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Admins InGame Verified Members Wiki Contributor

Drakeven last won the day on January 23

Drakeven had the most liked content!

About Drakeven

  • Birthday 05/01/1998

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Security Officer (16/37)



  1. May he rest in peace, and in our bellies.
  2. Pretty sure it was eight my guy.
  3. Finally, a place I can post without ruining the chain. I think we're at 6?
  4. Impromptu Birthday party, and everyone showed up. Fate's make and model day! It was so very sweet... Even if the AI killed me a little beforehand. Even more people showed up after this! And I cut the cake with my sword :)
  5. Safety inspector! We need more of them in this spess-age
  6. 3? I'm not currently an admin soooo
  7. The TRIUMPHANT return of the Drakearts. This time for @Qwertytoforty's Kicha. Gosh. What a nostalgic time running though this thread to get here... I love space station.
  8. For some reason I couldn't put text in my last post- but uh, yeah! A short animation I did to test things out. First thing I've uploaded in a while so I hope you like it!
  9. nukierounds.mp4
  10. I think the sprites look pretty neat though.
  11. Also please ignore the fact that I spelt it 'Statoin' in the title. I was very excited when I made this thread.
  12. WIZNERD IS 32!? What is 35. We HAVE to find the person with the most forum posts. Where are they!
  13. A lot of Chaplains mistaking themselves as botanists here.
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