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Accinator50 last won the day on March 6 2023

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  1. Wizard as a game mode is a very controversial topic, but most people agree that it's not fun to have rounds that usually end after 20 minutes because the wizard dies, but not much has been done to solve the problem. After the removal of the round start blob, I decided to make an unofficial poll to get the server's (and maybe the staffs') opinion on the wizard. This poll is unofficial and the result is only an indication of what the server wants, not what will happen to the game mode! I have come up with 6 options which I will briefly explain below. Feel free to add your own options and/or thoughts in the comment section! 1. Make it a major midround Wizards are usually less of a threat than xenos/blobs/terror spiders/..., simply because most wizards die after causing minimal to moderate destruction. Making them a major mid-round would be a (hopefully) refreshing alternative to the other mid-rounds and it would remove the short wizard rounds from rotation. Considering that some players are able to wreak a decent amount of havoc while playing wizard, it would be comparable to the other mid-rounds. However, some changes could be made to the spawn chance and to the spells (removing too strong spells, adding weaker ones) to ensure that it is not too much of a threat for a major mid-round. 2. Turn it into raging mages Raging mages would make each wizard round last much longer than it does now. It would also cause much more chaos, comparable to an average Nukie round. However, this could easily be too chaotic or stressful for players and make the game mode less fun for the player base. 3. Increase the chance to roll the gamemode Many people argue that the reason most wizards die so early is because they simply don't have the experience, as most people only play wizards after hundreds of hours of normal playtime. By (temporarily) increasing the chance of the game mode, the player base could learn how to play a wizard. After the average player's skill has increased, this could be reversed. 4. Make the round continue after the wizard died (potentially reroll the gamemode/add other antags) By continuing the round after the wizard died, you don't have to start the round over and potentially lose any progress you have made on personal projects. Adding a chance to spawn more antags also keeps departments like medbay or security from getting bored, as it doesn't become a guaranteed extended round. The problem with this is that sometimes wizards cause too much chaos for the round to simply continue. In these cases, however, the captain could be allowed to call the shuttle. 5. Remove it. In case somebody really dislikes the gamemode. 6. Leave it as it is There’s nothing wrong with the gamemode. 7. Simply buff it Adding more powerful spells or more spell points would make the wizard more powerful. This would create the problem that not only experienced players could become unstoppable, but also that it might not change much. (Don't take this as a criticism of our coding team. I just want to point out that this will probably be the case, since at least as far as I know they have tried to do it this way so far. The problem here (in my opinion) is that we depend on volunteers, who of course cannot be forced to do ten different PRs to add more spells. The other options would actually only require one PR (like increasing the gamemode's spawn chance)) 8. Other (Comment) Comment your own ideas or like the suggestion of other players!
  2. 1. Assistant 2. 3. 4.
  3. I agree with Miraviel's opinion. Recently, by chance, I came up with an idea that may or may not be a good solution. Why do we have a timer after which someone can no longer be resuscitated with the defibrillator? If one would remove this timer completely, except perhaps for species which cannot be cloned, and also remove the cloner at the same time then you would be forced to actually treat every injury. At the same time, you could perhaps make it so that the body simply takes additional damage after a certain time, in order to maintain the time pressure a bit. In my opinion, that would be the simplest and best solution. No one would have to give up their appearance or rely on a doctor knowing SR, but at the same time it does present some challenge. A problem here could perhaps arise during very chaotic rounds when Medbay is completely overrun, as this type of resurrection takes more time. However, this problem always exists when you remove the one-click completely healed machine. Also, you could leave the cloner in the emergency medical ship so admins could give it to players in extreme emergencies.
  4. His Grace ascended: A video of the run (not my channel; credit to Kras):
  5. The floor tiles look much better with the walls! Just one more note: I think the plating still looks weird. I would have preferred the 2 option from AffectedArc.
  6. Sec Team Six Hmm...
  8. We were just ignoring Woje and a lot of other mentors. Uno
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