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Everything posted by Habalabam

  1. Wouldn't the appropriate forklift be a Ripley? You already pull crates faster manually than a Ripley does. The Ripley could have controls for MULEs, conveyor belts, airlocks and sending shuttle away... but still I think it would mainly remain unused.
  2. Cargo was recently expanded. To use the large conveyor belts and set up processing of mining produce, cargo crates and recycling from disposals there should be more customizeable crate handlers (unloader, stacker, selectors). It makes sense that a space station would make a larger effort of reuse since getting stuff out of a gravity well and into a space station is not likely to be cheap even in the future. If people are not interested, they can still just operate the autolathe, push ordered crates through the front door and flush disposals once in a full moon. And I hope that Rapid Crate Sender will be fixed. Cargo bay is usually completely out of crates by the time the first shipments come in. And quite often the crate coming from mining is just shipped off as-is to whoever of RnD, Engineering or Robotics who yells the loudest.
  3. There seemed to be many types of addictions. Does cure_id include "water" for all of them?
  4. I saw some Terminator sprite arts in another thread. Will that be entering gameplay anytime in the near future?
  5. Yes, they are pronounced dead on scene to abandon resuscitation attempts, start wrap up and establish time of death. But they always pass a doctor on the way to the morgue.
  6. Yes, rather change the specifics of the game mode than having the blueshield position make little sense when the game regular modes are played. You should change the topic to "Nations balancing" or something. This is not really about the blueshield as such.
  7. I think that in real life a doctor would have to pronounce you dead. Medical records should be updated, even though they rarely are. There should, of course, be a place to put them that does not involve stacking them in the corridor.
  8. Very little, if any, of my post would translate to "all loyalty implanted staff". No other position would be in a position to accompany (or immediately locate) any head of staff to (on) any part of the station. Blueshield is the secret service of SS13.
  9. As the blueshield is instrumental to head of staff safety, he needs to be able to respond to every place on the station. I don't see NT creating safety blind spots in order to accommodate sensitivities of cargo haulers. However, if he abuses it, QM should demand that HoP revoke that access.
  10. I think blueshield belongs on the security channel (to follow and coordinate) and command channel (as that's where people are that he is to protect).
  11. I agree with that. I'd wish that antags would not intentionally act as if they are upset OOC.
  12. I don't think it needs to be high danger or even challenging, just some dynamics. My objection with indigenous wildlife would be how it completely alters the lore of what kind of site this is or the context as to what kind of asteroid would sustain anything but microbial life. Alien wildlife would be a big deal.
  13. Back to shitcurity. How do you feel about letting people in the cooler? I have noticed that most players aren't really acting as if they are being approached by a LEO. It reminds me of the annoyances bouncers face when dealing with drunk law students. I've dished out karmas to people for merely having acted as if they were concerned with dealing with security and answering politely. If you have watched any episode of Cops TV series, you know that cops but the handcuffs on and let you sit in their car for a while and let the spontaneous indignant anger and frustration turn to fear and reflection. For the same reason that we have temporary bans on this server. When people aren't being cooperative or coherent, how do you feel about letting them sit tight for 1-3 minutes before taking the statement? And then aborting the statement (for another 1-3 minutes) if the person is being abusive or noncooperating? Frankly, I feel that if people were behaving like that while employed on a critical installation, no supervisor would see them fit for duty to resume their responsibilities in any of the elevated access jobs. Naturally, we can't demote all emotionally unstable characters, but I feel that there is some blatant real-world contrast that is worth pointing out that I consider to be a part of the problem.
  14. Arent you saying that because you as a player know that the game mode is cultist? The religion itself may have been active for a long time up until this particular shift where it all goes out the window. Maybe the coders should add a few "blanks rounds" where the cultists are present, but they don't really have a malevolent objective just to throw metagamers off, while it in reality is a vamp round.
  15. Mining is lot of work for low yield. It's also somewhat weird that you are basically clearing out the entire area (at least fundamentally changing the landscape) during the course of a single shift. The whole area seems pristine (with a lot of investment in infrastructure) and you are clearing out the entire thing very fast without using a fracture of that infrastructure. I'd wish that ores had more yield and you worked through it at a much slower pace. I would want to survey more and then set up an emitter or something to get to certain ores (because the rock in between had no use anyway, or it could be turned to glass'ish ore). Then start moving produce. Wildlife would be cool. To have slightly conflicting interests with xeno arch/bio because we may destroy research opportunities would be cool. Xeno a/b could tape off places of scientific value and it would basically RP out (hopefully not in a complete Avatar war). As it is now, the message "we've uncovered diamonds" means very little.
  16. I didn't think the cult of Nar'Sie was considered illegal until they actually broke the law. Freedom of religion, if you will. I'm a bit confused as to the meaning of loyalty implants "Yes"/"No" in your guide. Does it mean that they are effective or that they are recommended? In the vampire section you say "no", but still you suggest this course of action under the "Notes". When it comes to borers, I think each round play out differently. Borer can be pretty RP heavy. Their goals are not mutually exclusive.
  17. I didn't know that cures could be diluted below 1u. That sure simplifies things.
  18. Yes, I think so, too. Shuttle kill before round ends is metagaming because you use the fact/knowledge that the round is about to end to take an action you would not otherwise take.
  19. Now I'm confused. The bottom of original post is also referring to the Librarian, not the chaplain, but you are the original poster. Did you mean the chaplain?
  20. Fair point about the chaplain. The chaplain character is largely formed by the player and may not suit the game mode. You did notice that I said "librarian", right?
  21. For all its precise science and futuristic gizmos endowed medbay, spam clicking "shake and try to wake up" 10-20 times to get a rouse out of someone sort of breaks the elegant professional stride. This oldie clip comes to mind....
  22. I assume that stuff like the hypospray you start out with as CMO is just a convenience. The station is supposed to be able to resupply future personell from R&D protolathe, Cargo autolathe or cargo shipments. If special items (plot devices) were supposed to be recycled from using the dorm cryos, then one way would be to have it enter normal disposals to be redistributed by cargo techs/QM.
  23. Any plans on letting the librarian be inspired by the Giles character from the Buffy series to combat magic centric antags? It would make the capel / library block the place for vampires and the like to avoid. Maybe there could be some librarian specific forensics pertaining to his adversaries. Like creating a vampire compass if given blood sample that could point the direction of the vampire (couple of minutes cool down).
  24. I would like the serial killer (or continuous antag as there could be more objective types than just killing) to play out over a time period where the detective work could catch up. For instance by waiting a couple of minutes until he got his next objective. Usually antags and the rounds in general play out too quickly for the detective work to complete. If a game mode had a "stabilizing" phase where the antag would resume his normal duties and be wondering wether or not he had covered his tracks well enough, that would put a lot more meaning in the detective role.
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