From the general look of your notes you've been acting very LRP and most of these are just generally things that normal people wouldn't due like faxing a mafia-esq conglomerate "prank" faxes that could very easily end in death or bodily harm for sending such a thing.

    01:30:17.000 GAME: UltraNumeron/(Sigma Synth) has made A.I. Announcement: A.I. Announcement - REMEMBER THE NUKIES ARE BETAS - Sigma Synth
    01:38:53.000 GAME: UltraNumeron/(Sigma Synth) has made A.I. Announcement: A.I. Announcement - It is spelled SIGMA Sugma is what the beta cucks do! SO THE NUKIES ARE SUGMAING! MORE REASON TO SHOOT THEM - Sigma Synth
    01:41:12.000 GAME: UltraNumeron/(Sigma Synth) has made A.I. Announcement: A.I. Announcement - Remember your daily testostorone intake! To offset the beta cucks energy! - Sigma Synth

    This is what caused your current ban, this is very much LRP styled behavior of very crude and overly meme filled jokes. We don't allow people to go around making sugma, ligma, sussy baka, etc jokes on paradise station, while people might find them funny now they'd quickly end up falling into obscurity 10, 20, 50 years into the future when something new comes around. The AI especially shouldn't be making those kinds of announcements, the general idea is to not be overly memey or run around doing things a normal person wouldn't do. A normal person might get into a bar scuffle but they're not going to try and slip people who are trying to recover injured or dead personnel. 

    People can always ahelp during rounds to ask if doing something is ok or not in order to not break the rules, majority of your notes/bans could've easily been avoided as majority of these notes are covered in the advanced and regular rules as examples of what is not ok. The general thing is to act as a normal person/robot/AI aboard a research station working for a megacorporation 500 years into the future would, this doesn't mean you have to be soulless and can still make jokes and references but they shouldn't be over the top in your face references to outdated jokes or things that are just poor taste.

  13. Hi there sorry this took so long to get a response to, more than a few things have happen over the course of a month and a half and made a few things take a back seat to more important matters unfortunately. 

    Getting into the AC here however, generally going outside of your objectives in order to cause chaos or mess with multiple people in a way that basically renders them unable to play the game normally is considered going too far. Things like killing multiple non-targets as a non-hijack antag or turning a bunch of people into monkeys, farwas, etc isn't conductive to antags trying to finish their goals and looks more like someone is attempting to grief and cause mayhem for as many people as they can. Generally that level of behavior is restricted to antags with hijack objectives only. Antags can turn their assassination targets into a monkey/farwa/etc as a means to finish their objective but again people shouldn't be doing it to multiple players for the sake of creating a diversion or chaos.

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