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Everything posted by Esenno

  1. Posted at the request of @Calyxmanwith a bit of personal flair.
  2. As good a place for it as any I reckon. But honestly yeah. Original post is pretty on the nose about it all.
  3. Necromancer.
  4. I believe so, yes.
  5. Meanwhile I guess I'm in the minority of IPCs for genuinely not caring about having a box of healing items because if I feel I need them more often than not you've got a cargo tech who knows about IPCs or just doesn't care enough to ask questions and it's only a minor inconvenience. But I also don't make it a point to always be prepared for if I get hurt. Personally? I like having the box as it is. Because I have a box of emergency supplies in case, say, some one releases N2O on the station and I stumble across some one choking I don't need to waste time getting their box.
  6. You read it here, boys, girls and shit birds. The thread is now "reach the highest number with out a player posting".
  7. What Neca says pretty much sums up my stance on things.
  8. Trial admins can't force round types.
  9. Some one get the syringe gun. The elderly are off their meds again.
  10. Wait McRamon is turning you into a cluwne? While hilarious I am quite curious how.
  11. There ya have it. I don't think I've ever really cared enough to actually bwoink some one over it all things considering. But that's the stance.
  12. Not a department. Only really okay if they're security. All else basically see the server rules on validhunting. That is my answer to this. Other admins may have their own ideas on it.
  13. You could always use it to save others and not just yourself. I've done that quite a few times. Or just give the contents to some one so they have two pens.
  14. It doesn't.
  15. I mean yeah. You try finding a good place to ditch your own body where security is almost bound to frequent that isn't there.
  16. I used to be rather neutral on bridge hoboing but... It's gotten rather out of hand and after thinking more about it it just doesn't make sense from a roleplay and rules standpoint. One you're, as previously stated, standing outside of a high security area. Two oftentimes miniature bars and the like are built in a hallway that slow traffic down in that area. An area which, as many know, is frequented by security often dragging in people who are under arrest or are responding to a call for help. Very reasonably you could argue bridge hoboing is a workplace hazard as it gives criminals a potential chance to escape and has the potential to slow down security's response to trouble. Now from an admin stand point: It's pretty low roleplay behavior and far too often do I see doctors, security officers, etc bridge hoboing.
  17. By far not the most undeserved thing I've been blamed for.
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