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Everything posted by Habalabam

  1. That is not my position. I don't think that you are being fair. Though there are many departments have challenges related to upping their game, the different departments have different challenges when it comes to setting up a learning experience. Security has a hard time separating signal from the noise in the buzz of activity of the station. They need to be courteous to the general public, but presumed compliance will get you killed. The best teaching tool may be, as is being discussed in another thread this very minute, to plant inspectors in the general public. We HAD an engineering training ground. It didn't work. I don't know how it was supposed to work, but its existence makes totally sense. Let us take your slime example. It is dangerous work and it is important work. Cyberiad is a research station, after all. However, I am arguing that medbay face a unique in that the test cases have a large variety of hard-to-come-by initial conditions and hard time to assess the end result as most treatments do not leave an auditable trail. The patient will have metabolized excessive drugs, recovered from infections, recovered from transport damage etc. A slime is dangerous, sure, but it is not difficult to set up training for this as every slime will invite the same approach.
  2. Huh? Charity? The basic premise for the entire game is that NT profits from people performing their duties on the station. People are expensive to replace. The time that key personell spend away from their duties is expensive. Medical malpractice is expensive. Medbay is the only medical facility for crew, civilians and alien officials in the embassies of various exotic physiology and bringing alien pathogens. If medical training device is a charity, then the entire medbay is a charity. If you argue that NT are too much of "greedy bastards" to consider the benefit of medical training then I would think the existence and supplying of the bar and clown/mime entertainment would be the ones to raise your eyebrows.
  3. You are still learning on the job when receiving on-the-job training. This is just an extension of the senior to junior staff mentoring that goes on anyways. We did have an engineering training facility for a while. There is at least two threads active about facilitating security training. I don't agree with your other examples. You don't have complex interaction with crates or live slimes nor do they have a sophisticated set of initial conditions. You don't mess up with a crate and then have a hard time setting it up so you can try again. Medbay is also a field that directly affects players may not have chosen to interact with medbay with many exotic cases, so it's not like training to load a MULE or fumbling while dissecting a slime.
  4. I don't think so. Most of the advantages I described will suffer if using a monkey. It's not easy to create a specific medical condition nor monitor the exact treatment in a humanized monkey. If the person monitoring is depending on continuous scans it becomes a much more invasive observer. It's not easy to "reset" the monkey to try again after feedback. The doll would also be easily tossed aside if there is a real patient and try again afterwards. It's also wasteful, messy and morally questionable. One thing is to euthanize monkey in the name of cutting edge genetic science that is ripe for monkey trials. To intentionally cause injury, pain and discomfort in order to tweak a scrub is something else.
  5. The thread about "inspectors" gave me this idea. Medbay is sometimes really slow. Especially at shift start. There are some things that rarely happens, but which medbay should be competent with. Like diluting and dosaging a cure from a vial of antibodies. I would like a medbay training doll. Controllable from the CMO PDA or its own pad. It could get illnesses, injuries, brain damage, hematomas... you name it. If it got a "virus", a benign chemical (sugar) could act as the cure. It could have the needs of specific species. There are many in-game complaints that medbay does not handle machine people well or even know of the vox breathing apparatus. CMO would then be able to see proper treatment, medicating, that bleeding is stopped before shoving into cryo etc.
  6. I think many threads in this forum demonstrate that you cannot pick random players to RP a consistent experience on proper protocol. Examples are (paraphrased the thread titles): * Bureaucracy thread. * How not to get a shitcurity experience. It could be interesting as a learning tool. It could be mentor-and-up only and explicitly selectable. In that case, it could be really useful. What better way to check security than from the view of an antag? We could use more in-game training tools. There was a training grounds in engineering once, but I never saw it work. When I was a rookie engineer, the chief tried to use it, but he couldn't get it started. Streaky had this IA boot camp going which I signed up on, but we never met up in-game.
  7. Never saw those, either. I also checked the wiki. I agree those would be good traitor items.
  8. I certainly will. Is there really a mod that allows me to set up an unattended ferrying mission? So that I can launch something that itself will synchronize orbits and rendezvous with a target?
  9. I love KSP. It's one of those things that I hope will catch on with at least one of my kids. It starts with just letting them launch rockets and ends.... nowhere. I hope its successor will allow for more robotics/automation and creating a sustainable presence on astronomical bodies. Space mining and programmable automatons to create supply chains. It's not easy to scale up when you personally have to haul every ounce of fuel up the gravity well, and basically put the world on hold while doing the most mundane trip.
  10. If this was added, people in general could easily tell the difference wether HoP office is closed or just "out for the moment".
  11. Yes, although most of these things can generally be automated, the "game master" role (event admin) certainly opens up a lot of options. But that also plays into your original point about this being a rare game mode, which suggests it could be outside the ordinary rotation.
  12. You touched into it, but I feel that this could be more viable if there were station wide objectives. Like a production quota. Like away mission. Like exploring some phenomenon / artifact. Restoring power and atmo to the derelict. This would allow the heads to direct the staff in a direction rather than having every department and every workstation being totally introvert. Science would know where to direct their efforts. Medbay would consider stuff like deploying a forwarded presence on the mining station. It would be nice to see four deployed Ripleys, the only telekinesis enabled person person emptying crates into the unloader, smelter running non-stop, meeting 2000 metal quotas. Also, the antag model could be scaled down. An extended round allows for more detective work. It doesn't have to be overly destructive objectives. Just a good round of who-dun-it.
  13. I think that just responding to the same trace elements that can be lifted with the detective scanner would go a long way. It could "point" at the items. But the detective/handler would be the one putting it in proximity.
  14. It could "bark" if brought next to an object with biological trace material from the target. And target itself Maybe put a maximum number of simultaneous targets (3?) that the hound could be looking for. One slot may be used for ambrosia. Cue thread about security needing "dog handler" type of job title... 10 karma
  15. Sure, the process of bringing it out and powering it on can both have a slight delay and make a distinct sound. It does, however, make very little sense that you can do a frontal disarm of a close quarters specialized weapon on a professional security officer focusing on you with the weapon at the ready.
  16. Although both act in opposition to civil rights, I don't think that you can say that incompetent security/IA is the same as the NSA-type that in good RP is adressing anti-NT sentiment voiced in casual conversation. Taken from the "identifying antag" page: "Syndicate agents may spread lies and rumours to make you loose confidence in NT and your superiors. Report anyone attempting to bring NT into disrepute. This may be as simple as taking a jumpsuit from a Head, to fabricating stories of NT running illegal black-op Death Squads." Let's say that a person is talking about the Death Squads and then being reported. To whom will that report go to and what part of the staff will respond with what mandate? This has little to do with breaking space law. It is explicitly stated that NT has a policy on this and you would have to stretch space law to cover it. Not quite slander. The wiki clearly indicates that the NT will actively repress such "lies", but with a station with senior staff who are mostly idealists, the closest thing is NT Rep and IAA. However, they half way regarded as union representatives. TLDR; Who are the good-RP "NT-company-line" douchebags to follow up on the creepy parts of the wiki?
  17. When anti-NT sentiment is reported, who is it reported to and who is supposed to respond? Both IA and Sec are more often than not RP'ed as civilian rights supporters. IA is even used interchangeably for the public defender. HoP is also frequently a person who will seize the moral high ground. Who is left to be the company cynics with the mandate to quell dissent? Or am I reading the anti-subversion paragraph too strict?
  18. Yes, if the pills loaded into the fridge had as vending options "pill" and "vend X amount in pill bottle", then I think the utility of pills would increase.
  19. A bit off-topic, but are there descriptions of the changes to stun and cuff on this forum or the wiki? If not, can you give the short version?
  20. I know that. I would like riot helmets, specifically, to be immune. As in "with no effect". I remember reading that the downtime when wearing proper gear is 5 seconds (compared to normal 15 second). I think the current implementation is faster. This is of course ample time compared to whoever lays on the ground for longer than you. However, it breaks formation and allows those who were out of range of the flashbang to run, scatter or seize the initiative. I think that this is too easy win over a security crew in full riot gear, and it would vastly increase the utility of riot gear.
  21. If they aren't already, riot helmets should be immune to flashbangs.
  22. It would also be good if change in wanted status made an entry in the security record of the person, so that we could see who set the status. I believe that due process and proper update of security records will be more important as the magistrate role kicks in. I really like the map view of the suit sensors at Medbay front desk. HoS office / Brig should have a map like that to better coordinate officer efforts. The Chief should probably have one to direct his engineers to alarms, too. One should also be able to access cameras from the map. It would be even cooler if there was a visual indication whenever an officer used the "Halt" command, either through hailer or mask. I have requested additional Security statuses, "person of interest" and "believed to be armed and dangerous", in another thread. It is my understanding that these are already queued for implementation. I believe that these changes would encourage the department head to spend more time at his desk and instead concentrate at seeing the larger picture and perform support for the officers.
  23. I asked the same question.
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