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About CheekyCrenando

  • Birthday July 3

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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Crob spotted
  2. I can't believe I forgot to reply to this! Sorry about that! I can be a bit forgetful at times, but anyways! As always wonderful work! And for your traitor compliment, I will say the round you mindslaved Srusu was both one of the most nerve wracking traitor rounds ive had, BUT also the Funnest ones ive ever had! I'm not the only good traitor here! You're really good yourself!
  3. Thank you so much! I really look forward to interacting here!
  4. Well I finally thought it's about time I actually use the forum! Ive been playing for about... 5-6 months give or take. This is my first actual experience with any kind of forum, so please excuse me if I don't take full advantage of features, or otherwise make mistakes! My main (And only) Character is Srusu Rskuzu! You've probably seen them around at some point! I look forward to being active here!
  5. Love your work! I'm looking forward to when comissions open up!
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