Sweet. The office sitting is one of my favorite stuff to do. I am very good at communicating and giving out orders (I think), I practiced order giving while being a Chief Engineer.
I planned on starting every HoS shift with three things: Roll call and give out patrol orders (also find out if possible the skill level of security team, it would be best if I manage to line them up in front of the office); Coordinate with Chief personnel and captain for a short meet-up at the Bridge office for a briefing on the shift priorities; Get back to office and write down some operative procedures for my Security Team, in case of crisis so I can print them up and give them to less experienced personnel. (The operative procedure will come at first in less amount but i think the more I play and SURVIVE shifts, the more my HoS char will know how to deal with various shit. At one point I think I'd be able to issue strategies on how to deal with blob, xenos, spiders, lings etc etc)
All the while I keep an eye on comms and that's basically it.
I'll also insist on doing autopsies for killed bodies, coordinating detective and coronary for that and I'll also insist on calling RD and xenobiologists if we're dealing with an unknown xeno threat so that scientists can asses the threat levels.
How does that sound?